List of members of the United States House of Representatives in the 67th Congress by seniority

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This is a complete list of members of the United States House of Representatives during the 67th United States Congress listed by seniority. For the most part, representatives are ranked by the beginning of their terms in office.[1]

As an historical article, the districts and party affiliations listed reflect those during the 67th Congress (March 4, 1921 – March 3, 1923). Seats and party affiliations on similar lists for other Congresses will be different for certain members.

This article describes the criteria for seniority in the House of Representatives and sets out the list of members by seniority. It is prepared on the basis of the interpretation of seniority applied to the House of Representatives in the current congress. In the absence of information to the contrary, it is presumed that the twenty-first-century practice is identical to the seniority customs used during the 67th Congress.[2]


  • 1 Seniority

    • 1.1 House seniority

    • 1.2 Committee seniority

  • 2 Committees

  • 3 List of Representatives by seniority

  • 4 References

  • 5 See also

  • 6 External links


House seniority

Seniority in the House, for Congressmen with unbroken service, depends on the date on which the members first term began. That date is either the start of the Congress (4 March in odd numbered years, for the era up to and including the 73rd Congress starting in 1933) or the date of a special election during the Congress. Since many members start serving on the same day as others, ranking between them is based on alphabetical order by the last name of the congressman. If there is still a tie, then the first names are used.

Representatives who return to the House, after having previously served, are credited with service equal to one less than the total number of terms they served. When a representative has served a prior term of less than two terms (i.e., prior term minus one equals less than one), the member is ranked above all others whose service begins on the same day.

Committee seniority

At the start of the 67th Congress in 1921, the committee assignments were made by each party and then formally approved by the whole House. Each party controlled the committee ranking of its members, but usually this followed the order of seniority of members in terms of service on the committee. It was customary for members of a committee, in the previous congress, to be re-appointed at the start of the next.

A seniority rule was normally used to decide committee chairmen. The chairman was likely to be the majority member of a committee, with the longest continuous service on it. However, party leadership was typically not associated with seniority.[3]

Out of a group of fifty nine standing committee chairmen, at the start of this Congress, Nelson Polsby identified forty four as the most senior member of the majority on the committee. In fifteen other cases, senior majority members were compensated for not being chairman of the committee (ten chaired another committee and five received better committee assignments than in the previous Congress). In no instance was there no obvious compensation for the apparent violation of the seniority custom.[4]


This list refers to the standing committees of the House in the 67th Congress, the year of establishment as a standing committee (adoption of the name used in 1921), the number of members assigned to the committee and the corresponding committee in the current congress. Because of consolidation of committees and changes of jurisdiction, it is not always possible to identify a clear successor panel. [5]

No.1921 CommitteeEstablishedMembers2011 Committee
House Administration
3Alcoholic Liquor Traffic189311Judiciary
5Banking and Currency186521
Financial Services
6Census190116Oversight and Government Reform
8Coinage, Weights and Measures1864 (1867)18Financial Services
9Disposition of Executive Papers19112House Administration
10District of Columbia180821
Oversight and Government Reform
11Education1867 (1883)15
Education and the Workforce
12Election of President, Vice President and Representatives189313House Administration
13Elections No. 11789 (1895)9House Administration
14Elections No. 218959House Administration
15Elections No. 318959House Administration
16Enrolled Bills18767House Administration
17Expenditures in the Agriculture Department18897Oversight and Government Reform
18Expenditures in the Commerce Department1903 (1913)7Oversight and Government Reform
19Expenditures in the Interior Department18607Oversight and Government Reform
20Expenditures in the Justice Department18747Oversight and Government Reform
21Expenditures in the Labor Department19137Oversight and Government Reform
22Expenditures in the Navy Department18167Oversight and Government Reform
23Expenditures in the Post Office Department18167Oversight and Government Reform
24Expenditures in the State Department18167Oversight and Government Reform
25Expenditures in the Treasury Department18167Oversight and Government Reform
26Expenditures in the War Department18167Oversight and Government Reform
27Expenditures on Public Buildings18167Oversight and Government Reform
28Foreign Affairs182221Foreign Affairs
29Immigration and Naturalization189315Judiciary
30Indian Affairs182119Natural Resources
31Industrial Arts and Expositions190316Foreign Affairs
32Insular Affairs189921Natural Resources
33Interstate and Foreign Commerce1795 (1892)21
Energy and Commerce
34Invalid Pensions183116
Veterans' Affairs
35Irrigation of Arid Lands189313Natural Resources
37Labor188313Education and the Workforce
38Merchant Marine and Fisheries188721...
39Mileage18375House Administration
40Military Affairs182221
Armed Services
41Mines and Mining186514Natural Resources
42Naval Affairs182221Armed Services
44Pensions188015Veterans' Affairs
45Post Office and Post Roads180821Oversight and Government Reform
46Public Buildings and Grounds183720
Transportation and Infrastructure
47Public Lands180521
Natural Resources
48Railways and Canals1831 (1869)14Transportation and Infrastructure
49Reform in the Civil Service189313Oversight and Government Reform
50Revision of Laws186813Judiciary
51Rivers and Harbors188321Transportation and Infrastructure
52Roads191321Transportation and Infrastructure
54Territories182517Natural Resources
55War Claims1825 (1873)15Judiciary
56Ways and Means180225Ways and Means
57Woman Suffrage191713...

