Laravel - what to use as session ID?
1 Im getting into laravel for backend purposes. I've noticed that there are several ID's provided by Laravel and I have no idea which one to use. When using "$request->session()->token();" it shows me an ID called _token. Then there's a Cookie token called laravel_session and apparently a 3rd one, consisting of numbers only, "session()->getId()". Which one is the one to use now? php laravel share | improve this question asked Nov 10 '18 at 22:51 Konstantin Schlegel Konstantin Schlegel 20 4 3 You just read and write to the session, you don't need to know what the session ID is. The PHP constant SID will always give it to you. – miken32 Nov 10 '18 at 22:53 Im using AngularJS in the frontend so I need to set the SessionID at the login. My question however is, which one? – Konstantin Schlegel Nov 10 '18 at 23:01 1 Your frontend does not need to kno...