Is java.util.Random really that random? How can I generate 52! (factorial) possible sequences?

Is java.util.Random really that random? How can I generate 52! (factorial) possible sequences?

I've been using Random (java.util.Random) to shuffle a deck of 52 cards. There are 52! (8.0658175e+67) possibilities. Yet, I've found out that the seed for java.util.Random is a long, which is much smaller at 2^64 (1.8446744e+19).

Random (java.util.Random)



From here, I'm suspicious whether java.util.Random is really that random; is it actually capable of generating all 52! possibilities?


If not, how can I reliably generate a better random sequence that can produce all 52! possibilities?

"how can I surely generate a real random number over 52!" The numbers from Random are never real random numbers. It's a PRNG, where P stands for "pseudo." For real random numbers, you need a source of randomness (such as

– T.J. Crowder
Aug 9 '18 at 15:49


@JimGarrison That is not what OP's after. He's talking about 10^68 possible sequences. Since each pseudo-random sequence is identified by its seed, OP says there could be at the most 2^64 different sequences.

– dasblinkenlight
Aug 9 '18 at 15:50

I think it's an interesting question, and is worth thinking about. But I can't help wondering about your problem context: what it is exactly that's leading to the requirement to be able to generate all 52! permutations? For example, in real-world bridge we can shuffle the deck and deal one card at a time, yet there are only ~6e11 different hands since many different permutations result in the same hand. Thinking in the other direction, do you need a solution specifically for 52!, or do you need one that generalizes to, say, two decks shuffled together (104!/(2**52) possibilities, or ~2e150)?

Aug 9 '18 at 16:19

@NPE - Take Solitaire (Klondike) for instance, 52! is exactly the number of possible hands..

– Serj Ardovic
Aug 9 '18 at 16:23

I think this is an interesting read:

– Dennis_E
Aug 10 '18 at 14:05

8 Answers

Selecting a random permutation requires simultaneously more and less randomness than what your question implies. Let me explain.

The bad news: need more randomness.

The fundamental flaw in your approach is that it's trying to choose between ~2226 possibilities using 64 bits of entropy (the random seed). To fairly choose between ~2226 possibilities you're going to have to find a way to generate 226 bits of entropy instead of 64.

There are several ways to generate random bits: dedicated hardware, CPU instructions, OS interfaces, online services. There is already an implicit assumption in your question that you can somehow generate 64 bits, so just do whatever you were going to do, only four times, and donate the excess bits to charity. :)

The good news: need less randomness.

Once you have those 226 random bits, the rest can be done deterministically and so the properties of java.util.Random can be made irrelevant. Here is how.


Let's say we generate all 52! permutations (bear with me) and sort them lexicographically.

To choose one of the permutations all we need is a single random integer between 0 and 52!-1. That integer is our 226 bits of entropy. We'll use it as an index into our sorted list of permutations. If the random index is uniformly distributed, not only are you guaranteed that all permutations can be chosen, they will be chosen equiprobably (which is a stronger guarantee than what the question is asking).



Now, you don't actually need to generate all those permutations. You can produce one directly, given its randomly chosen position in our hypothetical sorted list. This can be done in O(n2) time using the Lehmer[1] code (also see numbering permutations and factoriadic number system). The n here is the size of your deck, i.e. 52.

There is a C implementation in this StackOverflow answer. There are several integer variables there that would overflow for n=52, but luckily in Java you can use java.math.BigInteger. The rest of the computations can be transcribed almost as-is:


public static int shuffle(int n, BigInteger random_index)
int perm = new int[n];
BigInteger fact = new BigInteger[n];
fact[0] = BigInteger.ONE;
for (int k = 1; k < n; ++k)
fact[k] = fact[k - 1].multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(k));

// compute factorial code
for (int k = 0; k < n; ++k)
BigInteger divmod = random_index.divideAndRemainder(fact[n - 1 - k]);
perm[k] = divmod[0].intValue();
random_index = divmod[1];

// readjust values to obtain the permutation
// start from the end and check if preceding values are lower
for (int k = n - 1; k > 0; --k)
for (int j = k - 1; j >= 0; --j)
if (perm[j] <= perm[k])

return perm;

public static void main (String args)
System.out.printf("%sn", Arrays.toString(
shuffle(52, new BigInteger(

[1] Not to be confused with Lehrer. :)

Heh, and I was sure the link at the end would be New Math. :-)

– T.J. Crowder
Aug 10 '18 at 11:22

@T.J.Crowder: It very nearly was! It was the infinitely differentiable Riemannian manifolds that swung it. :-)

Aug 10 '18 at 11:22

Good to see people appreciating the classics. :-)

– T.J. Crowder
Aug 10 '18 at 11:27

Where do you get the random 226 bits in Java? Sorry, your code does not answer that.

– Thorsten S.
Aug 11 '18 at 12:08

I don't understand what you mean, Java Random() won't provide 64 bits of entropy either. The OP implies an unspecified source that can produce 64 bits to seed the PRNG. It makes sense to assume that you can ask the same source for 226 bits.