Joint Committees (House standing committee members only)
Jt 1
Library Joint
18065House Administration
Jt 2
Printing Joint
18463House Administration

List of Representatives by seniority

A numerical rank is assigned to each of the 435 members initially elected to the 67th Congress. Other members, who joined the House during the Congress, are not assigned a number.

Three Representatives-elect died before the Congress started. [6] The list below includes those Representatives-elect (with names in italics), with the seniority they would have held if they had been able to be sworn in.

The notes indicate female members and those from particular backgrounds: [AA] African American (none in this Congress), [AP] Asian Pacific, [F] Female and [H] Hispanic.

Major party designations used in this article are D for Democratic members and R for Republican representatives. Other designations include Ind for Independent and Soc for Socialist.

U.S. House Seniority
RankRepresentativePartyDistrictSeniority dateNotes

Twenty-three non-consecutive terms
1Joseph G. CannonRIL-18March 4, 1915Previously served 1873–91 and 1893–1913 while in the House. Last term while serving in the House.

Fifteen consecutive terms
2Frederick H. GillettRMA-2March 4, 1893
Dean of the House. Speaker of the House.

Fourteen non-consecutive terms
3Henry A. CooperRWI-1March 4, 1921Previously served 1893–1919 while in the House.

Thirteen consecutive terms
4Thomas S. ButlerRPA-7March 4, 1897Independent Republican, 1897–99. Chairman: Naval Affairs
5James R. MannRIL-2Died on November 30, 1922 while still serving in the House.
6William S. GreeneRMA-15May 31, 1898Chairman: Merchant Marine and Fisheries

Thirteen non-consecutive terms
7Frank W. MondellRWY-alMarch 4, 1899Previously served 1895–97 while in the House. Majority Leader. Last term while serving in the House.

Twelve consecutive terms
8Joseph W. FordneyRMI-8March 4, 1899Chairman: Ways and Means. Last term while serving in the House.
9Gilbert N. HaugenRIA-4Chairman: Agriculture
10William W. RuckerDMO-2Last term while serving in the House.

Twelve non-consecutive terms
11Richard W. ParkerDNJ-9March 4, 1921Previously served 1895–1911 and December 1, 1914–19 while in the House. Last term while serving in the House.

Eleven consecutive terms
12Henry D. FloodDVA-10March 4, 1901Died on December 8, 1921 while still serving in the House.
13Claude KitchinDNC-2
Minority Leader
14Lemuel P. PadgettDTN-7Died on August 2, 1922 while still serving in the House.
15Edward W. PouDNC-4

Eleven non-consecutive terms
16Julius KahnRCA-4March 4, 1905Previously served 1899–1903 while in the House. Chairman: Military Affairs.

Ten consecutive terms
17Philip P. CampbellRKS-3March 4, 1903Chairman: Rules. Last term while serving in the House.
18Charles R. DavisRMN-3Chairman: Appropriations (1921)
19John N. GarnerDTX-15
20Benjamin G. HumphreysD
21Moses P. KinkaidRNE-6Chairman: Irrigation of Arid Lands. Died on July 6, 1922 while still serving in the House.
22Halvor SteenersonRMN-9Chairman: Post Office and Post Roads. Last term while serving in the House.
23Andrew J. VolsteadRMN-7Chairman: Judiciary. Last term while serving in the House.

Ten non-consecutive terms
24William A. RodenbergRIL-22March 4, 1915Previously served 1899–1901 and 1903–13 while in the House. Chairman: Flood Control. Last term while serving in the House.
25Daniel J. RiordanDNY-11November 6, 1906Previously served 1899–1901 while in the House.

Nine consecutive terms
26Thomas M. BellDGA-9March 4, 1905
27Frank ClarkD
28Finis J. GarrettD
29Gordon LeeD
30Martin B. MaddenR

Nine non-consecutive terms
31Theodore E. BurtonROH-22March 4, 1921Previously served 1889–91 and 1895–1909 while in the House (elected to, but did not serve in the 61st Congress)
32Charles E. FullerRIL-12March 4, 1915Previously served 1903–13 while in the House. Chairman: Invalid Pensions.
33Nicholas LongworthROH-1Previously served 1903–13 while in the House.

