Are there any sites for camper van hire in Greece?
8 Many countries in southern Europe have rental services for small camping vans such as VW Transporters. In Portugal and Spain for example many private people rent out camping vans on platforms like Airbnb. I couldn't find anything comparable for Greece. Is there a platform where such things could be found, either private or commercial? car-rentals greece campers share | improve this question edited Feb 16 '17 at 12:15 pnuts 27k 3 67 165 asked Aug 10 '16 at 17:01 sheß sheß 141 4 Alternative to what ? – blackbird Aug 10 '16 at 17:21 1 I meant alternative to what e.g. Airbnb offers in other places. I changed the sentence – sheß Aug 10 '16 at 17:28 add a comment | 8 Many countries in southern Europe have rental services for small camping vans such as VW Transporters. In Portugal and Spain for example many private people rent out cam...