Javascript seconds to minutes and seconds

Javascript seconds to minutes and seconds

This is a common problem but I'm not sure how to solve it. The code below works fine.

var mind = time % (60 * 60);
var minutes = Math.floor(mind / 60);

var secd = mind % 60;
var seconds = Math.ceil(secd);

However, when I get to 1 hour or 3600 seconds it returns 0 minutes and 0 seconds. How can I avoid this so it returns all the minutes?


Thats because when time = 3600, 3600%3600 is always everything else will be 0 according to your calculation.
Sep 17 '10 at 6:59

21 Answers

To get the number of full minutes, divide the number of total seconds by 60 (60 seconds/minute):

var minutes = Math.floor(time / 60);

And to get the remaining seconds, multiply the full minutes with 60 and subtract from the total seconds:

var seconds = time - minutes * 60;

Now if you also want to get the full hours too, divide the number of total seconds by 3600 (60 minutes/hour · 60 seconds/minute) first, then calculate the remaining seconds:

var hours = Math.floor(time / 3600);
time = time - hours * 3600;

Then you calculate the full minutes and remaining seconds.


Use the following code to pretty-print the time (suggested by Dru)

function str_pad_left(string,pad,length)
return (new Array(length+1).join(pad)+string).slice(-length);

var finalTime = str_pad_left(minutes,'0',2)+':'+str_pad_left(seconds,'0',2);

It's a bit cleaner to get remaining seconds by doing 'var seconds = time % 60'.
– Edward D'Souza
Dec 8 '11 at 15:20

@Radio add leading zeros using function str_pad_left(string,pad,length) return (new Array(length+1).join(pad)+string).slice(-length); var finalTime = str_pad_left(minutes,'0',2)+':'+str_pad_left(seconds,'0',2);
– Dru
Dec 6 '12 at 7:20

function str_pad_left(string,pad,length) return (new Array(length+1).join(pad)+string).slice(-length); var finalTime = str_pad_left(minutes,'0',2)+':'+str_pad_left(seconds,'0',2);

This solution won't work for negative values of time. If you for instance input -1 seconds, you get -1minute and 59 seconds back...
– Pylinux
Oct 20 '13 at 18:10


What's the sense of having negative time? Logically a time difference is always positive
– mcont
Dec 29 '14 at 19:08


You can use modulus to get the number of seconds, it's more readable in my opinion. var seconds = time % 60
Jun 10 '16 at 19:27

var seconds = time % 60

Another fancy solution:

function fancyTimeFormat(time)

// Hours, minutes and seconds
var hrs = ~~(time / 3600);
var mins = ~~((time % 3600) / 60);
var secs = ~~time % 60;

// Output like "1:01" or "4:03:59" or "123:03:59"
var ret = "";

if (hrs > 0)
ret += "" + hrs + ":" + (mins < 10 ? "0" : "");

ret += "" + mins + ":" + (secs < 10 ? "0" : "");
ret += "" + secs;
return ret;

~~ is a shorthand for Math.floor, see this link for more info



This solution also works for negative values of time
– Pylinux
Oct 20 '13 at 18:06


What's the meaning of ~~?
– mcont
Dec 29 '14 at 19:03


It's a basic shorhand for Math.floor, see this link.
– lapin
May 20 '15 at 11:10


Its work fine..... :) You can round the value like this way hrs = hrs.toFixed(0); mins = mins.toFixed(0); secs = secs.toFixed(0);
– Ayaat Shifa
Jun 25 '15 at 7:50

Thanks for this solution! I added time = math.round(time) to the first line to give me rounded seconds.
– fotoflo
Feb 6 at 0:53

time = math.round(time)

For people dropping in hoping for a quick simple and thus short solution to format seconds into M:SS :


function fmtMSS(s)return(s-(s%=60))/60+(9<s?':':':0')+s


The function accepts either a Number (preferred) or a String (2 conversion 'penalties' which you can halve by prepending + in the function call's argument for s as in: fmtMSS(+strSeconds)), representing positive integer seconds s as argument.








