Limit related problems in differentiation [closed]

Limit related problems in differentiation [closed]

Suppose $alpha$ and $beta$ are two roots of the equation $ax^2+bx+c=0$. Find

Please help me to solve this calculus problem

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Welcome to Math SE! Your image is barely readable. Since the question is so short, how about type it in MathJax?
– Toby Mak
Sep 16 '18 at 11:58

Welcome to MSE. It will be more likely that you will get an answer if you show us that you made an effort. This should be added to the question rather than in the comments.
– José Carlos Santos
Sep 16 '18 at 12:01

What kind of rules can you use?
– Dr. Sonnhard Graubner
Sep 16 '18 at 12:07

Instead of suggesting an edit from a different account, please use your original account and click on "edit" to add details to your question. As it stands, it is not possible if the suggested edit is by you or by someone else pretending to be you. On a side note, using your original account, you can add comments to your own posts irrespective of reputation.
– GoodDeeds
Sep 16 '18 at 12:28

3 Answers


We have


then refer to standard limit as $tto 0$

$$frac1-cos tt^2to frac12$$

Recall that $lim_t to 0 frac1-cos tt^2 = frac12$.

We have

$$frac1-cos(ax^2+bx+c)(x-alpha)^2 = frac1-cos[a(x-alpha)(x-beta)](x-alpha)^2 = frac1-cos[a(x-alpha)(x-beta)][a(x-alpha)(x-beta)]^2cdot a^2(x-beta)^2 xrightarrowxtoalpha frac12a^2(alpha-beta)^2$$

@MathOverview Yes. Check that $$ax^2+bx+ c = aleft(x - frac-b+sqrtb^2-4ac2aright)left(x - frac-b-sqrtb^2-4ac2aright)$$
– mechanodroid
Sep 16 '18 at 12:34

Hint. Use the Taylor series of
around $alpha$. That is
cos(a(x-alpha)(x+beta))= 1-frac12(alpha-beta)^2(x-alpha)^2a^2+o((x-alpha)^3)