Is there a way to create Tex Live or LaTeX virtual environment?
26 6 I am looking for a Python-style virtualenv or venv to create a virtual environment where I can install LaTeX packages such that the packages are available to my current LaTeX project only (but not available system-wide). I am expecting something like the following: Create a virtual-environment path, say, ./venv . Set some environment variables or modify tlmgr install commands such that new packages are installed into ./venv with the proper directory structure. Set some environment variables or modify pdflatex commands such that the new documents I compile use packages from the ./venv directory along with the packages in the system-wide paths that came with Tex Live distribution. I do not however want to hardcode any ./venv paths in the LaTeX documents (the .tex files). The source code in the .tex file should be agnostic of whether it is being compiled with a virtual environment or not. packages paths texlive-2018 share | improve this question edite...