Top 10 Best Internet Marketing Gurus in 2017

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Top 10 Best Internet Marketing Gurus in 2017

Table of Contents

  • 1 My Top 10 Best Internet Marketing Gurus in 2017

      • 1.0.1 Ryan Deiss

      • 1.0.2 Neil Patel

      • 1.0.3 Darren Rowse

      • 1.0.4 Seth Godin

      • 1.0.5 Liz Strauss

      • 1.0.6 Melonie Dodaro

      • 1.0.7 Pat Flynn

      • 1.0.8 Sandi Krakowski

      • 1.0.9 Guy Kawasaki

      • 1.0.10 Yaro Starak

    • 1.1 Over To You

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My Top 10 Best Internet Marketing Gurus in 2017

I have been a blogger and an entrepreneur for quite some time now, and I wanted to showcase some of the best Internet Marketing Gurus who have influenced me and guided me in my journey. There are many online marketeers out there, it is really a matter of one’s perspective as to whom you would follow and would consider your Guru. For me, these 10 people have been a major influence and I would like to share this with my audience as well. 


Ryan Deiss

Ryan is the founder and CEO of DigitalMarketer. He is also highly sought after speaker and consultant whose work has impressed 200,000 clients in 68 different countries. His pioneering digital marketing strategies have been responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars in online sales. 


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I picked up one of his famous quotes from the internet which made a lot of sense and has a lot of impact on online marketeers. Here it is:

“All you see is somebody sitting in a dentist chair after their procedure and they have a mirror up in front of their face. And you can just see them weeping tears of joy. They’re weeping tears of joy and you don’t even see the person’s teeth. He isn’t featuring the product that he actually delivers. He’s featuring the feeling that people get — which is what we’re really buying.”Ryan Deiss

Neil Patel

Neil is a Seattle based entrepreneur, angel investor, and analytics expert. He is a Guru in digital marketing and is the co-founder of the analytics companies – KISSMetrics and Crazy Egg.

He is also a major contributor to renowned publications like Entrepreneur Magazine, Mashable, Moz, Geekwire, TechCrunch and many others. With a huge fan following, he has made it to top of the best internet marketing gurus you can see today.

Neil Patel







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Learn from your mistakes. The number one reason I see entrepreneurs failing isn’t because they make mistakes, but they keep on making the same ones over and over again. Learn from them and avoid making the same ones over again.Neil Patel

Darren Rowse

Now, Darren does not need any introduction does he? He started with his passion for blogging in 2002 and has been just unstoppable since then. We all know him as the “pro blogger” and we follow and practice what he has to say.

Darren is a blogger, speaker, consultant and founder of several blogs and blogging networks, including and He is an active contributor to over 20 different blogs and has over $20,000 in total ad revenue in a month!!!

Darren Rowse was named in the Forbes Web Celebrity List in 2007!!!

He holds pro-blogger events every so often and it is needless to say that it is packed with enthusiastic bloggers and followers from all around the world. For all these reasons he makes it without a doubt as the best internet marketer in 2017 and beyond for sure.







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“I’ve long advised that bloggers seeking to make money from blogging spread their interests across multiple revenue streams so as not to put all their eggs in one basket.” Darren Rowse

Seth Godin

An author of 18 books which have not only been bestsellers, but also been translated into 35 different languages across the world, Seth Godin is definitely in this list of mine. He is a blogger, speaker, writer and an online marketeer, he is the founder of Squidoo and Yoyodyne

Recently Seth was inducted into the Direct Marketing Hall of Fame, one among the three chosen for this honor in 2013.

In April 2016, his book ‘All Marketers Are Liars’, as selected at Forbes as one of the six essential books every marketer should have on their shelf. 








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Being aware of your fear is smart. Overcoming it is the mark of a successful person.Seth Godin

Liz Strauss

One should not think I am listing only men as top internet marketing gurus. I am not gender-biased and I keep my vision open and eyes stretched when it comes to following some of the top talented people in this challenging times. 

