Decoding redis responses
Decoding redis responses
I want to decode the serialized string received on using the GET command on a bitmap or a hyperloglog. For example if a bitmap returns x80x04
on using GET
how do I change it to a representation of the offset-bit pairs in Go
I am using the go-redis API. Lets say I have added a hyperloglog to my redis database pfadd hyper 1 2 3 4
when I do a get I get the following result "HYLLx01x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x80Axeex84[vx80Mtx80Q,x8cCxf3"
pfadd hyper 1 2 3 4
How do I change this serialized string back to the way it was when I first set the hyperloglog using pfadd
i.e. hyper 1 2 3 4
hyper 1 2 3 4
@Ullaakut updated the description. Please take a look
– Palash Nigam
Aug 24 at 19:44
FYI - HLL is a lossy data structure, so you can't extract the elements in it (for the simple reason that they aren't really stored).
– Itamar Haber
Aug 24 at 19:48
Also If I can't completely retrieve an HLL then how much of it I can? Can you please explain this to me @ItamarHaber ? I couldn't find this in the docs.
– Palash Nigam
Aug 24 at 19:59
You can read about how HLL works at, for example,
– Itamar Haber
Aug 26 at 6:43
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Please provide at least an example of code that you tried along with your question.
– Ullaakut
Aug 24 at 19:12