Eight consecutive terms
34Rufus HardyDTX-6March 4, 1907Last term while serving in the House.
35Willis C. HawleyROR-1
36Ben JohnsonD
37John W. LangleyRKY-10Chairman: Public Buildings and Grounds
38James C. McLaughlinRMI-9
39Adolph J. SabathD
40Daniel R. Anthony, Jr.RKS-1
May 23, 1907
41Charles D. CarterDOK-3
November 16, 1907
42C. Bascom SlempRVA-9December 17, 1907Last term while serving in the House.

Eight non-consecutive terms
43Burton L. FrenchRID-1March 4, 1917Previously served 1903–09 and 1911–15 while in the House.
44William H. StaffordRWI-5March 4, 1921Previously served 1903–11 and 1913–19. Last term while serving in the House until 71st Congress.
45John M. NelsonRWI-3Previously served September 4, 1906–19 while in the House.
46Harry C. WoodyardRWV-4November 7, 1916Previously served 1903–11 while in the House. Last term while serving in the House until 69th Congress.

Seven consecutive terms
47Joseph W. ByrnsDTN-6March 4, 1909
48J. Campbell CantrillD
49James W. CollierD
50James W. GoodRIA-5Chairman: Appropriations. Resigned on June 15, 1921 while still serving in the House.
51William W. GriestRPA-9
52William A. OldfieldDAR-2
Minority Whip
53Thomas U. SissonDMS-4Last term while serving in the House.
54Edward T. TaylorDCO-4
55Robert Y. Thomas, Jr.D
56H. Garland DupréDLA-2
November 8, 1910

Seven non-consecutive terms
57Benjamin K. FochtRPA-17March 4, 1915Previously served 1907–13. Chairman: District of Columbia. Last term while serving in the House until 73rd Congress.
58W. Bourke CockranRNY-16March 4, 1921Previously served 1887–89; November 3, 1891–95 and February 23, 1904–09 while in the House. Died on March 1, 1923 while still serving in the House.

Six consecutive terms
59Sydney AndersonRMN-1March 4, 1911
60Fred L. BlackmonDAL-4Died, as Representative-elect: February 8, 1921
61James F. ByrnesDSC-2
62Ira C. CopleyRIL-11Progressive 1915–17. Last term while serving in the House.
63Robert L. DoughtonDNC-8
64William J. FieldsD
65Henderson M. JacowayDAR-5Last term while serving in the House.
66J. Charles LinthicumDMD-4
67John C. McKenzieR
68Luther W. MottR
69Stephen G. PorterRPA-29Chairman: Foreign Affairs
70John E. RakerDCA-2
71Arthur B. RouseD
72Charles M. StedmanD
73Horace M. TownerRIA-8
Republican Conference Chairman. Chairman: Insular Affairs.
74William R. GreenRIA-9June 5, 1911
75Leonidas C. DyerRMO-12March 4, 1915Previously served 1911-June 19, 1914 while in the House.
76Carl T. HaydenDAZ-alFebruary 19, 1912
77William S. VareRPA-1May 24, 1912Resigned on January 2, 1923 while in the House. Last term until 68th Congress while serving in the House.
78Frank L. GreeneRVT-1July 30, 1912Last term while serving in the House.
79Samuel M. TaylorDAR-6January 15, 1913Died on September 13, 1921 while still serving in the House.

Six non-consecutive terms
80John Q. TilsonRCT-3March 4, 1915Previously served 1909–13
81Charles R. CrispDGA-3March 4, 1913Previously served December 19, 1896–97

