Filter data in log file using VBScript

Filter data in log file using VBScript

I have to analyze data from logfile that stored in "C:read" directory, and output the data in the system. There is multiple log file, name "drivermonitor". The logfile contain device name, lotid, socket and wafer result. Each device have different socket quantity and three different wafer result. Filter data is start from "Bin2 Test Started" and wafer result for this logfile is B20000A1, B20000A2, B20000B2

Drivermonitor logfile example:

I already have the script but not working well:

Option Explicit
Dim objFSO : Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Dim objSTR, objEND, objTYP, objEXT, objKEY, objFILE, objKEY2
Dim Folder, SubFolder testfile,b,a,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,match,array,i,status,array2,array3,array4,array5,array6,d,mambastr,ten,n,eleven,twelve,k,nine
dim dtend,dtStart,bibid,driverid
dim objConnection,objRecordSet,ConnectionString,field,bin2
dim satu,dua,tiga,ti,empat,lima,enam,tujuh,lapan,sembilan,sepuluh,sebelas,duabelas,tigabelas,empatbelas,limabelas,enambelas
dim data1,data2,data3,data4,data5,data6
objSTR = "C:read" 'Folder To search through.
'objEND = "D:SQLDEVbin_miss_matcharchive" 'Folder To copy too.
objEXT = "log" 'do not include leading period '.' on the extension.
objTYP = "Text Document"
objKEY = "drivermonitor" 'keyword To search for along with the extension.
objKEY2 = "devicedata" 'keyword To search for along with the extension.

'outfile.writeline "lotid,date1,date2,bibcode,dontknow,slotno,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60"


For Each objFILE In objFSO.GetFolder(objSTR).Files
b = objFSO.GetAbsolutePathName(objfile.Path)
Set testfile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(b, 1)
Set one = New RegExp
Set two = New RegExp
Set three = New RegExpa
Set four = New RegExp
Set five = New RegExp
Set six = New RegExp
Set seven = New RegExp
Set eight = New RegExp
Set ten = New RegExp
Set eleven = New RegExp
Set twelve = New RegExp
Set nine = New RegExp
Set sepuluh = New RegExp
Set sebelas = New RegExp
Set duabelas = New RegExp

Set satu = New RegExp
Set dua = New RegExp
Set tiga = New RegExp
Set ti = New RegExp
Set empat = New RegExp
Set lima = New RegExp
Set enam = New RegExp
Set tujuh = New RegExp
Set lapan = New RegExp
Set sembilan = New RegExp
Set tigabelas = New RegExp
Set empatbelas = New RegExp

Set limabelas = New RegExp
Set enambelas = New RegExp

Set data1 = New RegExp
Set data2 = New RegExp
Set data3 = New RegExp

Set data4 = New RegExp
Set data5 = New RegExp
Set data6 = New RegExp
bin2 = 0
n = 0 'default calypso100&176&256 And mamba 324&416
'one.Pattern = "[0-9]+/[0-9]+/[0-9]+s[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+s(AM|PM)s-s(FLS|fls|FSL|fsl|KLM|klm)_[A-Za-z]+_[A-Za-z]+_[0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+/[0-9]+/[0-9]+s[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+s(AM|PM),[0-9]+/[0-9]+/[0-9]+s[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+s(AM|PM),[0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+:s"

ten.Pattern = "bDevicesType:s(Space2|SPACE2)"
eleven.Pattern = "bDevicesType:s(Bolero|BOLERO)"
twelve.Pattern = "bDevicesType:s(((Panther|PANTHER)-CC3E)|((Quasar0|QUASAR0|Quasar2|QUASAR2)-CC3E))b"
sepuluh.Pattern = "bDevicesType:s(Calypso|CALYPSO)"
sebelas.Pattern = "bDevicesType:s((Mamba|MAMBA)|4HR|6HR|8HR|12HR|CC3E)(-CC3E|)b"
duabelas.Pattern = "bDevicesType:s(MPC551x|Mpc551X)"

