Indian living in US on H1b travelling to Colombia [duplicate]
up vote 0 down vote favorite This question already has an answer here: Can an Indian citizen holding a valid USA visa visit Colombia without a visa? 4 answers Can a Indian Citizen living in US with H1b visa stamped, travel to COLOMBIA without getting tourist visa for Colombia stamped? It is a trip on a very short notice colombia share | improve this question asked Jun 1 '17 at 19:37 Ship 6 1 marked as duplicate by Honorary World Citizen, Giorgio, MadHatter, Ali Awan, choster Jun 1 '17 at 22:27 This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question. add a comment | up vote 0 down vote favorite This question already has an answer here: Can an Indian citizen holding a valid USA visa visit Colombia without a visa? 4 answers Can a Indian Citizen living in US with H1b visa stamped, travel to COLOMBIA without get...