How to extract info from imported data in shiny and use it as textInput?


I want to create an app with R shiny where I load data, display it and then I can make some operations on the data in another tibble/data frame and have the original data displayed in a tab. Additionally I would like to use the data in tibble cells to be used as the value for textInput. Thus far I have come up with this for the UI:

ui <- 
dashboardHeader(title="NGS library quantification app", titleWidth=500),
menuItem(text = "Raw Data", tabName = "r_data", icon=icon("clipboard")),
menuItem(text = "User Data", tabName = "u_data", icon=icon("clipboard")),
menuItem(text = "Analysis", tabName = "analysis", icon=icon("cog", lib = "glyphicon")),
menuItem(text = "Summary", tabName = "summary", icon=icon("book")),
tags$style(HTML(".main-sidebar font-size: 30px; ")) #change the font size to 30
// Bind classes to menu items, easiet to fill in manually
var ids = ['r_data','u_data','analysis', 'summary'];
for(i=0; i<ids.length; i++)

// Register click handeler
// Unactive menuSubItems

#Raw data tab
tabItem(tabName = "r_data", fileInput(inputId = "file", label = "Choose file"), tableOutput("info"), tableOutput("raw_data")),

#user data tab
tabItem(tabName = "u_data",
column(textInput("ID1", "Sample ID", value = ""),
textInput("ID2", "", value = ""),
textInput("ID3", "", value = ""),
textInput("ID4", "", value = ""),
textInput("ID5", "", value = ""),
textInput("ID6", "", value = ""),
textInput("ID7", "", value = ""),
textInput("ID8", "", value = ""),
column(numericInput("size1", "library size (bp)", value = NULL, step=1),
numericInput("size2", "", value = NULL, step=1),
numericInput("size3", "", value = NULL, step=1),
numericInput("size4", "", value = NULL, step=1),
numericInput("size5", "", value = NULL, step=1),
numericInput("size6", "", value = NULL, step=1),
numericInput("size7", "", value = NULL, step=1),
numericInput("size8", "", value = NULL, step=1),
width = 2),
column(numericInput("dil1", "First dilution", value = 100000, step=10000),
numericInput("dil2", "", value = 100000, step=10000),
numericInput("dil3", "", value = 100000, step=10000),
numericInput("dil4", "", value = 100000, step=10000),
numericInput("dil5", "", value = 100000, step=10000),
numericInput("dil6", "", value = 100000, step=10000),
numericInput("dil7", "", value = 100000, step=10000),
numericInput("dil8", "", value = 100000, step=10000),
width = 2),
column(numericInput("dil9", "Second dilution", value = 250000, step=10000),
numericInput("dil10", "", value = 250000, step=10000),
numericInput("dil11", "", value = 250000, step=10000),
numericInput("dil12", "", value = 250000, step=10000),
numericInput("dil13", "", value = 250000, step=10000),
numericInput("dil14", "", value = 250000, step=10000),
numericInput("dil15", "", value = 250000, step=10000),
numericInput("dil6", "", value = 250000, step=10000),
width = 2),
column(numericInput("dil17", "Third dilution", value = 500000, step=10000),
numericInput("dil18", "", value = 500000, step=10000),
numericInput("dil19", "", value = 500000, step=10000),
numericInput("dil20", "", value = 500000, step=10000),
numericInput("dil21", "", value = 500000, step=10000),
numericInput("dil22", "", value = 500000, step=10000),
numericInput("dil23", "", value = 500000, step=10000),
numericInput("dil24", "", value = 500000, step=10000),
width = 2),
column(textInput("check1", "Sample Detected?", "YES"),
textInput("check2", "", "YES"),
textInput("check3", "", "YES"),
textInput("check4", "", "YES"),
textInput("check5", "", "YES"),
textInput("check6", "", "YES"),
textInput("check7", "", "YES"),
textInput("check8", "", "YES"),
width = 2)

and then for the server:

server <- function(input, output, session)

