Spring Websocket: How intercept a message sent by SimpMessagingTemplate through any either convertAndSend or convertAndSendToUser methods?

Spring Websocket: How intercept a message sent by SimpMessagingTemplate through any either convertAndSend or convertAndSendToUser methods?

For Spring Websocket

Spring Websocket

I have the following and works fine:

private final SimpMessagingTemplate simpMessagingTemplate;


@Scheduled(cron="some expression")
public void sendNotification()
logger.info("sendNotification ...");

new Notification(...));

logger.info("... sendNotification");

The code works fine. All the clients subscribed to that Topic, (I am working with ActiveMQ) are able to see the message(s) sent.



A custom class

class MessageChannelInterceptorAdapter extends ChannelInterceptorAdapter {

With all the methods @Override was created to interception purposes.


This MessageChannelInterceptorAdapter class is registered about infrastructure as follows:


public class WebSocketConfig implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {

private ChannelInterceptorAdapter messageChannelInterceptorAdapter;


public void configureClientInboundChannel(ChannelRegistration registration)

public void configureClientOutboundChannel(ChannelRegistration registration)


Even when the app works fine. The messages sent through SimpMessagingTemplate never are intercepted by MessageChannelInterceptorAdapter.



Note: the MessageChannelInterceptorAdapter class works fine to intercept Stomp events but again not for SimpMessagingTemplate




Thus: How intercept any message sent by SimpMessagingTemplate through either convertAndSend or convertAndSendToUser methods?




What is missing? missing configuration about infrastructure or create other class extending a specific Spring class.

Ever make any progress?
– Jeef
Aug 26 at 1:01

@Jeef Yes, about SimpMessagingTemplate, the interceptor only works how is expected only when exists a client listening the Destination. Because it is Topic in my case and there is no consumers, the message is sent but is lost and the interceptor never works.
– Manuel Jordan
Aug 26 at 15:41




1 Answer

So as far as I can tell there isn't an easy way to do this. I had a situation where I was calling the template directly (like you). When I migrated to use an external STOMP broker I found out suddenly some of my calls were no longer valid:

/topic/sddf/traffic is no longer a valid destination when you use Rabbit


I looked into writing my own version of the class SimpMessagingTemplate which became too difficultly - so instead I had to manually change all the calls.


My example is in Kotlin not Java

My solution was to go with this class:

class MessagingTemplateWrapper

var template: SimpMessagingTemplate = ApplicationContextHolder.getContext().getBean(SimpMessagingTemplate::class.java)
private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BridgeDataListener::class.java)

fun convertAndSend(dest: String, data: Any)

val rabbitDestination = dest.substring(0,11) + dest.substring(11).replace("/",".")
template.convertAndSend(rabbitDestination, data)

And anywhere where I was using the template I did this:

// var template: SimpMessagingTemplate = ApplicationContextHolder.getContext().getBean(SimpMessagingTemplate::class.java)
var template: MessagingTemplateWrapper = ApplicationContextHolder.getContext().getBean(MessagingTemplateWrapper::class.java)

So I just had a wrapper to do (maybe) what you wanted.

I don't love the solution - but it does work.

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