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Tweet your way to a new job

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Tweet your way to a new job

She had never worked in fashion but was determined to land a job in the competitive industry. She curated content from top designers and fashion bloggers on her Twitter profile and also shared personal fashion ideas and tips.

That job-seeker’s strategy worked, underscoring the role Twitter can play in your job search — particularly when used with LinkedIn — says Melonie Dodaro, bestselling author of The LinkedIn Code and founder/CEO of Top Dog Social Media ( in B.C.

Remember that any social networking site is above all social. "Setting a priority of creating and maintaining relationships is vital in any social networking mission," Dodaro says.

Create an audience of people who like and respect you and enjoy the messages you share that enhance their lives or businesses. "You want to build your social currency with your audience so that in times of need, trust and rapport have already been established and members of that community who have resources and connections can help in your job search."

Dodaro offers these tips:

Tip 1: Even raw searches can be powerful. Try searching ‘#hiring X’ where X is the type of job or industry in which you’re seeing work. You can even geographically target your search using Twitter’s "advanced search" interface.

Tip 2: Use LinkedIn or Followerwonk to find people who work at a company that interests you, search a few key personnel on Twitter and connect with them informally there. Once you’ve established rapport, move the connection to LinkedIn, where it may be easier to ask to be introduced to the person hiring for the job.

Tip 3: Create a public list called "companies I covet." When you find people on Twitter using the above tips, add them to this list and they’ll receive a notification that you added them to this list. "Who wouldn’t check out the profile of someone with a list called ‘companies I covet’? Make sure your bio is optimized for your job search."

Tip 4: Use Twitter as a call-to-action with a direct tweet to watch for your e-mail or LinkedIn message. Most Twitter accounts are mobile enabled and tweet a phone on an inbound message. Follow up via e-mail or LinkedIn where you’re not limited to 140 characters.

Admittedly, it can be time-consuming to establish a Twitter community and you shouldn’t start networking until you’ve created a professional bio and can post a professional picture. "Twitter is an interesting network," says Dodaro.

"Facebook is very much a personal network; LinkedIn is a professional network and Twitter is a hybrid between personal and professional. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with mixing up personal and business stuff — just make sure that it’s not inappropriate in any way."

That means it should be able to pass muster with your current employer, future employer, future spouse, mother, father and grandmother, Dodaro reminds. "When people Google you, they’ll often find your LinkedIn profile but one of the other networks that shows up at the top of the search results is Twitter.

"Unlike Facebook, which has privacy settings, it’s public so everybody can see every single thing you’ve tweeted," she warns.

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