
Showing posts from December 21, 2018


Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP Display on divination, featuring a cross-cultural range of items, in the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford, England. Not to be confused with Divinization. For other uses, see Divination (disambiguation). "Divining" redirects here. For pseudoscientific attempts to find water or other things, see Dowsing. Part of a series on Anthropology of religion This man in Rhumsiki, Cameroon, attempts to tell the future by interpreting the changes in position of various objects as caused by a freshwater crab through the practice of nggàm. [1] Basic concepts Afterlife Animism Communitas Comparative religion Divination Divine language Evolutionary origin of religions Fetishism Great Spirit Henotheism Initiation Liminality Magic Mana Monotheism Polytheism Transtheism Revitalization movement Rite of passage Ritual Sacred dance Sacred language Sacred–profane dichotomy Shamanism Soul dualism Theories about religions Totem Veneration of the dead Case studies Magic Coral...

Can compiler do a default implementation's inlining of the trait's method?

Can compiler do a default implementation's inlining of the trait's method? I understand that the trait's method doesn't have a body, so there is nothing to inline. But is there any sense to mark its default implementation like this? trait Magnitude fn square_magnitude( &self ) -> f64; #[inline] fn magnitude( &self ) -> f64 self.square_magnitude().sqrt() Do I need to rewrite whole method body and mark this impl's method with #[inline] when implementing the trait for type rather than marking just trait's method as above? #[inline] "I understand that the trait's method doesn't have a body, so there is nothing to inline." ??? – Stargateur Sep 3 at 5:51 Possible duplicates:… – hellow Sep 3 at 6:29 1 Answer 1 If I understand the question correctly, you are asking two things: magnitude square_magnitude magnitude sq...

AWS Batch Logs to splunk

1 I am using AWS Batch Service for my job. i want to send the logs generated from AWS Batch directly to Splunk instead of sending that to cloud-watch. How can i configure log-driver in AWS Batch to achieve this? -ND amazon-cloudwatch splunk aws-batch share | improve this question asked Aug 28 at 21:29 ND-G 36 1 6 add a comment  |  1 I am using AWS Batch Service for my job. i want to send the logs generated from AWS Batch directly to Splunk instead of sending that to cloud-watch. How can i configure log-driver in AWS Batch to achieve this? -ND amazon-cloudwatch splunk aws-batch share | improve this question asked Aug 28 at 21:29 ND-G 36 1 6 add a comment  |  1 1 1 I am using AWS Batch Service for my job. i want to send the logs generated from AWS Batch directly to Splunk instead of sending that to cloud-watch. How can i configure log-driver in AWS B...