What is the probability of “true” lost baggage (never returned to owner)?
31 5 In "true" lost baggage, I mean the loss of your baggage that is, in the end, not returned to an owner and going to end up in reparation. According to the post here, the probability of the baggage being lost is 0.3%. However, this includes cases that the baggage is ultimately returned to the owner, which I assume consists of the most lost baggage occurences. I would rather like to know how probable it is for you to lose your baggage completely. Is there any research or statistics on this area? Since the expected amount of money on reparation is ridiculously low in my humble opinion, I feel scared of this happening. luggage statistics lost-luggage share | improve this question edited Mar 12 '17 at 6:09 asked Mar 10 '17 at 15:59 Blaszard 8,632 14 48 104 7 why are you scared of it happening specifically because the figures are low? That would mean it's less likely to happen... – Kate Gregory Mar ...