How do I minify CSS classnames with Ember CLI?
1 1 I looked through the docs on how to do this but nothing turned up. There's this: The compiled css-files are minified by broccoli-clean-css or broccoli-csso, if it is installed locally So I'm guessing it uses broccoli-clean-css by default which uses clean-css . I looked at both clean-css and csso and neither seem to have an option for mangling/minifying class names. So I looked at how the React / Webpack folks are doing it. They seem to use css-loader which relies on post-css . As far as I can tell, Ember doesn't use PostCSS out of the box? Question: how can I get Ember CLI to mangle class names and remove useless classes/IDs like .ember-view and #ember123 ? My motivation for this is I want to cache SSR content in Redis but my Redis instance is filling up so I need smaller payloads. Edit: I'm using ember-component-css but it doesn't have support for controlling all class names in a module. Looks like I'd have to migrate to ember-css-modules...