Five consecutive terms
82James B. AswellDLA-8March 4, 1913
83Alben W. BarkleyD
84Frederick A. BrittenR
85Edward E. BrowneR
86John F. CarewD
87Louis C. CramtonR
88Charles F. CurryRCA-3Chairman: Territories
89Thomas B. DunnRNY-38Chairman: Roads. Last term while serving in the House.
90George W. EdmondsRPA-4Chairman: Claims
91Simeon D. FessROH-7Chairman: Education. Last term while serving in the House.
92James A. FrearRWI-10
93George S. GrahamR
94Albert JohnsonRWA-3Chairman: Immigration and Naturalization
95Patrick H. KelleyRMI-6Last term while serving in the House.
96Ambrose KennedyR
97Edgar R. KiessRPA-15
98Aaron S. KreiderRPA-18Chairman: Expenditures in the Interior Department. Last term while serving in the House.
99Ladislas LazaroDLA-7
100Carl E. MapesR
101Andrew J. MontagueD
102John M. MorinR
103John I. NolanRCA-5Chairman: Labor. Died November 18, 1922.
104James S. ParkerRNY-29
105Percy E. QuinD
106Sam RayburnDTX-4
Democratic Caucus Chairman
107John J. RogersRMA-5
108Nicholas J. SinnottROR-2Chairman: Public Lands
109Addison T. SmithRID-2Chairman: Alcohol Liquor Traffic. Chairman: Irrigation of Arid Lands (1922).
110Hatton W. SumnersDTX-5
111Allen T. TreadwayR
112Otis T. WingoD
113Samuel E. WinslowRMA-4Chairman: Interstate and Foreign Commerce
114George M. YoungRND-2
115James P. BuchananDTX-10
April 15, 1913
116John A. PetersRME-3September 9, 1913Resigned, to become a US District Judge: January 2, 1922
117Calvin D. PaigeRMA-3November 4, 1913
118Frank ParkD
119James A. GallivanDMA-12
April 7, 1914
120Henry W. TempleRPA-24November 2, 1915Previously served (Progressive) 1913–15
121Carl VinsonDGA-10November 3, 1914

Five non-consecutive terms
122William E. MasonRIL-alMarch 4, 1917Previously served 1887–91. Died on June 16, 1921 while still serving in the House.

Four consecutive terms
123Edward B. AlmonDAL-8March 4, 1915
124Isaac BacharachR
125Eugene BlackD
126John G. CooperR
127Porter H. DaleRVT-2Chairman: Expenditures in the Treasury Department
128Frederick W. DallingerRMA-8Chairman: Elections No. 1
129George P. DarrowRPA-6
130S. Wallace DempseyRNY-40Chairman: Rivers and Harbors
131Edward E. DenisonRIL-25
132Cassius C. DowellRIA-7Chairman: Elections No. 3
133John A. ElstonRCA-6Progressive 1915–17; Republican and Progressive candidate: 1916 election. [7] Died on December 15, 1921 while still serving in the House.
134Richard P. FreemanRCT-2
135Mahlon M. GarlandRPA-alDied, as Representative-elect: November 19, 1920
136James P. GlynnRCT-5Chairman: Expenditures in the Post Office Department. Last term while serving in the House until 79th Congress.
137Lindley H. HadleyRWA-2
138Frederick C. HicksRNY-1Last term while serving in the House.
139George HuddlestonDAL-9
140Harry E. HullR
141James W. HustedRNY-25Last term while serving in the House.
142Elijah C. HutchinsonR
143W. Frank JamesRMI-12
144Royal C. JohnsonRSD-2Chairman: Expenditures in the War Department
145Charles C. KearnsROH-6
146David H. KincheloeD
147Edward J. KingRIL-15Chairman: Expenditures in the Agriculture Department
148Frederick R. LehlbachRNJ-10Chairman: Reform in the Civil Service
149Walter W. MageeRNY-35
150Whitmell P. MartinDLA-3Progressive 1915–19
151Clifton N. McArthurROR-3Last term while serving in the House.
152James V. McClinticDOK-7
153Louis T. McFaddenRPA-14Chairman: Banking and Currency
154Merrill MooresRIN-7
155Sydney E. Mudd IIR
156William B. OliverD
157C. William RamseyerR
158C. Frank ReavisRNE-1Resigned on June 3, 1922 while still serving in the House.
159Thomas D. SchallRMN-10Chairman: Alcohol Liquor Traffic (1922)
160Frank D. ScottRMI-11
161William J. SearsD
162Isaac SiegelRNY-20Chairman: Census. Last term while serving in the House.
163Homer P. SnyderRNY-33Chairman: Indian Affairs
164Henry B. SteagallDAL-3
165Walter R. StinessRRI-2Last term while serving in the House.
166Burton E. SweetR
167John N. TillmanDAR-3
168Charles B. TimberlakeR
169George H. TinkhamR
170Joseph WalshRMA-16Resigned on August 2, 1922 while still serving in the House.
171Charles B. WardRNY-27
172Edward H. WasonR
173Henry W. WatsonR
174Loren E. WheelerRIL-21Chairman: Railways and Canals. Last term until 69th Congress.
175Thomas S. WilliamsRIL-24
176Riley J. WilsonD
177James W. WiseD
178William R. WoodR
179Peter F. TagueDMA-10October 23, 1919Previously served 1915–19 while in the House.
180Norman J. GouldRNY-36November 2, 1915Last term while serving in the House.
181Bertrand H. SnellRNY-31Chairman: War Claims
182George M. BowersRWV-2May 9, 1916Last term while serving in the House.
183Thomas W. HarrisonDVA-7November 7, 1916Unseated on election contest: December 15, 1922. Last term until seated in 68th Congress.