satu.Pattern = "bDevicesType:s(Batray|BATRAY)"
dua.Pattern = "bDevicesType:s(Bonito|BONITO)"
tiga.Pattern = "bDevicesType:s(Flipper|FLIPPER)-(144lds|144LDS)-(CC3|)b"
ti.Pattern = "bDevicesType:s((Flipper|FLIPPER)-(80lds|80LDS))|((Sailfish|SAILFISH)(-|)(80lds|80LDS))"
empat.Pattern = "bDevicesType:s(JELLYFISH|Jellyfish)"
lima.Pattern = "bDevicesType:s(Kipper|KIPPER)-(80lds|80LDS)b"
enam.Pattern = "bDevicesType:s(Knifefish|KNIFEFISH)"
tujuh.Pattern = "bDevicesType:s(Sailfish|SAILFISH)-(144lds|144LDS)"
lapan.Pattern = "bDevicesType:s((SNAKEFISH|Snakefish)-3H-CC3)"
sembilan.Pattern = "bDevicesType:s(YellowFin|YELLOWFIN)"
tigabelas.Pattern = "bDevicesType:s(Kipper|KIPPER)-(144lds|144LDS)"
empatbelas.Pattern = "bDevicesType:s(SpaceBridge|SPACEBRIDGE)"

limabelas.Pattern = "bDevicesType:s(Marlin2|MARLIN2)"
enambelas.Pattern = "bDevicesType:s(Torpedo|TORPEDO)"

one.Pattern = "[0-9]+/[0-9]+/[0-9]+s[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+s(AM|PM)s-s(FLS|fls|FSL|fsl|KLM|klm)"
two.Pattern = "-" = True
three.Pattern = ",000000A1,$"
four.Pattern = ",000000A2,$"
five.Pattern = ",000000B2,$"
'---------------Group 1-------------------------
six.Pattern = ",B20000A1,$"
seven.Pattern = ",B20000A2,$"
eight.Pattern = ",B20000B2,$"
'---------------Group 2-------------------------
data1.Pattern = ",C1,$"
data2.Pattern = ",C2,$"
data3.Pattern = ",D2,$"
'---------------Group 3-------------------------
data4.Pattern = ",00A1,$"
data5.Pattern = ",00C2,$"
data6.Pattern = ",00D2,$"
'---------------Group 4-------------------------
data4.Pattern = ",00A1,$"
data5.Pattern = ",00C2,$"
data6.Pattern = ",00D2,$"

nine.Pattern = "^Bin2.Test Started"

Do Until testfile.AtEndOfStream
a = testfile.ReadLine
'MsgBox a

If (ten.Test(a) = True) Or (empatbelas.Test(a) = True) Then 'space ,spacebridge
n = 28
End If

If (eleven.Test(a) = True) Then 'bolero 100&144&176
n = 55
End If

If (twelve.Test(a) = True) Or (duabelas.Test(a) = True) Then 'quasar0&2 And panther 144&257 And MPC
n = 40
End If

If (sepuluh.Test(a) = True) Or (sebelas.Test(a) = True) Then 'calypso100&176&256 And mamba 324&416
n = 36
End If

If (satu.Test(a) = True) Or (tiga.Test(a) = True)or (tujuh.Test(a) = True) Or (tigabelas.Test(a) = True)then 'batray 112 And flipper 144 And sailfish144 And kipper 144
n = 60
End If

If (dua.Test(a) = True) Or (ti.Test(a) = True) Or (empat.Test(a) = True) Or (enam.Test(a) = True) Or (lapan.Test(a) = True) Or (sembilan.Test(a) = True) Or (lima.Test(a) = True) Then 'bonito And flipper 80 And jellyfish100 And knifefish64&80 And snakefish80&64 And yellowfin And kipper 80 And marlin And torpedo
n = 72
End If
If (limabelas.Test(a)= True)OR (enambelas.Test(a) = True)then
n = 702
End If

If (nine.Test(a) = True) Then
bin2 = 1
End If

If (three.Test(a) = True) Then
array = Split(a,",",-1,1)
'outfile.writeline mambastr
End If

If (four.Test(a) = True) Then
array = Split(a,",",-1,1)
'outfile.writeline mambastr
End If

If (five.Test(a) = True) Then
array = Split(a,",",-1,1)
'outfile.writeline mambastr
End If

If (six.Test(a) = True And bin2 = 1) Then '",B20000A1,$"
array = Split(a,",",-1,1)
'outfile.writeline mambastr
End If

If (seven.Test(a) = True And bin2 = 1) Then '",B20000A2,$"
array = Split(a,",",-1,1)
'outfile.writeline mambastr
End If

If (eight.Test(a) = True And bin2 = 1) Then '",B20000B2,$"
array = Split(a,",",-1,1)
'outfile.writeline mambastr
End If

If (data1.Test(a) = True And bin2 = 1) Then '",000000C1,$"
array = Split(a,",",-1,1)
'outfile.writeline mambastr
End If

