how verify if a method was called in a concrete class at unit test in swift

how verify if a method was called in a concrete class at unit test in swift

I have this scenario:

class X
init(y: ProtocolA)

func foo()

func methodA()
// any

func methodB()
// any

class Y : ProtocolA

func isSomething(): Bool return true OR false

i wanna test class X,

i will mock ProtocolA to return in isSomething() method true or false in two different test to know if methodA or methodB was called.

What the best strategy to solve this?

ps: with mockito, using a Spy with verify this is very easy, but with Swift this is very painful


well, i do this:

first, the parts:

class X init(y: Y)
protocol Y func isSomething() -> Bool

now, the struct for test: mock and spy object

typealias VerifyMethodAssert = (count: Int, parameters: [Any]?, returnn: Any?)

Configurable Mock for Dependency

class YMock : Y

init(configure: Bool)
func isSomething return configure

Spy for concrete class

class XSpy : X

private let y: Y

var verify: [String: VerifyMethodAssert] = [
"methodA()": (count: 0, parameters: nil, returnn: nil)
"methodB()": (count: 0, parameters: nil, returnn: nil)

var nothing: [String: Bool] = [
"methodA()": false
"methodB()": false

init(y: Y, verify: [String: VerifyMethodAssert]?, nothing: [String: Bool]?)

func methodA()
verify["(#function)"] = (count: verify["(#function)"]!.count + 1, parameters: nil,
returnn: nothing["(#function)"]! ? nil : super.methodA())

func methodB(doNothing: Bool = false)
verify["(#function)"] = (count: verify["(#function)"]!.count + 1, parameters: nil,
returnn: nothing["(#function)"]! ? nil : super.methodB())

and test:

class XTest : QuickSpec

override func spec()
describe("a position view model")

it("test 1")
let y = Y(configure: true)
let x = XSpy(y: y)


it("test 2")
let y = Y(configure: true)
let x = XSpy(y: y)


2 Answers

There is no out of the box way as far as I know.
One way to do it is to check a counter:

class X

var countA: Int = 0
var countB: Int = 0

init(y: ProtocolA)

func foo()

func methodA()
countA += 1
// any

func methodB()
countB += 1
// any

This approach is also suggested here.

In this specific case you can subclass X and use an associated object to hold invocation counts, you can generalize this if you see yourself using it again and again:


final class TestX: X

private struct AssociatedKeys
static var invocations = "(String(describing: type(of: TestX.self)))-invocations"

func invocations(for method: String) -> Int
return invocations[method] ?? 0

private var invocations: [String: Int]
return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &AssociatedKeys.invocations) as? [String: Int] ?? [:]

objc_setAssociatedObject( self, &AssociatedKeys.invocations, newValue as NSDictionary, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)

override func methodA()
invocations["methodA"] = (invocations["methodA"] ?? 0) + 1

override func methodB()
invocations["methodB"] = (invocations["methodB"] ?? 0) + 1

let x = TestX(y: Y())
x.invocations(for: "methodA") //0
x.invocations(for: "methodA") //1

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Required, but never shown

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