fmtMSS( 0 ); // 0:00
fmtMSS( '8'); // 0:08
fmtMSS( 9 ); // 0:09
fmtMSS( '10'); // 0:10
fmtMSS( 59 ); // 0:59
fmtMSS( +'60'); // 1:00
fmtMSS( 69 ); // 1:09
fmtMSS( 3599 ); // 59:59
fmtMSS('3600'); // 60:00
fmtMSS('3661'); // 61:01
fmtMSS( 7425 ); // 123:45


function fmtMSS(s) // accepts seconds as Number or String. Returns m:ss
return( s - // take value s and subtract (will try to convert String to Number)
( s %= 60 ) // the new value of s, now holding the remainder of s divided by 60
// (will also try to convert String to Number)
) / 60 + ( // and divide the resulting Number by 60
// (can never result in a fractional value = no need for rounding)
// to which we concatenate a String (converts the Number to String)
// who's reference is chosen by the conditional operator:
9 < s // if seconds is larger than 9
? ':' // then we don't need to prepend a zero
: ':0' // else we do need to prepend a zero
) + s ; // and we add Number s to the string (converting it to String as well)

Note: Negative range could be added by prepending (0>s?(s=-s,'-'):'')+ to the return expression (actually, (0>s?(s=-s,'-'):0)+ would work as well).



You can also use native Date object:

var date = new Date(null);

// retrieve time ignoring the browser timezone - returns hh:mm:ss
var utc = date.toUTCString();
// negative start index in substr does not work in IE 8 and earlier
var time = utc.substr(utc.indexOf(':') - 2, 8)

// retrieve each value individually - returns h:m:s
var time = date.getUTCHours() + ':' + date.getUTCMinutes() + ':' + date.getUTCSeconds();

// does not work in IE8 and below - returns hh:mm:ss
var time = date.toISOString().substr(11, 8);

// not recommended - only if seconds number includes timezone difference
var time = date.toTimeString().substr(0, 8);

Of course this solution works only for timeInSeconds less than 24 hours ;)

Hadn't thought of letting the Date object handle the formatting. Less flexible, but if you want hh:mm:ss (or a subsection of that) this is great
– MartinAnsty
May 2 '12 at 21:51

I tried this with 25 seconds and it returned 01:00:25 which equates to 1 hour and 25 seconds.
– timstermatic
Aug 19 '13 at 12:32

Yes, probably because of your timezone. I have updated the solution to handle this case.
– hamczu
Aug 21 '13 at 11:45

date could also be constructed as var date = new Date(timeInSeconds * 1000)
– Nuno André
Nov 25 '17 at 9:27


var date = new Date(timeInSeconds * 1000)

To add leading zeros, I would just do:

var minutes = "0" + Math.floor(time / 60);
var seconds = "0" + (time - minutes * 60);
return minutes.substr(-2) + ":" + seconds.substr(-2);

Nice and short

function secondsToMinutes(time)
return Math.floor(time / 60)+':'+Math.floor(time % 60);

This can be improved with zero padding the seconds: function secondsToMinutes(time) return Math.floor(0 / 60)+':'+('0'+Math.floor(0 % 60)).slice(-2);
– Kus
Dec 7 '17 at 6:00

function secondsToMinutes(time) return Math.floor(0 / 60)+':'+('0'+Math.floor(0 % 60)).slice(-2);

nice! thank you @Kus. Just you might want to replace those two 0s with time, am I correct?
– mikey
Feb 19 at 23:20



@mikey oops! Yes, function secondsToMinutes(time) return Math.floor(time / 60) + ':' + ('0' + Math.floor(time % 60)).slice(-2)
– Kus
Feb 21 at 22:38

function secondsToMinutes(time) return Math.floor(time / 60) + ':' + ('0' + Math.floor(time % 60)).slice(-2)

A one liner (doesnt work with hours):

function sectostr(time)
return ~~(time / 60) + ":" + (time % 60 < 10 ? "0" : "") + time % 60;

Seconds to h:mm:ss

var hours = Math.floor(time / 3600);
time -= hours * 3600;

var minutes = Math.floor(time / 60);
time -= minutes * 60;

var seconds = parseInt(time % 60, 10);

console.log(hours + ':' + (minutes < 10 ? '0' + minutes : minutes) + ':' + (seconds < 10 ? '0' + seconds : seconds));