# Reading data from CFX exported file
data <- reactive(
inFile <- input$file

data <- read_excel(paste(inFile$datapath), sheet=1, skip=18, col_types = c("text", "text", "text",
"text", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric",
"numeric", "numeric"))
ID1 <- reactive(data()[12, 2])
updateTextInput(session, "ID1", value = reactive(ID1()))

Those are just snippets that I hope will be helpful with evaluating this problem. The problem is that when I then go back to the user data and look at the sample ID rather than seeing the ID of the sample I see what appears to be the code of the ID1 variable? I have no idea what I am doing wrong. I am new to Shiny and can't really troubleshoot this. you can find the app here

And this is the output in the textInput("ID1", "Sample ID", value = ""):

structure(function () ,, .dependents$register(), if (.invalidated , observable = <environment>)

but I was expecting the value in the cell. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you everyone

share|improve this question


    I want to create an app with R shiny where I load data, display it and then I can make some operations on the data in another tibble/data frame and have the original data displayed in a tab. Additionally I would like to use the data in tibble cells to be used as the value for textInput. Thus far I have come up with this for the UI:

    ui <- 
    dashboardHeader(title="NGS library quantification app", titleWidth=500),
    menuItem(text = "Raw Data", tabName = "r_data", icon=icon("clipboard")),
    menuItem(text = "User Data", tabName = "u_data", icon=icon("clipboard")),
    menuItem(text = "Analysis", tabName = "analysis", icon=icon("cog", lib = "glyphicon")),
    menuItem(text = "Summary", tabName = "summary", icon=icon("book")),
    tags$style(HTML(".main-sidebar font-size: 30px; ")) #change the font size to 30
    // Bind classes to menu items, easiet to fill in manually
    var ids = ['r_data','u_data','analysis', 'summary'];
    for(i=0; i<ids.length; i++)

    // Register click handeler
    // Unactive menuSubItems

    #Raw data tab
    tabItem(tabName = "r_data", fileInput(inputId = "file", label = "Choose file"), tableOutput("info"), tableOutput("raw_data")),

    #user data tab
    tabItem(tabName = "u_data",
    column(textInput("ID1", "Sample ID", value = ""),
    textInput("ID2", "", value = ""),
    textInput("ID3", "", value = ""),
    textInput("ID4", "", value = ""),
    textInput("ID5", "", value = ""),
    textInput("ID6", "", value = ""),
    textInput("ID7", "", value = ""),
    textInput("ID8", "", value = ""),
    column(numericInput("size1", "library size (bp)", value = NULL, step=1),
    numericInput("size2", "", value = NULL, step=1),
    numericInput("size3", "", value = NULL, step=1),
    numericInput("size4", "", value = NULL, step=1),
    numericInput("size5", "", value = NULL, step=1),
    numericInput("size6", "", value = NULL, step=1),
    numericInput("size7", "", value = NULL, step=1),
    numericInput("size8", "", value = NULL, step=1),
    width = 2),
    column(numericInput("dil1", "First dilution", value = 100000, step=10000),
    numericInput("dil2", "", value = 100000, step=10000),
    numericInput("dil3", "", value = 100000, step=10000),
    numericInput("dil4", "", value = 100000, step=10000),
    numericInput("dil5", "", value = 100000, step=10000),
    numericInput("dil6", "", value = 100000, step=10000),
    numericInput("dil7", "", value = 100000, step=10000),
    numericInput("dil8", "", value = 100000, step=10000),
    width = 2),
    column(numericInput("dil9", "Second dilution", value = 250000, step=10000),
    numericInput("dil10", "", value = 250000, step=10000),
    numericInput("dil11", "", value = 250000, step=10000),
    numericInput("dil12", "", value = 250000, step=10000),
    numericInput("dil13", "", value = 250000, step=10000),
    numericInput("dil14", "", value = 250000, step=10000),
    numericInput("dil15", "", value = 250000, step=10000),
    numericInput("dil6", "", value = 250000, step=10000),
    width = 2),
    column(numericInput("dil17", "Third dilution", value = 500000, step=10000),
    numericInput("dil18", "", value = 500000, step=10000),
    numericInput("dil19", "", value = 500000, step=10000),
    numericInput("dil20", "", value = 500000, step=10000),
    numericInput("dil21", "", value = 500000, step=10000),
    numericInput("dil22", "", value = 500000, step=10000),
    numericInput("dil23", "", value = 500000, step=10000),
    numericInput("dil24", "", value = 500000, step=10000),
    width = 2),
    column(textInput("check1", "Sample Detected?", "YES"),
    textInput("check2", "", "YES"),
    textInput("check3", "", "YES"),
    textInput("check4", "", "YES"),
    textInput("check5", "", "YES"),
    textInput("check6", "", "YES"),
    textInput("check7", "", "YES"),
    textInput("check8", "", "YES"),
    width = 2)

