
Showing posts from January 26, 2019

How do I find out if cars are allowed to drive on a particular off-road track in the UK?

7 I want to know if it is legally permitted to drive on these two trails in the county of Bath and Northeast Somerset: One of them connects Inglesbatch and Wilmington, the other connects Inglesbatch and Priston. They are the dark brown dotted lines going from the middle right of the image to the top left and middle left. uk driving maps off-road share | improve this question edited Nov 16 '16 at 13:06 Mark Mayo ♦ 129k 76 569 1289 asked Nov 15 '16 at 18:59 Ne Mo Ne Mo 665 1 5 11 2 Can I ask why? I am headed over that way next month and would hate to miss out on something interesting. – Gayot Fow Nov 15 '16 at 19:29 @pnuts the question title specifically asks about cars. I don't see why you'd think they are a cyclist. – CMaster Nov 16 '16 at 9:08 See Ordnance Survey map. – g...