– Goyo
Aug 11 '18 at 17:09

Your analysis is correct: seeding a pseudo-random number generator with any specific seed must yield the same sequence after a shuffle, limiting the number of permutations that you could obtain to 264. This assertion is easy to verify experimentally by calling Collection.shuffle twice, passing a Random object initialized with the same seed, and observing that the two random shuffles are identical.



A solution to this, then, is to use a random number generator that allows for a larger seed. Java provides SecureRandom class that could be initialized with byte array of virtually unlimited size. You could then pass an instance of SecureRandom to Collections.shuffle to complete the task:





byte seed = new byte[...];
Random rnd = new SecureRandom(seed);
Collections.shuffle(deck, rnd);

Surely, a large seed isn't a guarantee that all 52! possibilities would be produced (which is what this question is specifically about)? As a thought experiment, consider a pathological PRNG that takes an arbitrarily large seed and generates an infinitely long series of zeroes. It seems pretty clear that the PRNG needs to satisfy more requirements than just taking a large enough seed.

Aug 9 '18 at 16:11

@SerjArdovic Yes, any seed material passed to a SecureRandom object must be unpredictable, as per Java documentation.

– dasblinkenlight
Aug 9 '18 at 16:12

@NPE You are right, although a too-small seed is a guarantee of the upper limit, a large enough seed is not a guaranteed on the lower limit. All this does is removing of a theoretical upper limit, making it possible for the RNG to generate all 52! combinations.

– dasblinkenlight
Aug 9 '18 at 16:16

@SerjArdovic The smallest number of bytes required for that is 29 (you need 226 bits to represent 52! possible bit combinations, which is 28.25 bytes, so we must round it up). Note that using 29 bytes of seed material removes the theoretical upper limit on the number of shuffles you could get, without establishing the lower limit (see NPE's comment about a crappy RNG that takes a very large seed and generates a sequence of all zeros).

– dasblinkenlight
Aug 9 '18 at 16:22

The SecureRandom implementation will almost surely use an underlying PRNG. And it depends on that PRNG's period (and to a lesser extent, state length) whether it's capable of choosing from among 52 factorial permutations. (Note that the documentation says the SecureRandom implementation "minimally complies with" certain statistical tests and generates outputs that "must be cryptographically strong", but places no explicit lower limit on the underlying PRNG's state length or on its period.)

– Peter O.
Aug 9 '18 at 16:37



In general, a pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) can't choose from among all permutations of a 52-item list if its state length is less than 226 bits.

java.util.Random implements an algorithm with a modulus of 248; thus its state length is only 48 bits, so much less than the 226 bits I referred to. You will need to use another PRNG with a bigger state length — specifically, one with a period of 52 factorial or greater.


See also "Shuffling" in my article on random number generators.

This consideration is independent of the nature of the PRNG; it applies equally to cryptographic and noncryptographic PRNGs (of course, noncryptographic PRNGs are inappropriate whenever information security is involved).

Although allows seeds of unlimited length to be passed in, the SecureRandom implementation could use an underlying PRNG (e.g., "SHA1PRNG" or "DRBG"). And it depends on that PRNG's period (and to a lesser extent, state length) whether it's capable of choosing from among 52 factorial permutations. (Note that I define "state length" as the "maximum size of the seed a PRNG can take to initialize its state without shortening or compressing that seed").


Let me apologize in advance, because this is a little tough to understand...

First of all, you already know that java.util.Random is not completely random at all. It generates sequences in a perfectly predictable way from the seed. You are completely correct that, since the seed is only 64 bits long, it can only generate 2^64 different sequences. If you were to somehow generate 64 real random bits and use them to select a seed, you could not use that seed to randomly choose between all of the 52! possible sequences with equal probability.


However, this fact is of no consequence as long as you're not actually going to generate more than 2^64 sequences, as long as there is nothing 'special' or 'noticeably special' about the 2^64 sequences that it can generate.

Lets say you had a much better PRNG that used 1000-bit seeds. Imagine you had two ways to initialize it -- one way would initialize it using the whole seed, and one way would hash the seed down to 64 bits before initializing it.

If you didn't know which initializer was which, could you write any kind of test to distinguish them? Unless you were (un)lucky enough to end up initializing the bad one with the same 64 bits twice, then the answer is no. You could not distinguish between the two initializers without some detailed knowledge of some weakness in the specific PRNG implementation.

Alternatively, imagine that the Random class had an array of 2^64 sequences that were selected completely and random at some time in the distant past, and that the seed was just an index into this array.


So the fact that Random uses only 64 bits for its seed is actually not necessarily a problem statistically, as long as there is no significant chance that you will use the same seed twice.


Of course, for cryptographic purposes, a 64 bit seed is just not enough, because getting a system to use the same seed twice is computationally feasible.