    and then for the server:

    server <- function(input, output, session)

    # Reading data from CFX exported file
    data <- reactive(
    inFile <- input$file

    data <- read_excel(paste(inFile$datapath), sheet=1, skip=18, col_types = c("text", "text", "text",
    "text", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric",
    "numeric", "numeric"))
    ID1 <- reactive(data()[12, 2])
    updateTextInput(session, "ID1", value = reactive(ID1()))

    Those are just snippets that I hope will be helpful with evaluating this problem. The problem is that when I then go back to the user data and look at the sample ID rather than seeing the ID of the sample I see what appears to be the code of the ID1 variable? I have no idea what I am doing wrong. I am new to Shiny and can't really troubleshoot this. you can find the app here

    And this is the output in the textInput("ID1", "Sample ID", value = ""):

    structure(function () ,, .dependents$register(), if (.invalidated , observable = <environment>)

    but I was expecting the value in the cell. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you everyone

    share|improve this question




      I want to create an app with R shiny where I load data, display it and then I can make some operations on the data in another tibble/data frame and have the original data displayed in a tab. Additionally I would like to use the data in tibble cells to be used as the value for textInput. Thus far I have come up with this for the UI:

      ui <- 
      dashboardHeader(title="NGS library quantification app", titleWidth=500),
      menuItem(text = "Raw Data", tabName = "r_data", icon=icon("clipboard")),
      menuItem(text = "User Data", tabName = "u_data", icon=icon("clipboard")),
      menuItem(text = "Analysis", tabName = "analysis", icon=icon("cog", lib = "glyphicon")),
      menuItem(text = "Summary", tabName = "summary", icon=icon("book")),
      tags$style(HTML(".main-sidebar font-size: 30px; ")) #change the font size to 30
      // Bind classes to menu items, easiet to fill in manually
      var ids = ['r_data','u_data','analysis', 'summary'];
      for(i=0; i<ids.length; i++)

      // Register click handeler
      // Unactive menuSubItems

      #Raw data tab
      tabItem(tabName = "r_data", fileInput(inputId = "file", label = "Choose file"), tableOutput("info"), tableOutput("raw_data")),

      #user data tab
      tabItem(tabName = "u_data",
      column(textInput("ID1", "Sample ID", value = ""),
      textInput("ID2", "", value = ""),
      textInput("ID3", "", value = ""),
      textInput("ID4", "", value = ""),
      textInput("ID5", "", value = ""),
      textInput("ID6", "", value = ""),
      textInput("ID7", "", value = ""),
      textInput("ID8", "", value = ""),
      column(numericInput("size1", "library size (bp)", value = NULL, step=1),
      numericInput("size2", "", value = NULL, step=1),
      numericInput("size3", "", value = NULL, step=1),
      numericInput("size4", "", value = NULL, step=1),
      numericInput("size5", "", value = NULL, step=1),
      numericInput("size6", "", value = NULL, step=1),
      numericInput("size7", "", value = NULL, step=1),
      numericInput("size8", "", value = NULL, step=1),
      width = 2),
      column(numericInput("dil1", "First dilution", value = 100000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil2", "", value = 100000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil3", "", value = 100000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil4", "", value = 100000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil5", "", value = 100000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil6", "", value = 100000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil7", "", value = 100000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil8", "", value = 100000, step=10000),
      width = 2),
      column(numericInput("dil9", "Second dilution", value = 250000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil10", "", value = 250000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil11", "", value = 250000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil12", "", value = 250000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil13", "", value = 250000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil14", "", value = 250000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil15", "", value = 250000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil6", "", value = 250000, step=10000),
      width = 2),
      column(numericInput("dil17", "Third dilution", value = 500000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil18", "", value = 500000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil19", "", value = 500000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil20", "", value = 500000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil21", "", value = 500000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil22", "", value = 500000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil23", "", value = 500000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil24", "", value = 500000, step=10000),
      width = 2),
      column(textInput("check1", "Sample Detected?", "YES"),
      textInput("check2", "", "YES"),
      textInput("check3", "", "YES"),
      textInput("check4", "", "YES"),
      textInput("check5", "", "YES"),
      textInput("check6", "", "YES"),
      textInput("check7", "", "YES"),
      textInput("check8", "", "YES"),
      width = 2)

