Cost error in booking confirmation
up vote 2 down vote favorite In March this year, I booked 1 hotel room for 3 nights in Colombo, Sri Lanka through after browsing their website and entering the required data: 1 room ; 3 nights and got a price offer of Rs.28,676 (excl. taxes). I assumed it was the total price for 3 nights since "per night" was not mentioned and booked the room.'s booking confirmation also stated 1 room/3 nights Rs.28,676. However, at check-out at the hotel, I was forced to pay three times the amount. The fault is's due to insufficient information. What can I do. is not replying to my e-mails on this issue. bookings share | improve this question asked May 24 '17 at 6:22 Deejay4491 11 1 1 When I look on I see prices as given as the total for the stay, verified by looking at prices for 2 nights, 3 nights, 4 nights. Is it possible that the hotel in question is at fault here? ...