Another but much more elegant solution for this is as follows:

* Convert number secs to display time
* 65 input becomes 01:05.
* @param Number inputSeconds Seconds input.
export const toMMSS = inputSeconds =>
const secs = parseInt( inputSeconds, 10 );
let minutes = Math.floor( secs / 60 );
let seconds = secs - minutes * 60;

if ( 10 > minutes )
minutes = '0' + minutes;

if ( 10 > seconds )
seconds = '0' + seconds;

// Return display.
return minutes + ':' + seconds;

2018 best variant

Format hh:mm:ss


console.log(display(60 * 60 * 2.5 + 25)) // 2.5 hours + 25 seconds

function display (seconds)
const hours = seconds / 3600
const minutes = (seconds % 3600) / 60
seconds %= 60

return [hours, minutes, seconds].map(format).join(':')

function format (val)
return ('0' + Math.floor(val)).slice(-2)

For adding zeros I really don't see the need to have a full other function where you can simply use for example

var mins=Math.floor(StrTime/60);
var secs=StrTime-mins * 60;
var hrs=Math.floor(StrTime / 3600);
RoundTime.innerHTML=(hrs>9?hrs:"0"+hrs) + ":" + (mins>9?mins:"0"+mins) + ":" + (secs>9?secs:"0"+secs);

Its why we have conditional statements in the first place.

(condition?if true:if false) so if example seconds is more than 9 than just show seconds else add a string 0 before it.

The Following function will help you to get Days , Hours , Minutes , seconds

const Days = Math.floor( inputSeconds / (60 * 60 * 24) );
const Hour = Math.floor((inputSeconds % (60 * 60 * 24)) / (60 * 60));
const Minutes = Math.floor(((inputSeconds % (60 * 60 * 24)) % (60 * 60)) / 60 );
const Seconds = Math.floor(((inputSeconds % (60 * 60 * 24)) % (60 * 60)) % 60 );
let ddhhmmss = '';
if (Days > 0)
ddhhmmss += Days + ' Day ';

if (Hour > 0)
ddhhmmss += Hour + ' Hour ';

if (Minutes > 0)
ddhhmmss += Minutes + ' Minutes ';

if (Seconds > 0)
ddhhmmss += Seconds + ' Seconds ';

return ddhhmmss;

alert( toDDHHMMSS(2000));

You've done enough code to track minutes and seconds portions of time.

What you could do is add the hours factor in:

var hrd = time % (60 * 60 * 60);
var hours = Math.floor(hrd / 60);

var mind = hrd % 60;
var minutes = Math.floor(mind / 60);

var secd = mind % 60;
var seconds = Math.ceil(secd);

var moreminutes = minutes + hours * 60

This would give you what you need also.

I tried this using "time" as seconds and it didn't work. For example, 975 sec means hrd = 975, which means hours is 16.
– Spedge
Sep 11 '13 at 10:28

I was thinking of a faster way to get this done and this is what i came up with

var sec = parseInt(time);
var min=0;
while(sec>59) sec-=60; min++;

If we want to convert "time" to minutes and seconds, for example:

// time = 75,3 sec
var sec = parseInt(time); //sec = 75
var min=0;
while(sec>59) sec-=60; min++; //sec = 15; min = 1

I suggest another solution:

function formatTime(nbSeconds, hasHours) 0)) * s) / 60;

calc = (calc - (time[time.length-1])) * 60;

function format(n) //it makes "0X"/"00"/"XX"
return (("" + n) / 10).toFixed(1).replace(".", "");

//if (!hasHours) time.shift();//you can set only "min: sec"

return time.join(":");
console.log(formatTime(75609, true));//21:00:09
console.log(formatTime(0, true));//00:00:00

I know it has been solved in many ways. I needed this function for an After Effects script, where speed or namespace pollution is not an issue. I drop it here for someone that needs something similar. I also wrote some tests and worked fine. So here's the code:

Number.prototype.asTime = function ()
var hour = Math.floor(this / 3600),
min = Math.floor((this - hour * 3600) / 60),
sec = this - hour * 3600 - min * 60,
hourStr, minStr, secStr;
hourStr = hour.toString(),
minStr = min < 9 ? "0" + min.toString() : min.toString();
secStr = sec < 9 ? "0" + sec.toString() : sec.toString();
return hourStr + ":" + minStr + ":" + secStr + "hrs";

minStr = min.toString();
secStr = sec < 9 ? "0" + sec.toString() : sec.toString();
return minStr + ":" + secStr + "min";

return sec.toString() + "sec";

Put my two cents in :

function convertSecondsToMinutesAndSeconds(seconds)
var minutes;
var seconds;
minutes = Math.floor(seconds/60);
seconds = seconds%60;

return [minutes, seconds];

So this :

var minutesAndSeconds = convertSecondsToMinutesAndSeconds(101);

Will have the following output :


Then you can print it like so :

console.log('TIME : ' + minutesSeconds[0] + ' minutes, ' + minutesSeconds[1] + ' seconds');

//TIME : 1 minutes, 41 seconds

try this :
Converting Second to HOURS, MIN and SEC.

function convertTime(sec)
var hours = Math.floor(sec/3600);
(hours >= 1) ? sec = sec - (hours*3600) : hours = '00';
var min = Math.floor(sec/60);
(min >= 1) ? sec = sec - (min*60) : min = '00';
(sec < 1) ? sec='00' : void 0;

(min.toString().length == 1) ? min = '0'+min : void 0;
(sec.toString().length == 1) ? sec = '0'+sec : void 0;

return hours+':'+min+':'+sec;

strftime.js (strftime github) is one of the best time formatting libraries. It's extremely light - 30KB - and effective. Using it you can convert seconds into time easily in one line of code, relying mostly on the native Date class.

When creating a new Date, each optional argument is positional as follows:

new Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds);

So if you initialize a new Date with all arguments as zero up to the seconds, you'll get:

var seconds = 150;
var date = new Date(0,0,0,0,0,seconds);
=> Sun Dec 31 1899 00:02:30 GMT-0500 (EST)

You can see that 150 seconds is 2-minutes and 30-seconds, as seen in the date created. Then using an strftime format ("%M:%S" for "MM:SS"), it will output your minutes' string.

var mm_ss_str = strftime("%M:%S", date);
=> "02:30"

In one line, it would look like:

var mm_ss_str = strftime('%M:%S', new Date(0,0,0,0,0,seconds));
=> "02:30"

Plus this would allow you to interchangeable support HH:MM:SS and MM:SS based on the number of seconds. For example:

# Less than an Hour (seconds < 3600)
var seconds = 2435;
strftime((seconds >= 3600 ? '%H:%M:%S' : '%M:%S'), new Date(0,0,0,0,0,seconds));
=> "40:35"

# More than an Hour (seconds >= 3600)
var seconds = 10050;
strftime((seconds >= 3600 ? '%H:%M:%S' : '%M:%S'), new Date(0,0,0,0,0,seconds));
=> "02:47:30"

And of course, you can simply pass whatever format you want to strftime if you want the time string to be more or less semantic.

var format = 'Honey, you said you'd be read in %S seconds %M minutes ago!';
strftime(format, new Date(0,0,0,0,0,1210));
=> "Honey, you said you'd be read in 10 seconds 20 minutes ago!"

Hope this helps.

export function TrainingTime(props)
const train_time = props;
const hours = Math.floor(train_time/3600);
const minutes = Math.floor((train_time-hours * 3600) / 60);
const seconds = Math.floor((train_time%60));

return `$hours hrs $minutes min $seconds sec`;

Add some explanation to your code.
– Phil Roggenbuck
Aug 30 at 7:43

Welcome to Stack Overflow. As suggested by @PhilRoggenbuck, an explanation would help. For more info read
– Mikkel
Aug 30 at 8:52

var seconds = 60;
var measuredTime = new Date(null);
measuredTime.setSeconds(seconds); // specify value of SECONDS
var Time = measuredTime.toISOString().substr(11, 8);
document.getElementById("id1").value = Time;

<div class="form-group">
<label for="course" class="col-md-4">Time</label>
<div class="col-md-8">
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="id1" name="field">Min

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