      and then for the server:

      server <- function(input, output, session)

      # Reading data from CFX exported file
      data <- reactive(
      inFile <- input$file

      data <- read_excel(paste(inFile$datapath), sheet=1, skip=18, col_types = c("text", "text", "text",
      "text", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric",
      "numeric", "numeric"))
      ID1 <- reactive(data()[12, 2])
      updateTextInput(session, "ID1", value = reactive(ID1()))

      Those are just snippets that I hope will be helpful with evaluating this problem. The problem is that when I then go back to the user data and look at the sample ID rather than seeing the ID of the sample I see what appears to be the code of the ID1 variable? I have no idea what I am doing wrong. I am new to Shiny and can't really troubleshoot this. you can find the app here

      And this is the output in the textInput("ID1", "Sample ID", value = ""):

      structure(function () ,, .dependents$register(), if (.invalidated , observable = <environment>)

      but I was expecting the value in the cell. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you everyone

      share|improve this question

      I want to create an app with R shiny where I load data, display it and then I can make some operations on the data in another tibble/data frame and have the original data displayed in a tab. Additionally I would like to use the data in tibble cells to be used as the value for textInput. Thus far I have come up with this for the UI:

      ui <- 
      dashboardHeader(title="NGS library quantification app", titleWidth=500),
      menuItem(text = "Raw Data", tabName = "r_data", icon=icon("clipboard")),
      menuItem(text = "User Data", tabName = "u_data", icon=icon("clipboard")),
      menuItem(text = "Analysis", tabName = "analysis", icon=icon("cog", lib = "glyphicon")),
      menuItem(text = "Summary", tabName = "summary", icon=icon("book")),
      tags$style(HTML(".main-sidebar font-size: 30px; ")) #change the font size to 30
      // Bind classes to menu items, easiet to fill in manually
      var ids = ['r_data','u_data','analysis', 'summary'];
      for(i=0; i<ids.length; i++)

      // Register click handeler
      // Unactive menuSubItems

      #Raw data tab
      tabItem(tabName = "r_data", fileInput(inputId = "file", label = "Choose file"), tableOutput("info"), tableOutput("raw_data")),