If (data2.Test(a) = True And bin2 = 1) Then '",000000C2,$"
array = Split(a,",",-1,1)
'outfile.writeline mambastr
End If

If (data3.Test(a) = True And bin2 = 1) Then '",000000D2,$"
array = Split(a,",",-1,1)
'outfile.writeline mambastr
End If

If (data4.Test(a) = True And bin2 = 1) Then '",00A1,$"
array = Split(a,",",-1,1)
'outfile.writeline mambastr
End If

If (data5.Test(a) = True And bin2 = 1) Then '",00C2,$"
array = Split(a,",",-1,1)
'outfile.writeline mambastr
End If

If (data6.Test(a) = True And bin2 = 1) Then '",00D2,$"
array = Split(a,",",-1,1)
'outfile.writeline mambastr
End If


Sub mamba
If (n = 28) Then '28 socket
mambastr = ""
'mambastr =array(6)&","& array(7)&","& array(8)&","& array(9)&","& array(10)&","& array(11)&","& array(12)&","& array(13)&","& array(14)&","& array(15)&","& array(16)&","& array(17)&","& array(18)&","& array(19)&","& array(20)&","& array(21)&","& array(22)&","& array(23)&","& array(24)&","& array(25)&","& array(26)&","& array(27)&","& array(28)&","& array(29)&","& array(30)&","& array(31)&","& array(32)& "," &array(33)
For k=6 To 32
mambastr = mambastr + array(k)&","
mambastr = mambastr + array(33)
End If

If (n = 36) Then '36 socket
mambastr = ""
'mambastr =array(6)&","& array(7)&","& array(8)&","& array(9)&","& array(10)&","& array(11)&","& array(12)&","& array(13)&","& array(14)&","& array(15)&","& array(16)&","& array(17)&","& array(18)&","& array(19)&","& array(20)&","& array(21)&","& array(22)&","& array(23)&","& array(24)&","& array(25)&","& array(26)&","& array(27)&","& array(28)&","& array(29)&","& array(30)&","& array(31)&","& array(32)& "," &array(33)& ","&array(34)&","& array(35)&","& array(36)&","& array(37)&","& array(38)&","& array(39)&","& array(40)&","& array(41)
For k=6 To 40
mambastr = mambastr + array(k)&","
mambastr = mambastr + array(41)
End If

If (n = 55) Then '55 socket
mambastr = ""
'mambastr =array(6)&","& array(7)&","& array(8)&","& array(9)&","& array(10)&","& array(11)&","& array(12)&","& array(13)&","& array(14)&","& array(15)&","& array(16)&","& array(17)&","& array(18)&","& array(19)&","& array(20)&","& array(21)&","& array(22)&","& array(23)&","& array(24)&","& array(25)&","& array(26)&","& array(27)&","& array(28)&","& array(29)&","& array(30)&","& array(31)&","& array(32)& "," &array(33)& ","&array(34)&","& array(35)&","& array(36)&","& array(37)&","& array(38)&","& array(39)&","& array(40)&","& array(41) &","& array(42) &","& array(43)&","& array(44)&","& array(45)&","& array(46)&","& array(47)&","& array(48)&","& array(49)&","& array(50) &","& array(51)&","& array(52)&","& array(53)&","& array(54)&","& array(55)&","& array(56)&","& array(57)&","& array(58)&","& array(59)&","& array(60)
For k=6 To 59
mambastr = mambastr + array(k)&","
mambastr = mambastr + array(60)
End If

If (n = 40) Then '40 socket
mambastr = ""
'mambastr =array(6)&","& array(7)&","& array(8)&","& array(9)&","& array(10)&","& array(11)&","& array(12)&","& array(13)&","& array(14)&","& array(15)&","& array(16)&","& array(17)&","& array(18)&","& array(19)&","& array(20)&","& array(21)&","& array(22)&","& array(23)&","& array(24)&","& array(25)&","& array(26)&","& array(27)&","& array(28)&","& array(29)&","& array(30)&","& array(31)&","& array(32)& "," &array(33)& ","&array(34)&","& array(35)&","& array(36)&","& array(37)&","& array(38)&","& array(39)&","& array(40)&","& array(41) &","& array(42) &","& array(43)&","& array(44)&","& array(45)
For k=6 To 44
mambastr = mambastr + array(k)&","
mambastr = mambastr + array(45)
End If

If (n = 60) Then
mambastr = ""
For k=6 To 64
mambastr = mambastr + array(k)&","
mambastr = mambastr + array(65)
End If