Liz is a social web strategist and community builder. Her blog: Successful-blog – has been called both a destination for all bloggers and writers, and also an event. Her blog has tens of thousands of comments on each and every article, in-fact the WordPress Plugin – Liz Comment Counter was named in her honor to respect and recognize the time and devotion she has in replying to each and every comment. 

Liz was named to two Forbes list: “The Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers” and “The Top 10 Women Social Media Influencers”.


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Don’t Pretend You are not good at what brings you joy. Even the humblest star shines. Liz Strauss

Melonie Dodaro

Another top-notch woman entrepreneur and online marketing expert to follow is Melonie. She is notably ranked as “Canada’s #1 LinkedIn Expert and social media trainer”. She is currently the CEO of Top Dog Social Media and an author of the best selling book ‘The LinkedIn Code’.

If you or your business needs to learn to use LinkedIn to grow, Melonie is the person to go, she has the expertise in helping business owners and other professionals on how to strategically use LinkedIn in order to attract appropriate audiences.

She holds in-house training, talk-shows and consultative services. She has helped many Fortune 500 companies to improve their sales force by intensive training on how to use social media to optimize their existing services.

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Don’t underestimate the form of non-verbal communication in your profile picture on social-media.Melonie Dodaro

Pat Flynn

I am sure you all know Pat Flynn, he is an American entrepreneur, blogger and podcaster known for his website Smart Passive Income where he shares income experiments. The main purpose of this website is to teach all his readers about proven strategies for running and maintaining an online business and at the same time optimizing it for passive income.

He is also an author of the best selling book ‘Let Go’, you can find it on Amazon for just $2.99. In 2008, he was laid off from his regular 9-5 job at an architectural firm, and all he had to his name was a blog with some irrelevant architectural notes. But he found that his blog was getting some serious traffic from other like-minded architects who used to come to his blog for exam-studies. That is when he made his smart move to organize his thoughts from notes and created a product out of it and sold it for some crazy money.

Now you know how much we will have to learn from this guru himself, so I would highly recommend anybody to follow his social profiles below and get to know what he has to share.






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There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.Pat Flynn

Sandi Krakowski

Sandi is an out-of-the box author and speaker, thought leader and top social media influencer. She has built a 20-million dollar empire with her self-taught skills. She is known for her work on Faith At Work and Empowering Women. 

As a Facebook marketing expert, she was noted by Forbes as a “Top 20 Online Marketing Influencers”, “Top 20 Women Social Media Influencers” and a “Top 50 Social Media Power Influencer”. With all these attributes under her belt, she is of course one of my best online marketing gurus in 2017 to be followed and revered. 

Sandi has been featured in Forbes, Mashable, American Express OPEN, BeliefNet, She has helped build 11 notable companies by utilizing her experience in eCommerce, Internet marketing, direct response marketing, publishing, book creation, copywriting, sales and management, team development and leadership.






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The value God put inside of you is for the world to enjoy. Do all you can to release it. Be relentless in your pursuit. And in your journey, always remember, the direct proportion of your battle = your calling. #BEMORESandi Krakowski

Guy Kawasaki

Guy is a marketing expert, serial entrepreneur, Apple Fellow, TED Speaker and has inspired people all around the world and helped them achieve their goals and beyond.

Guy is also the chief evangelist of Canva which we bloggers are using so much these recent times to create our featured images of expert round-up posts. He is also the brand ambassador of Mercedes Benz and executive fellow of Haas School of Business

Guy is an author of “The Art of Start 2.0”,  “The Art of Social Media”, “Enchantment”, and many other books you can find on Amazon. 

“Guy’s Golden Touch” is also a famous phrase meaning “Whatever is Gold, Guy touches”. Now how can you not follow such a powerful personality who can make such a great impact on your online business?? 

How To Manage Twitter Account Like Guy Kawasaki






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My recommendation for SEO is very simple. It’s Write Good Stuff. In my mind, Google is in the business of finding good stuff. It has thousands of the smartest people in the world, spending billions of dollars to find the good stuff. All you have to do is write the good stuff; you don’t need to trick it.Guy Kawasaki

Yaro Starak

Yaro is the founder of his blog – Entrepreneurs-Journey dot com. If there is anyone who is living off of the internet, travelling the world and making tons of money by blogging, it is Yaro!!