      #user data tab
      tabItem(tabName = "u_data",
      column(textInput("ID1", "Sample ID", value = ""),
      textInput("ID2", "", value = ""),
      textInput("ID3", "", value = ""),
      textInput("ID4", "", value = ""),
      textInput("ID5", "", value = ""),
      textInput("ID6", "", value = ""),
      textInput("ID7", "", value = ""),
      textInput("ID8", "", value = ""),
      column(numericInput("size1", "library size (bp)", value = NULL, step=1),
      numericInput("size2", "", value = NULL, step=1),
      numericInput("size3", "", value = NULL, step=1),
      numericInput("size4", "", value = NULL, step=1),
      numericInput("size5", "", value = NULL, step=1),
      numericInput("size6", "", value = NULL, step=1),
      numericInput("size7", "", value = NULL, step=1),
      numericInput("size8", "", value = NULL, step=1),
      width = 2),
      column(numericInput("dil1", "First dilution", value = 100000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil2", "", value = 100000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil3", "", value = 100000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil4", "", value = 100000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil5", "", value = 100000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil6", "", value = 100000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil7", "", value = 100000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil8", "", value = 100000, step=10000),
      width = 2),
      column(numericInput("dil9", "Second dilution", value = 250000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil10", "", value = 250000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil11", "", value = 250000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil12", "", value = 250000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil13", "", value = 250000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil14", "", value = 250000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil15", "", value = 250000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil6", "", value = 250000, step=10000),
      width = 2),
      column(numericInput("dil17", "Third dilution", value = 500000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil18", "", value = 500000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil19", "", value = 500000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil20", "", value = 500000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil21", "", value = 500000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil22", "", value = 500000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil23", "", value = 500000, step=10000),
      numericInput("dil24", "", value = 500000, step=10000),
      width = 2),
      column(textInput("check1", "Sample Detected?", "YES"),
      textInput("check2", "", "YES"),
      textInput("check3", "", "YES"),
      textInput("check4", "", "YES"),
      textInput("check5", "", "YES"),
      textInput("check6", "", "YES"),
      textInput("check7", "", "YES"),
      textInput("check8", "", "YES"),
      width = 2)

      and then for the server:

      server <- function(input, output, session)

      # Reading data from CFX exported file
      data <- reactive(
      inFile <- input$file

      data <- read_excel(paste(inFile$datapath), sheet=1, skip=18, col_types = c("text", "text", "text",
      "text", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric",
      "numeric", "numeric"))
      ID1 <- reactive(data()[12, 2])
      updateTextInput(session, "ID1", value = reactive(ID1()))

      Those are just snippets that I hope will be helpful with evaluating this problem. The problem is that when I then go back to the user data and look at the sample ID rather than seeing the ID of the sample I see what appears to be the code of the ID1 variable? I have no idea what I am doing wrong. I am new to Shiny and can't really troubleshoot this. you can find the app here

      And this is the output in the textInput("ID1", "Sample ID", value = ""):

      structure(function () ,, .dependents$register(), if (.invalidated , observable = <environment>)

      but I was expecting the value in the cell. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you everyone

      r shiny

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Nov 11 '18 at 0:10




      asked Nov 10 '18 at 22:57

      Dawid WalasDawid Walas



          1 Answer





          There are a few changes you need to make:

          1. Put your updateTextInput inside an observer. This is because you need to read from a reactive expression, and observe does that.

          2. You need to parse ID1() using as.character before being able to display it in your app.

          Change your server to the following:

          server <- function(input, output, session)

          # Reading data from CFX exported file
          data <- reactive(
          inFile <- input$file

          data <- readxl::read_excel(paste(inFile$datapath), sheet=1, skip=18,
          col_types = c("text", "text", "text","text", "numeric",
          "numeric", "numeric","numeric", "numeric"))

          ID1 <- reactive(data()[12, 2])

          updateTextInput(session, "ID1", value = as.character(ID1()))

          share|improve this answer

          • Hi Vishesh Shrivastav, Thank you very much. That solved the problem. Best wishes Dawid

            – Dawid Walas
            Nov 11 '18 at 9:00

          • Glad that it helped. Please mark the answer as correct.

            – Vishesh Shrivastav
            Nov 11 '18 at 16:15

          Your Answer

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          1 Answer




          1 Answer











          There are a few changes you need to make:

          1. Put your updateTextInput inside an observer. This is because you need to read from a reactive expression, and observe does that.

          2. You need to parse ID1() using as.character before being able to display it in your app.

          Change your server to the following:

          server <- function(input, output, session)

          # Reading data from CFX exported file
          data <- reactive(
          inFile <- input$file

          data <- readxl::read_excel(paste(inFile$datapath), sheet=1, skip=18,
          col_types = c("text", "text", "text","text", "numeric",
          "numeric", "numeric","numeric", "numeric"))

          ID1 <- reactive(data()[12, 2])

          updateTextInput(session, "ID1", value = as.character(ID1()))

          share|improve this answer

          • Hi Vishesh Shrivastav, Thank you very much. That solved the problem. Best wishes Dawid

            – Dawid Walas
            Nov 11 '18 at 9:00

          • Glad that it helped. Please mark the answer as correct.

