SQL Server STUFF() Function

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SQL Server STUFF() Function

❮ SQL Server Functions


Delete 3 characters from a string, starting in position 1, and then insert
"HTML" in position 1:

SELECT STUFF('SQL Tutorial', 1, 3, 'HTML');

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Definition and Usage

The STUFF() function deletes a part of a string and then inserts another
part into the string, starting at a specified position.

Tip: Also look at the REPLACE() function.


STUFF(string, start, length, new_string)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
string Required. The string to be modified
Required. The position in string to start to delete some
Required. The number of characters to delete from string
Required. The new string to insert into string at
the start position

Technical Details

Works in: SQL Server (starting with 2008), Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data
Warehouse, Parallel Data Warehouse

More Examples


Delete 1 character from a string, starting in position 13, and then insert "
is fun!" in position 13:

SELECT STUFF('SQL Tutorial!', 13, 1, ' is fun!');

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❮ SQL Server Functions