opencv python cv2.line works only for certain pixel values

opencv python cv2.line works only for certain pixel values

Result image link

I am using cv2.line to draw vertical lines across my image. The command works for certain values of pixels but not for all of them. For example I can draw a line through pixels (21,1) to (21,450) but not through (160,1) to (160,450). I am sure my image is larger than 160 pixels. I have used different values and it seems random to me in which values the line is printed and in which values it is not. Here is my code (I am working with Jupiter notebook):


new_im = cv2.cvtColor(edge, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)

I have also tried to change the order of the lines but I get the same result. Some lines are printed and some are not.

can you post an image with the wrong result?
– Miki
Aug 20 at 13:30

What is new_im.shape?
– w-m
Aug 20 at 13:52


@w-m the output is (490, 190, 3)
– Reyna Ramírez
Aug 20 at 14:16

@Miki !new_image
– Reyna Ramírez
Aug 20 at 14:24

@ReynaRamírez please upload the image directly to the post (…) the Google Drive link is not publicly accesible. And update the example code in the post as well, it's hard to parse the comment.
– w-m
Aug 20 at 15:51

1 Answer

imshow defaults to nearest neighbor interpolation in some backends.

If the view is smaller than the original image, some rows may be dropped and not displayed at all.

Fix it by explicitly setting an appropriate interpolation string, e.g. bilinear:

plt.imshow(new_im, interpolation="bilinear")

thank you @w-m, that solved the problem :)
– Reyna Ramírez
Aug 21 at 7:38

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