Four non-consecutive terms
184Walter M. ChandlerRNY-19March 4, 1921Previously served 1913–19 (Progressive 1913–17). Last term while serving in the House.
185M. Clyde KellyRPA-30March 4, 1917Previously served (Republican) 1913–15 while in the House. Progressive 1917–19.
186James W. OverstreetDGA-1Previously served October 3, 1906–07. Last term while serving in the House.

Three consecutive terms
187William B. BankheadDAL-10March 4, 1917
188Oscar E. BlandRIN-2Chairman: Industrial Arts and Expositions. Last term while serving in the House.
189Thomas L. BlantonDTX-17
190Charles H. BrandDGA-8First elected January 11, 1917 (before the start of the 65th Congress) [8]
191Guy E. CampbellDPA-32
192David G. ClassonRWI-9Last term while serving in the House.
193Tom T. ConnallyDTX-11
194Frederick H. DominickD
195Herbert J. DraneD
196Louis W. FairfieldR
197Hubert F. FisherD
198William J. GrahamR
199Ira G. HerseyR
200Clifford C. IrelandRIL-16Chairman: Accounts. Last term while serving in the House.
201J. Marvin JonesDTX-18
202Harold KnutsonRMN-6
Majority Whip. Chairman: Pensions
203Milton KrausRIN-11Last term while serving in the House.
204William W. LarsenDGA-12
205Clarence F. LeaD
206Edward C. LittleRKS-2Chairman: Revision of Laws
207Joseph J. MansfieldDTX-9
208John F. MillerR
209Henry Z. OsborneRCA-10Died on February 8, 1923 while still serving in the House.
210Fred S. PurnellRIN-9
211Stuart F. ReedRWV-3Chairman: Expenditures in the Justice Department
212John M. RoseRPA-19Last term while serving in the House.
213Archie D. SandersRNY-39
214Everett SandersR
215William F. StevensonDSC-5First elected February 21, 1917 (before the start of the 65th Congress) [9]
216Nathan L. StrongRPA-27
217Christopher D. SullivanD
218Albert H. VestalRIN-8Chairman: Coinage, Weights and Measures
219Edward VoigtRWI-2
220Wallace H. White, Jr.RME-2Chairman: Woman Suffrage
221Frederick N. ZihlmanRMD-6Chairman: Expenditures in the Post Office Department; Chairman: District of Columbia; Chairman: Labor (1922)
222Zebulon WeaverDNC-10March 4, 1919Previously served 1917-March 1, 1919 while in the House.
223Sherman E. BurroughsRNH-1May 29, 1917Died January 27, 1923 while still serving in the House.
224Richard N. ElliottRIN-6June 29, 1917Chairman: Expenditures in the State Department
225Willfred W. LufkinRMA-6November 6, 1917Resigned June 30, 1921
226Schuyler MerrittRCT-4
227William C. WrightDGA-4
January 16, 1918
228Anthony J. GriffinDNY-22
March 5, 1918
229John W. RaineyDIL-4
April 2, 1918
230S. Otis BlandDVA-1
July 2, 1918
231Florian LampertRWI-6November 5, 1918Chairman: Patents
232Adolphus P. NelsonRWI-11Last term while serving in the House.
233James P. WoodsDVA-6
February 25, 1919

Three non-consecutive terms
234William E. AndrewsRNE-5March 4, 1919Previously served 1895–97. Chairman: Election of President, Vice President and Representatives. Last term while serving in the House.
235Edgar C. EllisRMO-5March 4, 1921Previously served 1905–09. Last term while still serving in the House until 69th Congress.
236Benjamin L. FairchildRNY-24March 4, 1921Previously served 1895–97 and 1917–19 while in the House. Last term while serving in the House until seated in the 68th Congress
237Daniel E. GarrettDTX-8Previously served 1913–15 and 1917–19 while in the House.
238Meyer LondonSocNY-12Socialist. Previously served 1915–19 while in the House. Last term while serving in the House.
239Marion E. RhodesRMO-13March 4, 1919Previously served 1905–07. Chairman: Mines and Mining. Last term while serving in the House.
240Edwin D. RickettsROH-11Previously served 1915–17 while in the House. Last term while serving in the House.
241Milton W. ShreveInd RPA-25Independent Republican. Previously served (Republican) 1913–15 while in the House. Republican 1919–21.
242Anderson H. WaltersRPA-alPreviously served 1913–15 while in the House. Chairman: Expenditures in the Labor Department. Last term while serving in the House until 69th Congress.

