Using Dagger 2 singletons in View Models on Android

Using Dagger 2 singletons in View Models on Android

I want my application to have the following architecture :

-di // dependancy injection package
--datasources // implementations of repositories, using dao to return data
--dao // access to the database (room)
--repositories // interfaces
-ui // activities, fragments...
-viewmodels // viewmodels of each fragment / activity which will return data to the views in the ui package

On Android, people seem to usually have the dependancy injection in the activities, but I want to inject my repositories in view models.

I have one particular viewmodel that uses a manually created LiveData

class NavigationViewModel(application: Application) : AndroidViewModel(application)


lateinit var displayScreenRepository: DisplayScreenRepository

fun setScreenToDisplay(screen: DisplayScreen)

In my RoomModule, I have this provider :

internal fun displayScreenRepository(): DisplayScreenRepository
return DisplayScreenDataSource()

The class DisplayScreenDataSource is very simple :

class DisplayScreenDataSource : DisplayScreenRepository

private val screenToDisplay = MutableLiveData<DisplayScreen>()

override fun getScreenToDisplay(): LiveData<DisplayScreen>
return screenToDisplay

override fun setScreenToDisplay(screen: DisplayScreen)
if (Looper.myLooper() == Looper.getMainLooper())
screenToDisplay.value = screen

I want this singleton to be available to an other viewmodel, MainActivityViewModel, so I did this :

class MainActivityViewModel(application: Application) : AndroidViewModel(application)

lateinit var displayScreenRepository: DisplayScreenRepository


But when I run my application, the repositories instantiated don't have the same reference and when I update the value of one LiveData in one of my ViewModel, if I observe the LiveData of an other ViewModel, it is not the same LiveData so is is not updated.

My guess is that I am not correctly instantiating the DaggerAppComponent : it is supposed to be created only once and eventually injected several times.
Is that right?

Where should I be supposed to store the instance of the DaggerAppComponent? In the Application class?

I could have something like that :

class MainActivityViewModel(application: Application) : AndroidViewModel(application)

lateinit var displayScreenRepository: DisplayScreenRepository

(application as MyApplication).daggerAppComponent.injectMainViewModel(this)

Is this the recommended way?

Please don't recreate your scoped components everywhere you use them. If you create 2x AppComponent then you have 2x your singletons, each component with their own instance. Create it once, then reuse it.
– David Medenjak
Aug 23 at 15:23

You should only have a single instance of AppComponent, otherwise you will create a new instance of everything you use each time
– EpicPandaForce
Aug 23 at 22:05


That's what I did in the end yes. I wondered where to put it, if there are some best practices, I have it in the application class at the moment.
– leb1755
Aug 24 at 6:53

I store it in the component it scopes / where I create it. ActivityComponents in activities, FragmentComponents in fragments, ServiceComponents in services. That's usually a safe bet
– David Medenjak
Aug 24 at 7:31

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