Postgres convert time without minutes in format

Postgres convert time without minutes in format

I expected this to be easier than it is, but I have a table with times in it in a format like:


I need to return those times so it only shows:


Every solution I can find online says to use

date_trunc('minute', time_here)

date_trunc('minute', time_here)

That just returns the time in the same seconds format that it is already in. I want the seconds completely removed from the format. Any way to just change it to HH:MM format? Thanks

1 Answer

If this is for display purposes, with for example the following definition:

create table t1 (tt timestamp);
insert into t1 values ('2018-08-24 12:10:00');
insert into t1 values ('2018-08-24 11:02:00');
insert into t1 values ('2018-08-24 13:00:30');

The the following:

select to_char(tt, 'HH24:MI') from t1;

will produce:


date_trunc leaves the data as a timestamp and a select on a timestamp will display in the usual format. Explicit conversion to char (as with to_char) allows different layouts.

Documentation on all different formatting options for this can be found here

Thanks! For my purpose I only needed to do the "select to_char(tt, 'HH24:MI')" part of the answer, but that works.
– Emac
Aug 24 at 19:52

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