Two consecutive terms
243Ernest R. AckermanRNJ-5March 4, 1919
244Henry E. BarbourR
245James T. BeggR
246John S. BenhamRIN-4Chairman: Expenditures on Public Buildings. Last term while serving in the House.
247William D. BoiesRIA-11
248John C. BoxD
249Clay S. BriggsD
250Samuel M. BrinsonDNC-3Died on April 13, 1922 while still serving in the House.
251Edward S. BrooksRPA-20Last term while serving in the House.
252Edwin B. BrooksR
253Clark BurdickRRI-1
254William J. BurkeRPA-alLast term while serving in the House.
255Carl R. ChindblomRIL-10
256Charles A. ChristophersonR
257R. Clint ColeR
258Frank CrowtherR
259Thomas H. CullenD
260Ewin L. DavisD
261Lester J. DickinsonR
262James W. DunbarRIN-3Last term while serving in the House until 71st Congress
263Leonard S. EcholsRWV-6Chairman: Expenditures in the Navy Department. Last term while serving in the House.
264Robert E. EvansRNE-3Last term while serving in the House.
265Israel M. FosterROH-10
266Wells GoodykoontzRWV-5Last term while serving in the House.
267Guy U. HardyRCO-3
268Edward D. HaysRMO-14Last term while serving in the House.
269Andrew J. HickeyRIN-13
270Homer HochR
271Alanson B. HoughtonRNY-37Resigned on February 28, 1922 while still serving in the House.
272Claude B. HudspethDTX-16
273Albert W. JefferisRNE-2Last term while serving in the House.
274Paul B. Johnson, Sr.D
275Evan J. JonesR
276Samuel A. KendallRPA-23
277John C. KleczkaRWI-4Last term while serving in the House.
278William C. LankfordDGA-11
279Caleb R. LaytonRDE-alLast term while serving in the House.
280Robert LuceRMA-13Chairman: Elections No. 2
281Oscar R. LuhringRIN-1Last term while serving in the House.
282Clarence MacGregorRNY-41
283John McDuffieD
284Melvin O. McLaughlinR
285Isaac V. McPhersonRMO-15Last term while serving in the House.
286James M. MeadDNY-42
287Earl C. MichenerR
288C. Ellis MooreR
289B. Frank MurphyROH-18Chairman: Expenditures in the Commerce Department
290Cleveland A. NewtonRMO-10
291Walter H. NewtonR
292Charles F. OgdenRKY-5Last term while serving in the House.
293Lucian W. ParrishDTX-13Died on March 27, 1922 while still serving in the House.
294Amos H. RadcliffeRNJ-7Last term while serving in the House.
295John ReberRPA-12Chairman: Mileage. Last term while still serving in the House.
296Daniel A. ReedRNY-43
297Carl W. RiddickRMT-2Last term while serving in the House.
298John M. RobsionRKY-11
299James H. SinclairR
300John H. SmithwickD
301Ambrose E.B. StephensR
302James G. StrongR
303John W. SummersR
304J. Will TaylorR
305Charles J. ThompsonR
306Jasper N. TincherR
307William D. UpshawD
308William N. VaileR
309J. Stanley WebsterR
310Hays B. WhiteR
311Richard YatesR
312Fritz G. LanhamDTX-12
April 19, 1919
313R. Walton MooreDVA-8
April 27, 1919
314James O'ConnorDLA-1
June 5, 1919
315Oscar E. KellerRMN-4July 1, 1919Independent Republican 1919–21
316Lilius B. RaineyDAL-7September 30, 1919Last term while serving in the House.
317Philip H. StollDSC-6
October 7, 1919
318Patrick H. DrewryDVA-4April 27, 1920
319Rorer A. JamesDVA-5June 1, 1920Died on August 6, 1921 while still serving in the House.
320Hamilton Fish IIIRNY-26November 2, 1920
321Francis F. Patterson, Jr.R
322Nathan D. PerlmanR
323Harry C. RansleyR
324Lester D. VolkRNY-10Last term while serving in the House.
325William B. BowlingDAL-5December 14, 1920

Two non-consecutive terms
326Albert A. BlakeneyRMD-2March 4, 1921Previously served 1901–03. Last term while serving in the House.
327Thomas A. ChandlerROK-1Previously served 1917–19 while in the House. Last term while serving in the House.
328George K. FavrotDLA-6Previously served 1907–09 while in the House.
329John J. KindredDNY-2Previously served 1911–13 while in the House.
330Joseph McLaughlinRPA-alPreviously served 1917–19 while in the House. Last term while serving in the House.
331Peter G. Ten EyckDNY-28Previously served 1913–15 while in the House. Last term while serving in the House.
332Roy O. WoodruffRMI-10Previously served (Progressive) 1913–15 while in the House.