Yaro is a blogging superstar and you can read on ‘his story’ page how he got fascinated by the internet and started having his own websites and blogs, started selling cards on the internet, made huge loads of money and travelled all around the world. I could settle for such a life 🙂

Yaro has many books and podcasts on his website where he explains how one can monetize their blogs and increase their traffic by a huge extent. He explains how he increased his online income so that he never had to work for anyone else. Now is that what all bloggers are aiming at? 


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Over To You

So this is my list of Top 10 Internet Marketing Gurus to be followed in 2017. They are listed in no particular order and I would recommend following them and learning from them for all of you who visit my blog. These are some folks who have proved their excellence and has a lot to enlighten us with their success stories. 

Do you have anyone in particular that you would like to recommend? Which online marketer and entrepreneur do you follow and what have you learnt from them? Do share your thoughts by leaving a comment. 



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Praveen Rajarao

Praveen Rajarao is an Entrepreneur and in his spare time blogs on his website – and His topics range from blogging to technology to affiliate programs and making money online and how-to guides. Daily Morning Coffee is also accepting Guest Posts from Professional Bloggers at this time, take a look at “Write For DMC” page for more details on the same.

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  1. Vishwajeet Kumar says:

    Hello Praveen

    Nice list of some top Internet marketers and pro bloggers. However I would like to add harsh Agarwal of Shoutmeloud to your list. He is also one of the best Internet Marketing Gurus and professional blogger.
    Vishwajeet Kumar recently posted…7 creative ways to write a blog postMy Profile


    1. Praveen Rajarao says:

      Hello Vishwajeet

      I am glad you liked the list. Yes, I am also a follower of Harsh from a while now and he has a very good presence in the online marketing community. Thanks for your suggestion.
      Praveen Rajarao recently posted…How Women Can Get Ahead In The WorkplaceMy Profile


  2. Shamsudeen Adeshokan says:

    Hi Praveen,

    Nice list.

    Though, very tough to say this who is the best in certain filed. With lots and lots of online marketers making a name in digital marketing today, coming up with a list like this will be a very tough task.

    I see marketers like John Chow, Brian Dean of Backlinko worthy of mention, my opinion, though.

    Anyway, thanks for sharing your list of favorite online marketers with us.
    Shamsudeen Adeshokan recently posted…Bloggers to Follow: Why Following Influencer Bloggers Will Kill Your Blogging CareerMy Profile


    1. Praveen Rajarao says:

      Hello Shamsudeen,

      Welcome to DMC. Yes, you are right, there is no such thing as a ranking of first or second when you list all these wonderful inspiring people. It took me quite some time to narrow down to the Top 10 among the best internet marketing gurus I follow.

      Yes there are others whom we follow, I do follow Brian and John as well, it is just a start maybe, I will come up with a follow-up list to mention all others whom we look up for their advice and leadership.

      Thanks once again and hope to see you back soon.
      Praveen Rajarao recently posted…How Women Can Get Ahead In The WorkplaceMy Profile


  3. Ravi Chahar says:

    Hey Praveen,

    I have known all of them for a very long time. I remember when Pat launched his video series. He is a guy with multiple talents.

    And Melaine, she is amazing. I always liked the domain name she has. No one can forget about Neil, he is an inspiration to many.

    Ravi Chahar recently posted…16 Powerful Ways to Get Noticed In This Competitive Internet World.My Profile


    1. Praveen Rajarao says:

      Hello Ravi,

      I am glad you are already following them all and value their advice and leadership skills. I think we have a lot to learn from all these wonderful people and can maybe achieve a small part of what they have done so far.

      Thanks for stopping by.
      Praveen Rajarao recently posted…NEW & COMPREHENSIVE iPHONE DATA RECOVERY TOOLMy Profile


  4. Raghu Rao says:

    Great list! Everyone here is worthy to be on the list. However, I personally think Neil and Darren are the best around when we talk about internet marketing and conversions! I have learnt so much from these guys! They are just brilliant! Thanks Praveen for the share!