If (n = 72) Then
mambastr = ""
For k=6 To 76
mambastr = mambastr + array(k)&","
mambastr = mambastr + array(77)
End If

If (n = 702) Then
mambastr = ""
For k=6 To 76
mambastr = mambastr + array(k)&","
mambastr = mambastr + array(77)
End If
End Sub

Sub OpenADOObjects2
Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLNCLI11; Server=; Database=d.Test2; UID=sa; Pwd=Win32API"
Set objRecordSet = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
objRecordSet.Open "Select * from tb.Test", objConnection, 1, 3
End Sub

Sub CloseADOObject
End Sub

Sub additem
objRecordSet("data")= a
objRecordSet("sockstr")= mambastr
End Sub

Edit: reconstructed the code.

Option Explicit
Dim objFSO : Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'dim outfile: Set outfile = objFSO.CreateTextFile("C:UsersfaeqDesktopBIN2 Missmatchoutputtestdata.log",2,true)
'dim outfolder : Set outfolder = objFSO.GetFolder("C:UsersfaeqDesktopDest ")
Dim objSTR, objEND, objTYP, objEXT, objKEY, objFILE, objKEY2
Dim testfile,b,a,dateTime,dash,array,mambastr,sock,k,nine
dim devnames, line, Split
dim objConnection,objRecordSet,ConnectionString,bin2, m
dim waf1,waf2,waf3,waf4, waf5, waf6, waf7, waf8, waf9, waf10, waf11, waf12

objSTR = "C:read" 'Folder to search through.
'objEND = "D:SQLDEVbin_miss_matcharchive" 'Folder to copy too.
objEXT = "log" 'do not include leading period '.' on the extension.
objTYP = "Text Document"
objKEY = "drivermonitor" 'keyword to search for along with the extension.
objKEY2 = "devicedata" 'keyword to search for along with the extension.


For Each objFILE in objFSO.GetFolder(objSTR).Files
Set testfile = objFSO.OpenAsTextStream
line = ""
Do Until testfile.AtEndOfStream
line= testfile.ReadLine

set Split =new regexp
set dateTime =new regexp
set dash =new regexp
set a =new regexp
Set m = New regExp
set nine = new regexp
set line = new regexp
Set re2 = New RegExp
Set re = New regExp
Set waf1 = New regExp
Set waf2 = New regExp
Set waf3 = New regExp
Set waf4 = New regExp
Set waf5 = New regExp
Set waf6 = New regExp
Set waf7 = New regExp
Set waf8 = New regExp
Set waf9 = New regExp
Set waf10 = New regExp
Set waf11 = New regExp
Set waf12 = New regExp
re.Pattern = "^DevicesType:s(.*)"
For Each m In re.Execute(line)
devnames = m.Submatches(24)

re2.Pattern = "^[^-]*-|-[^-]*$"
re2.Global = True
devnames = re2.Replace(devnames, "")

Set devnames = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

devnames.Add "Bolero", True
devnames.Add "Habanero", True
devnames.Add "Spacebridge", True
devnames.Add "Marlin", True
devnames.Add "Torpedo", True
devnames.Add "Calypso", True
devnames.Add "Mamba", True
devnames.Add "Mpc", True
devnames.Add "Panther", True
devnames.Add "Quasar", True
devnames.Add "Swordfish", True
devnames.Add "Batray", True
devnames.Add "Bonito", True
devnames.Add "Flipper", True
devnames.Add "Jelly", True
devnames.Add "Kipper", True
devnames.Add "Knifefish", True
devnames.Add "Sailfish", True
devnames.Add "Snakefish", True
devnames.Add "Yellowfin", True
devnames.Add "Agave", True
devnames.Add "Grusonia", True
devnames.Add "Oroya", True

For Each m In re.Execute(line)
devnames = m.Submatches(24)

bin2 = 0
sock = 0

dateTime.pattern = "[0-9]+/[0-9]+/[0-9]+s[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+s(AM|PM)s-s(FLS|fls|FSL|fsl|KLM|klm)"
dash.pattern = "-" = True
waf1.pattern = ",000000A1,$"
waf2.pattern = ",000000A2,$"
waf3.pattern = ",000000B2,$"
'---------------Group 1-------------------------
waf4.pattern = ",B20000A1,$"
waf5.pattern = ",B20000A2,$"
waf6.pattern = ",B20000B2,$"
'---------------Group 2-------------------------
waf7.pattern = ",000000C1,$"
waf8.pattern = ",000000C2,$"
waf9.pattern = ",000000D2,$"
'---------------Group 3-------------------------
waf10.pattern = ",00A1,$"
waf11.pattern = ",00C2,$"
waf12.pattern = ",00D2,$"