One term
333Martin C. AnsorgeRNY-21March 4, 1921Only term while serving in the House.
334T. Frank ApplebyRNJ-3Only term while serving in the House until 69th Congress.
335Samuel S. ArentzR
336William O. AtkesonRMO-6Only term while serving in the House.
337Joseph D. BeckRWI-7
338Carroll L. BeedyR
339Richard E. BirdRKS-8Only term while serving in the House.
340Harris J. BixlerRPA-28
341Charles G. BondRNY-8Only term while serving in the House.
342Vincent M. BrennanR
343Joseph E. BrownR
344Alfred L. BulwinkleDNC-9
345Olger B. BurtnessR
346John L. CableR
347William W. ChalmersROH-9Only term while serving in the House until 69th Congress
348Frank ClagueRMN-2
349John D. ClarkeR
350Wynne F. ClouseRTN-4Only term while serving in the House.
351George P. CoddR
352Don B. ColtonRUT-1
353Ross A. CollinsD
354Charles R. ConnellRPA-10Died on September 26, 1922 while serving in the House.
355James J. ConnollyRPA-5
356Clarence D. CoughlinRPA-11Chairman: Expenditures in the Commerce Department. Only term while serving in the House.
357Joseph T. DealDVA-2
358William J. DriverD
359Charles L. FaustR
360E. Hart FennR
361Roy G. FitzgeraldR
362William H. FrankhauserRMI-3Died on May 9, 1921 while still serving in the House.
363Arthur M. FreeRCA-8
364Louis A. FrothinghamR
365Hampton P. FulmerD
366Frank H. FunkR
367Harry C. GahnROH-21Only term while serving in the House.
368Lorraine M. GensmanR
369Fred B. GernerdR
370Ralph W. E. GilbertDKY-8
371T. Alan GoldsboroughD
372John J. GormanRIL-6Only term while serving in the House until 69th Congress
373William C. HammerDNC-7
374Harry B. HawesD
375Manuel HerrickROK-8Only term while serving in the House.
376John Philip HillRMD-3
377Joseph H. HimesROH-16Only term while serving in the House.
378Michael J. HoganR
379Theodore W. HukriedeR
380John C. KetchamRMI-4
381William H. KirkpatrickRPA-26Only term while serving in the House.
382John KisselR
383Ardolph L. KlineR
384I. Clinton KlineR
385Charles L. KnightR
386William F. KoppRIA-1
387Stanley H. KunzD
388Oscar J. LarsonR
389Henry F. LawrenceRMO-3Only term while serving in the House.
390Elmer O. LeatherwoodRUT-2
391Warren I. LeeRNY-6Only term while serving in the House.
...Walter F. LinebergerRCA-9Special election, before the start of the Congress: February 15, 1921
392W. Turner LoganDSC-1
393Bill G. LowreyD
394Homer L. LyonD
395Robert S. MaloneyRMA-7Only term while serving in the House.
396Washington J. McCormickR
397John J. McSwainDSC-4
398M. Alfred MichaelsonR
399Ogden L. MillsR
400Frank C. MillspaughRMO-1Resigned on December 5, 1922 while still serving in the House.
401Néstor MontoyaRNM-al[H] Died on January 13, 1923 while still serving in the House.
402Allen F. MooreRIL-19
403William M. MorganR
404Miner G. NortonROH-20Only term while serving in the House.
405Charles F.X. O'BrienDNJ-12
406Archibald E. OlppRNJ-11Only term while serving in the House.
407Tilman B. ParksDAR-7
408Roscoe C. PattersonRMO-7Only term while serving in the House.
409Randolph PerkinsRNJ-6
410Andrew N. PetersenRNY-9Only term while serving in the House.
411Joseph C. PringeyR
412John E. RankinDMS-1
413B. Carroll ReeceR
414Sidney C. RoachR
415Alice M. RobertsonROK-2[F] Only term while serving in the House.
416Benjamin L. RosenbloomRWV-1
417Albert B. RossdaleRNY-23Only term while serving in the House.
418Thomas J. RyanR
419Morgan G. SandersDTX-3
420John N. SandlinD
421Lon A. ScottRTN-8Only term while serving in the House.
422Guy L. ShawR
423Samuel A. SheltonR
424John C. SpeaksROH-12
425Elliott W. SproulR
426Fletcher B. SwankD
427Philip D. SwingR
428Herbert W. TaylorRNJ-8Only term while serving in the House until 69th Congress
429John R. TysonDAL-2
430Charles L. UnderhillR
431Charles F. Van de WaterRCA-9Died as Representative-elect: November 20, 1920
432Hallett S. WardDNC-1
433William WilliamsonR
434Harry M. WurzbachR
435Adam M. WyantR