    1. Praveen Rajarao says:

      Hello Raghu,

      Thanks for your comment and it is good to know you admire Neil & Darren. Yes, they are quite an influence on all bloggers.

      Keep following them and am sure there will be a positive change in anything you do.
      Praveen Rajarao recently posted…NEW & COMPREHENSIVE iPHONE DATA RECOVERY TOOLMy Profile


  5. Grant Merriel says:

    Darren of Problogger is one of my first favorite internet marketing gurus during the time when I was only starting out. From then on, I discovered other amazing digital marketers such as Neil Patel, Yaro Starak, etc.
    Grant Merriel recently posted…Things You Can Do to Promote Teamwork in the Workplace – More Time More Profit: Helping Entrepreneurs and Business Owners Scale their BusinessMy Profile


    1. Praveen Rajarao says:

      Hello Grant,

      Welcome to DMC and thanks for your comment.

      Yes, Darren has been all blogger’s guru and we have discovered many other bloggers through his website. I am glad you are already following some of the internet marketing gurus I have mentioned, do explore into other’s profiles and see if you would be interested.
      Praveen Rajarao recently posted…NEW & COMPREHENSIVE iPHONE DATA RECOVERY TOOLMy Profile


  6. Alice Cooper says:

    nice list..there are other people also like Dharmesh Shah, Brian Dean, Avinash Kaushik…but you have listed moast of the top influencers


    1. Praveen Rajarao says:

      Thanks Alice for your comment. Yes, there are many other influencers in internet marketing, I am sure we can list a lot many. I do hope I can write a follow-up to this article to add to the list. Let me ponder.
      Praveen Rajarao recently posted…5 ways you can make money and travel the worldMy Profile


  7. krewjordan says:

    Here is the genius of digital marketing I got lots ideas and blog tips from these genius thanks for the blog.


    1. Praveen Rajarao says:

      Sure thing, glad it helped you.
      Praveen Rajarao recently posted…Company Perks You Didn’t Realize You Could Negotiate at an InterviewMy Profile


  8. Hopeton (the moneyguru) says:

    How could you leave out Anik Singal and the king Eben Pagan? These guys could walk into any top ten list for 2017 in my opinion!


    1. Praveen Rajarao says:

      Hello Hopeton,

      Thanks for adding more value to this article by leaving your comment. I shall definitely check out Anik & Eben since you have recommended.
      Praveen Rajarao recently posted…Company Perks You Didn’t Realize You Could Negotiate at an InterviewMy Profile


  9. Padhun says:

    All are great people that i need to get inspired by them and start blogging my own website


  10. Zahid Iqbal says:

    Neil Patel is my favorite in this list. Learned a lot regarding SEO, Content marketing and promotion. You can’t imagine how inspired I am from this guy.
    Zahid Iqbal recently posted…Widevine Content Decryption Module (Solved) – Complete Guide 2017My Profile


  11. John Marc Ramirez says:

    It is great to see the prominent people who are making big waves in the area of internet marketing. I aspire to be one of them someday. Thank you so much for sharing. 🙂
    John Marc Ramirez recently posted…Level-up with Instagram Today: 3 Tools to Help Boost Your Brand’s PresenceMy Profile


  12. Paul Johnson says:

    Hi Praveen, a great list, I too really enjoy listening to Neil Patel’s video and blogs. He provides a ton value for new entrants in SEO and content based marketing.

    Keep up the great work.

    Cheers Paul


  13. Jon says:

    I have to say that Seth Godin is my favorite. I get his daily email and it’s ALWAYS worth the read. (One reason is that it’s usually short, which should be a hint to any email marketer out there!)


  14. Hoffmann says:

    This is a great list, in fact when I first read the heading ” internet marketing gurus” some names already rank in my head like Neil Patel, and fortunately he made the list. Neil is a great internet marketer I really like him as well as the others. Thank you for this post.


  15. ria kumari says:

    I first read the heading ” internet marketing gurus” some names already rank in my head like Neil Patel, and fortunately, he made the list. Neil is a great internet marketer


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