If devnames.Exists("Bolero") or devnames.Exists("Mpc") Then
sock = 55
End If
If devnames.Exists("Habanero") Then
sock = 20
End If
If devnames.Exists("Marlin") or devnames.Exists("Torpedo") or devnames.Exists("Bonito") or devnames.Exists("Flipper") or devnames.Exists("Jelly") or devnames.Exists("Kipper") or devnames.Exists("Knifefish") or devnames.Exists("Sailfish") or devnames.Exists("Snakefish") or devnames.Exists("Yellowfin")Then
sock = 72
End If
If devnames.Exists("Calypso") Then
sock = 36
End If
If devnames.Exists("Mamba") or devnames.Exists("Spacebridge") Then
sock = 28
End If
If devnames.Exists("Panther") or devnames.Exists("Quasar") Then
sock = 40
End If
If devnames.Exists("Swordfish") or devnames.Exists("Batray") Then
sock = 60
End If
If devnames.Exists("Agave") Then
sock = 128
End If
If devnames.Exists("Grusonia") or devnames.Exists("Oroya") Then
sock = 120
End If

Do Until testfile.AtEndOfStream
a = Split(testfile.ReadLine, ",")

if (nine.test(a) = true) then
bin2 = 1
end if

if (waf1.test(a) =true) then
a = Split(testfile.ReadLine, ",")
'outfile.writeline mambastr
end if

if (waf2.test(a) =true) then
a = Split(testfile.ReadLine, ",")
'outfile.writeline mambastr
end if

if (waf3.test(a) = true) then
a = Split(testfile.ReadLine, ",")
'outfile.writeline mambastr
end if

if (waf4.test(a) =true and bin2 = 1) then '",B20000A1,$"
a = Split(testfile.ReadLine, ",")
'outfile.writeline mambastr
end if

if (waf5.test(a) =true and bin2 = 1) then '",B20000A2,$"
a = Split(testfile.ReadLine, ",")
'outfile.writeline mambastr
end if

if (waf6.test(a) =true and bin2 = 1) then '",B20000B2,$"
a = Split(testfile.ReadLine, ",")
'outfile.writeline mambastr
end if

if (waf7.test(a) =true and bin2 = 1) then '",000000C1,$"
a = Split(testfile.ReadLine, ",")
'outfile.writeline mambastr
end if

if (waf8.test(a) =true and bin2 = 1) then '",000000C2,$"
a = Split(testfile.ReadLine, ",")
'outfile.writeline mambastr
end if

if (waf9.test(a) =true and bin2 = 1) then '",000000D2,$"
a = Split(testfile.ReadLine, ",")
'outfile.writeline mambastr
end if

if (waf10.test(a) =true and bin2 = 1) then '",00A1,$"
a = Split(testfile.ReadLine, ",")
'outfile.writeline mambastr
end if

if (waf11.test(a) =true and bin2 = 1) then '",00C2,$"
a = Split(testfile.ReadLine, ",")
'outfile.writeline mambastr
end if

if (waf12.test(a) =true and bin2 = 1) then '",00D2,$"
a = Split(testfile.ReadLine, ",")
'outfile.writeline mambastr
end if
v = a(UBound(a)-1)


Sub mamba
if (sock = 28) then
mambastr = ""
For k=6 to 32
mambastr= mambastr + a(k)&","
mambastr = mambastr + a(33)
end if

if (sock = 36) then
mambastr = ""
For k=6 to 40
mambastr= mambastr + a(k)&","
mambastr = mambastr + a(41)
end if

if (sock = 55) then
mambastr = ""
For k=6 to 59
mambastr=mambastr + a(k)&","
mambastr = mambastr + a(60)
end if

if (sock = 40) then
mambastr = ""
For k=6 to 44
mambastr= mambastr + a(k)&","
mambastr = mambastr + a(45)
end if

if (sock = 60) then
mambastr = ""
For k=6 to 64
mambastr=mambastr + a(k)&","
mambastr = mambastr + a(65)
end if

if (sock = 72) then
mambastr = ""
For k=6 to 76
mambastr=mambastr + a(k)&","
mambastr = mambastr + a(77)
end if
if (sock = 20) then
mambastr = ""
For k=6 to 24
mambastr=mambastr + a(k)&","
mambastr = mambastr + a(25)
end if
if (sock = 128) then
mambastr = ""
For k=6 to 132
mambastr=mambastr + a(k)&","
mambastr = mambastr + a(133)
end if
if (sock = 120) then
mambastr = ""
For k=6 to 124
mambastr=mambastr + a(k)&","
mambastr = mambastr + a(125)
end if
end sub

