
Showing posts from December 27, 2018

How long does Turkish Airlines take for a flight refund?

0 Recently booked a ticket to Glasgow through Turkish Airlines and had to cancel the booking as I've inputed the wrong date. I called the airline operator and they said I was eligible for a full refund, so went ahead with the option. Was wondering how long would they take to process a refund request. Also wondering if anybody has experienced refund with Turkish Airlines before? I'm currently residing in Singapore, so I had to call the Singapore branch office and they directed me to the International office. It's best to call the branch office in the country you're residing in. refunds turkish-airlines share | improve this question edited Apr 2 '17 at 6:23 Ali Awan 10.6k 8 50 99 asked Apr 1 '17 at 13:23 Nadia 6 1 3 Did you try to check the airline website? I found this at the top of the Google search.… – Honorary World Citizen Apr 1 '...

How to clear and override table result

0 I have initial value on my table and I created a button that supposedly clear and override new value to my table. But what happening in my current script is if I clicked my button the table will just append a new row. Here is my current loader: function RefreshData() $.ajax( url: '/Home/GetItemList', type: 'GET', dataType: 'json', success: function (data) console.log(data); var row = ''; $('.table tbody').html(""); $.each(data, function (i, item) row += '<tr><td style="display:none;" >' + item.empSerial + '</td><td width="50%">' + + '</td><td width="30%">' + item.dept + '</td><td style="display:none;" >' + item.fname + '</td><td style="display:none;" >' + item.lname + '</td><td>' + '<button onclick="delete(this, ' +...