
Showing posts from December 10, 2018

Additional space cells in tables with equations

Additional space cells in tables with equations I try with some recommendations to add vertical space for cells with equations, and I couldn't achieve it. Here is my MWE: documentclass[12pt,a4paper]article usepackagearray usepackagemakecell renewcommandtheadfontnormalsizebfseries usepackage[math]cellspace setlengthcellspacetoplimit4pt setlengthcellspacebottomlimit4pt usepackagecolor,colortbl,hhline definecolorGraygray0.9 usepackagecaption usepackageamsmath begindocument begintable[htpb] centering captionSolución de la ecuación begintabular hline rowcolorGray theadCaso & theadSolución \ hline $zeta = 1$ & $u(t) = [u(0) + (dot u(0) + u(0) omega_n )t]e^-omega_n t$\hline $zeta > 1$ & $u(t) = dfrace^-omega_nzeta2omega_nsqrtzeta^2-1leftlbraceleft[omega_n(zeta+sqrtzeta^2-1)u(0)+dot u(0)right]e^omega_nsqrtzeta^2-1-big[omega_n(zeta - sqrtzeta^2-1)u(0)+dot u(0)big]e^-omega_nsqrtzeta^2-1rightrbrace$ \hline $zeta < 1$ & $u(t) = e^-omega_nzeta tleft...

Can I board Finnish Railways Intercity train from an intermediate station?

up vote 6 down vote favorite Bought a ticket from Helsinki -> Turku 2nd class, Intercity train (IC). I would like to board it at the first stop (Pasila, ~5 mins from Helsinki) instead of Helsinki and still use the same ticket. Possible? Can you cite any rules regarding the matter, please? Or should I be able to just sneak in on-board? Can somebody familiar with local customs confirm, please? Google search turned out nothing. trains tickets finland share | improve this question asked Jun 13 '17 at 0:07 mzu 3,916 2 15 31 add a comment  |  up vote 6 down vote favorite Bought a ticket from Helsinki -> Turku 2nd class, Intercity train (IC). I would like to board it at the first stop (Pasila, ~5 mins from Helsinki) instead of Helsinki and still use the same ticket. Possible? Can you cite any rules regarding the matter, please? Or should I be able to just sneak in on-board? Can somebody familiar with local customs c...

Zero-crossing rate

[dummy-text] Zero-crossing rate From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search The zero-crossing rate is the rate of sign-changes along a signal, i.e., the rate at which the signal changes from positive to negative or back. [1] This feature has been used heavily in both speech recognition and music information retrieval, being a key feature to classify percussive sounds. [2] ZCR is defined formally as zcr=1T−1∑t=1T−11R<0(stst−1)displaystyle zcr=frac 1T-1sum _t=1^T-1mathbb 1 _mathbb R _<0(s_ts_t-1) where sdisplaystyle s is a signal of length Tdisplaystyle T and 1R<0displaystyle mathbb 1 _mathbb R _<0 is an indicator function. In some cases only the "positive-going" or "negative-going" crossings are counted, rather than all the crossings - since, logically, between a pair of adjacent positive zero-crossings there must be one and only one negative zero-crossing. For monop...