sub OpenADOObjects2
Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.connection")
objConnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLNCLI11; Server=; Database=dbtest2; UID=sa; Pwd=Win32API"
set objRecordSet = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
objRecordSet.Open "Select * from tbltest",objConnection,1,3

end sub

sub CloseADOObject
end sub

sub additem
objRecordSet("data")= a
objRecordSet("sockstr")= mambastr
end sub

Please reduce that wall of code to a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example demonstrating the problem you're facing.
– Ansgar Wiechers
Aug 27 at 7:28

certain device not working well with this code. @AnsgarWiechers
– sapkoklu
Aug 27 at 8:01

"Not working well" is not a problem description. What is the behavior you expect? What is the behavior you observe? We're not sitting in front of your computer.
– Ansgar Wiechers
Aug 27 at 8:05

That's a lot of RegExp objects...why so many? You could have handled the various parameters in a loop and only needed one RegExp object.
– Lankymart
Aug 27 at 15:33



Thats the name of the devices and wafer results @Lankymart
– sapkoklu
Aug 28 at 1:06

1 Answer

This may not actually answer your question (because it's not entirely clear to me what your question is in the first place), but should offer some general guidelines for improving your code.

Usually when processing CSV-style files the best approach is to read the file line by line, split each line, then base the further processing on the values of specific fields in the resulting array.

For Each f In objFSO.GetFolder(objSTR).Files
Set testfile = f.OpenAsTextStream
Do Until testfile.AtEndOfStream
a = Split(testfile.ReadLine, ",")
'further processing occurs here

For opening a file it's not necessary to get the full path from a File object first, then call OpenTextFile with that path. You can directly open a text file from the File object with the object's OpenAsTextStream method.





If you have a file format that prepends CSV-style data with a differently formatted header I'd recommend processing that header first in a separate loop:

For Each f In objFSO.GetFolder(objSTR).Files
Set testfile = f.OpenAsTextStream
line = ""
Do Until testfile.AtEndOfStream Or InStr(line, "Test Started at") > 0
line = testfile.ReadLine
'process headers here
Do Until testfile.AtEndOfStream
a = Split(testfile.ReadLine, ",")
'process CSV data here

Extract the device type from the header section with a single regular expression:

Set re = New RegExp
re.Pattern = "^DevicesType:s(.*)"
For Each m In re.Execute(line)
devtype = m.Submatches(0)

Given your example the variable devtype will then contain the value "ENG-Bolero1M-4HR". You can remove unwanted prefixes and/or suffixes from that string e.g. like this:


Set re2 = New RegExp
re2.Pattern = "^[^-]*-|-[^-]*$"
re2.Global = True
devtype = re2.Replace(devtype, "")

The above will change the string "ENG-Bolero1M-4HR" to "Bolero1M".

Use a dictionary for mapping the extracted strings to other values:

Set devtypes = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
devtypes.Add "Bolero1M", 55

nval = devtypes(devtype)

or for basing decisions on the presence of a value:

Set devtypes = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
devtypes.Add "Bolero1M", True

If devtypes.Exists(devtype) Then
End If

In the CSV section you extract the value of the second-last field like this:

v = a(UBound(a)-1)

Also, if you find yourself doing the same (or very similar) operations repeatedly in your code, you should consider wrapping those operations in a procedure or function. And use descriptive names for procedure/function/variable names.

If devnames.Exists(devname), is this correct or the "s" is missing?If devnames.Exists(devnames)? I am trying using your code guidline
– sapkoklu
Aug 27 at 9:04

@sapkoklu devnames.Exists(devname) would return True if the value of the variable devname is present as a key in the dictionary devnames, and False if such a key is missing.
– Ansgar Wiechers
Aug 27 at 9:08




ok. Is there other way to simplified my codes?
– sapkoklu
Aug 27 at 9:31

Probably. But I'd suggest you start with the points I outlined in my answer.
– Ansgar Wiechers
Aug 27 at 9:57

I'm not going to debug 300 LoC for you, particularly not with a problem description like "it's not working". I already asked you to reduce your code to a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example. More specifically, break your problem down into specific tasks. Get each individual task working. Then combine the code. Like, process header -> process CSV section -> process one file -> process multiple files.
– Ansgar Wiechers
Aug 28 at 7:29

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