When I print my list instead of using the names in the list the output shows the index numbers. Python 2D-Lists

When I print my list instead of using the names in the list the output shows the index numbers. Python 2D-Lists

Here is my code the lists are where Im having issues. Im new to python and I do not understand how 2D-lists work but I need to add then in to the program for a grade. Any help will be appreciated.

#Define Vars
import locale
locale.setlocale( locale.LC_ALL, '')

order_total = 0.0
price = 3.5
fmt_price = locale.currency(price, grouping=True)
qty = int(0)

#cookie list
cookie_list = list()
cookie_list = "Savannah Thin-Mints Tag-a-longs Peanut-Butter Sandwich".split()

order_list = list()

#cookie choices

def disp_items():
print("Please choose one of our flavours. Enter the item number to choose")
for c in range(len(cookie_list)):
print(". t".format(c+1, cookie_list[c]))


#Menu Choices

def disp_menu():
choice_list = ["a", "d", "m", "q"]

while True:
print("nWhat would you like to do?")
print("a = add an item")
print("d = delete an item")
print("m = display the meal so far")
print("q = quit")
choice = input("nmake a selection: ")

if choice in choice_list:
return choice
print("I dont't understand that entry. Please Try again.")

# Math Function**********************

def calc_tot(qty):
#this function is qty * price
return qty * 3.5

def disp_order():
print("nGirl Scout Cookie Order for", cust)
order_total_items = 0 #accumulator
order_price = 0

for c in range(len(order_list)):
detail_list = [" ", 0]


print(".ttt".format(c+1, order_list[c][0], order_list[c][1], price))
order_total_items += order_list[c][1]
order_price += price

print("nYour Order Contains items for total of n".format(order_total_items, order_price))
print("-" * 30)

#ADD Process

def add_process():
valid_data = False

while not valid_data:

item = int(input("Enter item number: "))

if 1 <= item <= len(cookie_list):
valid_data = True
print("nThat was not a vaild choice, please try again.")

except Exception as detail:
print("error: ", detail)

#Valid Qty
valid_data = False

while not valid_data:


qty = int(input("Enter Quantity: "))

if 1 <= qty <= 10:
valid_data = True
print("nThat was not a valid quantity, please try again.")

except Exception as detail:
print("Error; ", detail)
print("Please try again")

#Function call for multiplication
item_total = calc_tot(qty)
fmt_total = locale.currency(item_total, grouping=True)

#User Choice

print("nYou choose: boxes of for a total of ".format(qty,

#verify inclusion of this item
valid_data = False

while not valid_data:
incl = input("Would you like to add this to your order? (y/n): ")
if incl.lower() =="y":

#2-D List
inx = item - 1

detail_list = [inx, qty]

valid_data = True
print(" was added to your order".format(cookie_list[inx]))

elif incl.lower() == "n":
print(" was not added to your order".format(cookie_list[inx]))
valid_data = True

print("That was not a vaild response, please try again")

#Delete function

def del_item():
if len(order_list) == 0:
print("n** You have no items in your order to delete **n")
print("nDelete an Item")

valid_data = False
while not valid_data:
choice = int(input("Please enter the item number you would like to delete: "))
if 1<= choice <= len(order_list):

choice = choice - 1

print("nItem . with boxes will be deleted".format(choice +1,
del order_list[choice]
valid_data = True

except Exception as detail:
print("Error: ", detail)
print("Please try again")

#Main program
# Banner

print("Welcome to the Girl Scout Cookie")
print("Order Program")

cust = input("Please enter your name: ")

while True:
choice = disp_menu()
if choice == "a":
elif choice == "d":
elif choice == "q":


print("Thank you for your order")

Here's the output

Girl Scout Cookie Order for *****

Itm Name Qty Price
--- ---- ---- ----
1. **0** 1 3.5
2. **0** 1 3.5
3. **4** 5 3.5

Your Order Contains 7 items for total of 10.5

Under name there should be a name of a girl Scout Cookie and not the index number, how do i fix this?

Many Thanks.


Hi Bubbajones24, welcome to SO! As is, this code does not reproduce your problem. Try creating a "minimal reproducible example" of the problem (help center has lots of tips on these). A few specific things: 1) the indendation isn't valid python (small, but makes it un-runnable). 2) order_list is set to be an empty list, but then you access and print from it? 3) you immediately overwrite the cookie_list variable. 4) what is cust? what is price? Is there more code here? I think if you clean this up a little you'll get much better resposne!
– en_Knight
Aug 24 at 20:04

1 Answer

When you print the order in disp_order() you should print from cookie_list[c] in the second column. And print the whole item instead off just the first letter.



print(".ttt".format(c+1, cookie_list[c], order_list[c][1], price))

The cookie names are not of equal length, so you'll have to adjust for that.

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