select key get paired value in batch

select key get paired value in batch

I have a associative array as below

set USERS[johnh]=John Howard
set USERS[moeh]=Moe Howard
set USERS[larryk]=Lary King

When given johnh, it should select John Howard

When given moeh, it should give me Moe Howard

What kind of batch can do this job...

A batch file; and one you've written, or at least attempted to write yourself. StackOverflow isn't a free code writing service, here you supply the code for the intended task and we help you with fixing any specific replicable issue it has. You could try something like Call Echo %%USERS[%~1]%%.
– Compo
Aug 24 at 19:56

Call Echo %%USERS[%~1]%%

Come on a quick google search shows how arays work in batch. A simple echo %USERS[johnh]% displays the first array entry. The rest is just some input read and a few if
– Paxz
Aug 24 at 19:59

echo %USERS[johnh]%


Thanks- I tried to use echo %USER[%johnh%]% it gave me John Howard. Now my issue is that johnh can be a variable. So I tried to set user=johnh then either echo %USER[%user%]% or !USER[%user%]!, none working
– goodywp
Aug 24 at 20:37

Follow @Compo's hint, use Call Echo %%USERS[%user%]%%
– JosefZ
Aug 24 at 20:47

Call Echo %%USERS[%user%]%%

!USER[%user%]! should work. You remembered to enable delayed expansion first, right? Also, I have no idea how %USER[%johnh%]% worked for you; it shouldn't have.
– SomethingDark
Aug 24 at 20:47



1 Answer

Other than using

Call Echo %%USERS[%~1]%%


Call Echo %%USERS[%user%]%%

as used in the comments, and despite your continued lack of effort, here's an example batch file:

@Echo Off
Set "USER[johnh]=John Howard"
Set "USER[moeh]=Moe Howard"
Set "USER[larryk]=Larry King"

Set /P "Byname=Please enter your byname: "

Set "Fullname="
For /F "Tokens=1* Delims==" %%A In ('Set USER[ 2^>Nul'
) Do If /I "%%A"=="USER[%Byname%]" Set "Fullname=%%B"
If Not Defined Fullname GoTo Askname

Echo Hello %Fullname%


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