Members joining the House, after the start of the Congress
...Lamar JeffersDAL-4June 7, 1921Special election
...John M. C. SmithRMI-3June 28, 1921Previously served 1911–21 while in the House. Special election.
...Cyrenus ColeRIA-5July 19, 1921Special election
...Thomas S. CragoRPA-alSeptember 20, 1921Previously served 1911–13 and 1915–21 while serving in the House. Special election. Last term while in the House.
...A. Piatt Andrew, Jr.RMA-6September 27, 1921Special election
...Chester W. TaylorDAR-6October 25, 1921Special election. Only term while serving in the House.
...James M. HookerDVA-5November 8, 1921Special election
...John E. NelsonRME-3
March 20, 1922
...Henry S. TuckerDVA-10March 21, 1922Previously served 1889–97 while in the House. Special election.
...Lewis HenryRNY-37April 11, 1922Special election. Only term while serving in the House.
...Guinn WilliamsDTX-13May 22, 1922Special election
...Charles L. AbernethyDNC-3
November 7, 1922
...Charles L. GiffordR
...Augustin R. HumphreyRNE-6Special election. Only term while serving in the House.
...Winnifred S. M. HuckRIL-al[F] Special election. Only term while serving in the House.
...James H. MacLaffertyRCA-6Special election
...Roy H. ThorpeRNE-1Special election. Only term while serving in the House.
...Clarence W. TurnerDTN-7Special election. Only term while serving in the House until 73rd Congress
...John PaulRVA-7December 15, 1922Seated after election contest. Only term while serving in the House.
...Mae E. NolanRCA-5January 23, 1923[F] Special election

Non voting members
aJonah K. Kalaniana'oleRHI-alMarch 4, 1903[AP] Territorial Delegate. Died on January 7, 1922 while still serving in the House.
bJaime C. De VeyraNPI-alMarch 4, 1917[AP] Resident Commissioner. Nationalist Party (PI). Last term while serving in the House.
cFélix Córdova DávilaUPR-alAugust 7, 1917[H] Resident Commissioner. Unionist Party (PR).
dIsauro GabaldonNPI-alMarch 4, 1920[AP] Resident Commissioner. Nationalist Party (PI).
eDaniel A. SutherlandRAK-alMarch 4, 1921Territorial Delegate
fHenry BaldwinRHI-alMarch 25, 1922Territorial Delegate. Special election. Only term while serving in the House.


  1. ^ Delegates are non-voting members and Representatives are voting members of the United States House of Representatives.

  2. ^ 112th Congress official House seniority list

  3. ^ Congress at the Crossroads, pp. 186-189 and see Cannon's Precedents, Volume VIII (8), Chapter CCXXXIV (234) for the rules and precedents applied by the House after 1910

  4. ^ Nelson W. Polsby, "The Growth of the Seniority System in the U.S. House of Representatives" American Political Science Review 63.3 (1970):787-807

  5. ^ Based on Rule X Organisation of Committees, in the House Rules and Manual for the 112th Congress. For numbers of committee members, see section 2183 of Cannon's Precedents Volume VIII (8), Chapter CCXXXIV (234). For establishment of standing committees see [1]

  6. ^ United States Congressional Elections 1788–1997, notes on page 430.

  7. ^ United States Congressional Elections, 1788–1997 page 409. Classified as a Republican from the 65th Congress by the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress.

  8. ^ United States Congressional Elections, 1788–1997 page 417. Not a candidate at the special election, on the same day, for the 64th Congress (page 406).

  9. ^ United States Congressional Elections, 1788–1997 page 417. Not a candidate at the special election, on the same day, for the 64th Congress (page 406).

 This article incorporates public domain material from the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress website

  • Cannon's Precedents (U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access) [2]

  • Congress at the Crossroads, by George B. Galloway (Thomas Y. Crowell Company 1946)

  • United States Congressional Elections 1788–1997, by Michael J. Dubin (McFarland and Company 1998) .mw-parser-output .citation qquotes:"""""""'""'".mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free abackground:url("//")no-repeat;background-position:right .1em .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration abackground:url("//")no-repeat;background-position:right .1em .citation .cs1-lock-subscription abackground:url("//")no-repeat;background-position:right .1em .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription span,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration spanborder-bottom:1px dotted; .cs1-ws-icon abackground:url("//")no-repeat;background-position:right .1em code.cs1-codecolor:inherit;background:inherit;border:inherit; .cs1-hidden-errordisplay:none; .cs1-maintdisplay:none;color:#33aa33; .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-rightpadding-right:0.2em
    ISBN 0-7864-0283-0

See also

  • 67th United States Congress

  • List of United States congressional districts

  • List of United States Senators in the 67th Congress by seniority

External links