I should add that, even though all of the above is correct, that the actual implementation of java.util.Random is not awesome. If you are writing a card game, maybe use the MessageDigest API to generate the SHA-256 hash of "MyGameName"+System.currentTimeMillis(), and use those bits to shuffle the deck. By the above argument, as long as your users are not really gambling, you don't have to worry that currentTimeMillis returns a long. If your users are really gambling, then use SecureRandom with no seed.






@ThorstenS, how could you write any kind of test that could determine that there are card combinations that can never come up?

– Matt Timmermans
Aug 11 '18 at 13:03

There are several random number test suites like Diehard from George Marsaglia or TestU01 from Pierre L’Ecuyer/Richard Simard which easily find statistical anomalies in random output. For card checking you can use two squares. You determine the card order. The first square shows the position of the first two cards as xy pair: The first card as x and the difference(!) position (-26-25) of the second card as y. The second square shows 3rd and 4th card with (-25-25) relative to the 2nd/3rd. This will show immediately gaps and clusters in your distribution if you run it for a time.

– Thorsten S.
Aug 11 '18 at 14:36

Well, that's not the test you said you could write, but it also doesn't apply. Why do you assume that there are gaps and clusters in the distribution that such tests would uncover? That would imply a "specific weakness in the PRNG implementation" as I mentioned, and has nothing at all to do with the number of possible seeds. Such tests don't even require you to reseed the generator. I did warn at the start that this was hard to understand.

– Matt Timmermans
Aug 11 '18 at 15:49

@ThorstenS. Those test suites absolutely will not determine whether your source is a 64-bit-seeded cryptographically secure PRNG or a true RNG. (Testing PRNGs is what those suites are for, after all.) Even if you knew the algorithm in use, a good PRNG makes it infeasible to determine the state without a brute force search of the state space.

– Sneftel
Aug 12 '18 at 19:03

@ThorstenS.: In a real deck of cards, the vast majority of combinations will never come up. You just don't know which ones those are. For a half-decent PRNG it's the same - if you can test whether a given output sequence that long is in its image, that's a flaw in the PRNG. Ridiculously huge state/period like 52! is not needed; 128-bit should suffice.

– R..
Aug 12 '18 at 22:46

I'm going to take a bit of a different tack on this. You're right on your assumptions - your PRNG isn't going to be able to hit all 52! possibilities.

The question is: what's the scale of your card game?

If you're making a simple klondike-style game? Then you definitely don't need all 52! possibilities. Instead, look at it like this: a player will have 18 quintillion distinct games. Even accounting for the 'Birthday Problem', they'd have to play billions of hands before they'd run into the first duplicate game.

If you're making a monte-carlo simulation? Then you're probably okay. You might have to deal with artifacts due to the 'P' in PRNG, but you're probably not going to run into problems simply due to a low seed space (again, you're looking at quintillions of unique possibilities.) On the flip side, if you're working with large iteration count, then, yeah, your low seed space might be a deal-breaker.

If you're making a multiplayer card game, particularly if there's money on the line? Then you're going to need to do some googling on how the online poker sites handled the same problem you're asking about. Because while the low seed space issue isn't noticeable to the average player, it is exploitable if it's worth the time investment. (The poker sites all went through a phase where their PRNGs were 'hacked', letting someone see the hole cards of all the other players, simply by deducing the seed from exposed cards.) If this is the situation you're in, don't simply find a better PRNG - you'll need to treat it as seriously as a Crypto problem.

Short solution which is essentially the same of dasblinkenlight:

// Java 7
SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();
// Java 8
SecureRandom random = SecureRandom.getInstanceStrong();

Collections.shuffle(deck, random);

You don't need to worry about the internal state. Long explanation why:

When you create a SecureRandom instance this way, it accesses an OS specific
true random number generator. This is either an entropy pool where values are
accessed which contain random bits (e.g. for a nanosecond timer the nanosecond
precision is essentially random) or an internal hardware number generator.


This input (!) which may still contain spurious traces are fed into a
cryptographically strong hash which removes those traces. That is the reason those CSPRNGs are used, not for creating those numbers themselves! The SecureRandom has a counter which traces how many bits were used (getBytes(), getLong() etc.) and refills the SecureRandom with entropy bits when necessary.





In short: Simply forget objections and use SecureRandom as true random number generator.


If you consider the number as just an array of bits (or bytes) then maybe you could use the (Secure)Random.nextBytes solutions suggested in this Stack Overflow question, and then map the array into a new BigInteger(byte).


new BigInteger(byte)

A very simple algorithm is to apply SHA-256 to a sequence of integers incrementing from 0 upwards. (A salt can be appended if desired to "get a different sequence".) If we assume that the output of SHA-256 is "as good as" uniformly distributed integers between 0 and 2256 - 1 then we have enough entropy for the task.

To get a permutation from the output of SHA256 (when expressed as an integer) one simply needs to reduce it modulo 52, 51, 50... as in this pseudocode:

deck = [0..52]
shuffled =
r = SHA256(i)

while deck.size > 0:
pick = r % deck.size
r = floor(r / deck.size)

delete deck[pick]

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