
Showing posts from April 12, 2019

Is there a way to create Tex Live or LaTeX virtual environment?

26 6 I am looking for a Python-style virtualenv or venv to create a virtual environment where I can install LaTeX packages such that the packages are available to my current LaTeX project only (but not available system-wide). I am expecting something like the following: Create a virtual-environment path, say, ./venv . Set some environment variables or modify tlmgr install commands such that new packages are installed into ./venv with the proper directory structure. Set some environment variables or modify pdflatex commands such that the new documents I compile use packages from the ./venv directory along with the packages in the system-wide paths that came with Tex Live distribution. I do not however want to hardcode any ./venv paths in the LaTeX documents (the .tex files). The source code in the .tex file should be agnostic of whether it is being compiled with a virtual environment or not. packages paths texlive-2018 share | improve this question edite...

Thyroid lymph nodes

[dummy-text] Thyroid lymph nodes From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search Thyroid lymph nodes 4. Thyroid Details System Lymphatic system Identifiers Latin Nodi lymphoidei thyreoidei Anatomical terminology [edit on Wikidata] The thyroid lymph nodes are deep anterior cervical lymph nodes found near the thyroid gland on the neck. v t e Anatomy of the lymphatic system Head and neck Head Back Occipital Mastoid/retroauricular Parotid Superficial Deep preauricular infra-auricular intraglandular Front Facial buccinator nasolabial Mandibular Submandibular Submental Cervical Superficial anterior lateral Deep Deep anterior cervical pretracheal paratracheal prelaryngeal thyroid Deep lateral cervical superior deep cervical inferior deep cervical retropharyngeal jugulodigastric jugulo-omohyoid Other Anterior cervical Lateral cervical Supraclavicular Vessels Jugular trunk Arm and axilla Nodes Axillary Brachial Pectoral Subscapular ...