
Showing posts from February 25, 2019

Blogger Code Image linking to post page

Blogger Code Image linking to post page Is this possible to achieve in blogger? My goal is to make Static page images to become clickable and link it to the actual post page. I know its possible by editing each post but I want to make it automatic. For example: In when you click the image from the homepage it will actually link you to the post page. I want to do the same but in blogger. Something like this <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "static_page"'><a expr:href='data:post.url'><static page images></a></b:if> Screenshot: What's the structure of your HTML, specifically for the posts showing on the frontpage? – Brilliand Jun 6 '12 at 21:44 1 Answer 1 Given that jQuery is available, you should be able to do it with something like this: $('a.title').each(function() var href = this.href; $(this).next('.article').find('img:not(a img)').each(function() var a = $('...

Is China Southern's website optimised for a particular browser?

10 1 I had a fairly bad experience using China Southern's website trying to select the seat for an existing ticket, even with Chrome, Safari, and Firefox on an OSX desktop. (Trying on a Sunday afternoon Sydney time on 7 August 2016). At least it was in English, though. Is the website optimised for a particular browser, such as Internet Explorer? Above: the result of trying to view online services for existing tickets. Above: the result of trying to view some sort of information about existing tickets. online-resources china-southern-airlines share | improve this question edited Aug 7 '16 at 11:32 hippietrail 46k 41 210 535 asked Aug 7 '16 at 9:30 Andrew Grimm Andrew Grimm 12.3k 9 71 180 Looks at first glance like a bog standard modern HTML5 responsive mobile friendly website. That's not to say that it doesn't have serious bugs, because it probably does. – Michael Hampton Aug 7 '16 at 9:49 ...