            – Vishesh Shrivastav
            Nov 11 '18 at 16:15


          There are a few changes you need to make:

          1. Put your updateTextInput inside an observer. This is because you need to read from a reactive expression, and observe does that.

          2. You need to parse ID1() using as.character before being able to display it in your app.

          Change your server to the following:

          server <- function(input, output, session)

          # Reading data from CFX exported file
          data <- reactive(
          inFile <- input$file

          data <- readxl::read_excel(paste(inFile$datapath), sheet=1, skip=18,
          col_types = c("text", "text", "text","text", "numeric",
          "numeric", "numeric","numeric", "numeric"))

          ID1 <- reactive(data()[12, 2])

          updateTextInput(session, "ID1", value = as.character(ID1()))

          share|improve this answer

          • Hi Vishesh Shrivastav, Thank you very much. That solved the problem. Best wishes Dawid

            – Dawid Walas
            Nov 11 '18 at 9:00

          • Glad that it helped. Please mark the answer as correct.

            – Vishesh Shrivastav
            Nov 11 '18 at 16:15




          There are a few changes you need to make:

          1. Put your updateTextInput inside an observer. This is because you need to read from a reactive expression, and observe does that.

          2. You need to parse ID1() using as.character before being able to display it in your app.

          Change your server to the following:

          server <- function(input, output, session)

          # Reading data from CFX exported file
          data <- reactive(
          inFile <- input$file

          data <- readxl::read_excel(paste(inFile$datapath), sheet=1, skip=18,
          col_types = c("text", "text", "text","text", "numeric",
          "numeric", "numeric","numeric", "numeric"))

          ID1 <- reactive(data()[12, 2])

          updateTextInput(session, "ID1", value = as.character(ID1()))

          share|improve this answer

          There are a few changes you need to make:

          1. Put your updateTextInput inside an observer. This is because you need to read from a reactive expression, and observe does that.

          2. You need to parse ID1() using as.character before being able to display it in your app.

          Change your server to the following:

          server <- function(input, output, session)

          # Reading data from CFX exported file
          data <- reactive(
          inFile <- input$file

          data <- readxl::read_excel(paste(inFile$datapath), sheet=1, skip=18,
          col_types = c("text", "text", "text","text", "numeric",
          "numeric", "numeric","numeric", "numeric"))

          ID1 <- reactive(data()[12, 2])

          updateTextInput(session, "ID1", value = as.character(ID1()))

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          answered Nov 11 '18 at 1:04

          Vishesh ShrivastavVishesh Shrivastav



          • Hi Vishesh Shrivastav, Thank you very much. That solved the problem. Best wishes Dawid

            – Dawid Walas
            Nov 11 '18 at 9:00

          • Glad that it helped. Please mark the answer as correct.

            – Vishesh Shrivastav
            Nov 11 '18 at 16:15

          • Hi Vishesh Shrivastav, Thank you very much. That solved the problem. Best wishes Dawid

            – Dawid Walas
            Nov 11 '18 at 9:00

          • Glad that it helped. Please mark the answer as correct.

            – Vishesh Shrivastav
            Nov 11 '18 at 16:15

          Hi Vishesh Shrivastav, Thank you very much. That solved the problem. Best wishes Dawid

          – Dawid Walas
          Nov 11 '18 at 9:00

          Hi Vishesh Shrivastav, Thank you very much. That solved the problem. Best wishes Dawid

          – Dawid Walas
          Nov 11 '18 at 9:00

          Glad that it helped. Please mark the answer as correct.

          – Vishesh Shrivastav
          Nov 11 '18 at 16:15

          Glad that it helped. Please mark the answer as correct.

          – Vishesh Shrivastav
          Nov 11 '18 at 16:15

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