List of members of the United States House of Representatives in the 62nd Congress by seniority

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This is a complete list of members of the United States House of Representatives during the 62nd United States Congress listed by seniority. For the most part, representatives are ranked by the beginning of their terms in office.[1]

As an historical article, the districts and party affiliations listed reflect those during the 62nd Congress (March 4, 1911 – March 3, 1913). Seats and party affiliations on similar lists for other Congresses will be different for certain members.

This article describes the criteria for seniority in the House of Representatives and sets out the list of members by seniority. It is prepared on the basis of the interpretation of seniority applied to the House of Representatives in the current congress. In the absence of information to the contrary, it is presumed that the twenty-first-century practice is identical to the seniority customs used during the 62nd Congress.[2]


  • 1 Seniority

    • 1.1 House seniority

    • 1.2 Committee seniority

  • 2 Committees

  • 3 List of Representatives by seniority

  • 4 See also

  • 5 References

  • 6 External links


House seniority

Seniority in the House, for Congressmen with unbroken service, depends on the date on which the members first term began. That date is either the start of the Congress (4 March in odd numbered years, for the era up to and including the 73rd Congress starting in 1933) or the date of a special election during the Congress. Since many members start serving on the same day as others, ranking between them is based on alphabetical order by the last name of the congressman.

Representatives who return to the House, after having previously served, are credited with service equal to one less than the total number of terms they served. When a representative has served a prior term of less than two terms (i.e., prior term minus one equals less than one), he is ranked above all others whose service begins on the same day.

Committee seniority

Until 1910, House committee members and chairmen were selected by the Speaker, who also ranked the members of the committee. Seniority on the committee was just one of the factors that was taken into account in ranking the members. In the 61st Congress, Speaker Cannon (R-IL) had used his power to change committee assignments to demote and punish insurgent Republicans. In March 1910 the Speaker was stripped of his powers over the composition of standing committees.

As a result of the events of 1910, at the start of the 62nd Congress in 1911, the committee assignments were proposed by each party and then formally approved by the whole House. Each party controlled the committee ranking of its members, but usually this followed the order of seniority of members in terms of service on the committee. It became customary for members of a committee, in the previous congress, to be re-appointed at the start of the next.

An informal seniority rule was normally used to decide committee chairmen, similar to that which the Senate had usually followed since 1846. The chairman was likely to be the majority member of a committee, with the longest continuous service on it. However, party leadership was typically not associated with seniority.[3]

Out of the group of fifty two standing committee chairmen, at the start of this Congress, Nelson Polsby identified twenty five as the most senior member of the majority on the committee. In the other twenty seven cases, twenty one senior majority members were compensated for not being chairman of the committee (nine chaired another committee, two obtained leadership posts and ten received better committee assignments than in the previous Congress). Thus only in six instances was the seniority custom violated, without obvious compensation for the Congressman passed over.[4]


This list refers to the standing committees of the House in the 62nd Congress, the year of establishment as a standing committee (adoption of the name used in 1911), the number of members assigned to the committee and the corresponding committee in the current congress. Because of consolidation of committees and changes of jurisdiction, it is not always possible to identify a clear successor panel.[5]

No.1911 CommitteeEstablishedMembers2011 Committee
House Administration
3Alcoholic Liquor Traffic189311Judiciary
5Banking and Currency186521
Financial Services
6Census190116Oversight and Government Reform
8Coinage, Weights and Measures1864 (1867)18Financial Services
9District of Columbia180821
Oversight and Government Reform
10Education1867 (1883)15
Education and the Workforce
11Election of President, Vice President and Representatives189313House Administration
12Elections No. 11789 (1895)9House Administration
13Elections No. 218959House Administration
14Elections No. 318959House Administration
15Enrolled Bills18767House Administration
16Expenditures in the Agriculture Department18897Oversight and Government Reform
17Expenditures in the Commerce and Labor Department19037Oversight and Government Reform
18Expenditures in the Interior Department18607Oversight and Government Reform
19Expenditures in the Justice Department18747Oversight and Government Reform
20Expenditures in the Navy Department18167Oversight and Government Reform
21Expenditures in the Post Office Department18167Oversight and Government Reform
22Expenditures in the State Department18167Oversight and Government Reform
23Expenditures in the Treasury Department18167Oversight and Government Reform
24Expenditures in the War Department18167Oversight and Government Reform
25Expenditures on Public Buildings18167Oversight and Government Reform
26Foreign Affairs182221Foreign Affairs
27Immigration and Naturalization189315Judiciary
28Indian Affairs182119Natural Resources
29Industrial Arts and Expositions190316Foreign Affairs
30Insular Affairs189921Natural Resources
31Interstate and Foreign Commerce1795 (1892)21
Energy and Commerce
32Invalid Pensions183116
Veterans' Affairs
33Irrigation of Arid Lands189313Natural Resources
35Labor188313Education and the Workforce
36Merchant Marine and Fisheries188721...
37Mileage18375House Administration
38Military Affairs182221
Armed Services
39Mines and Mining186514Natural Resources
40Naval Affairs182221Armed Services
42Pensions188015Veterans' Affairs
43Post Office and Post Roads180821Oversight and Government Reform
44Public Buildings and Grounds183717
Transportation and Infrastructure
45Public Lands180521
Natural Resources
46Railways and Canals1831 (1869)14Transportation and Infrastructure
47Reform in the Civil Service189313Oversight and Government Reform
48Revision of Laws186813Judiciary
49Rivers and Harbors188321Transportation and Infrastructure
51Territories182516Natural Resources
52War Claims1825 (1873)15Judiciary
53Ways and Means180221Ways and Means

Joint Committees (House standing committee members only)
Jt 1
Library Joint
18065House Administration
Jt 2
Printing Joint
18463House Administration

New standing committees, established during the 62nd Congress
54Disposition of Executive Papers19112House Administration

List of Representatives by seniority

A numerical rank is assigned to each of the 391 members initially elected to the 62nd Congress. Other members, who joined the House during the Congress, are not assigned a number (apart from the Representatives from the two new states, admitted during the Congress, who are numbered 392-394).
Two Representatives-elect were not sworn in; of whom one died and one resigned before the Congress started. The list below includes the Representatives-elect (with names in italics), with the seniority they would have held if they had been able to be sworn in.

Major party designations used in this article are D for Democratic members and R for Republican representatives. Other designations include Ind for Independent, Prog R for Progressive Republican and Soc for Socialist.

U.S. House Seniority
RankRepresentativePartyDistrictSeniority dateNotes

Nineteen non-consecutive terms
1Joseph G. CannonRIL-18March 4, 1893Previously served 1873-91 while in the House. Last term while serving in the House until 64th Congress

Seventeen consecutive terms
2Henry H. BinghamRPA-1March 4, 1879
Dean of the House. Died on March 22, 1912 while still serving in the House.

Fourteen non-consecutive terms
3Sereno E. PayneRNY-31December 2, 1889Previously served 1883-87 while in the House.

Thirteen consecutive terms
4John DalzellRPA-30March 4, 1887Last term while serving in the House.

Eleven consecutive terms
5William A. JonesDVA-1March 4, 1891Chairman: Insular Affairs

Ten consecutive terms
6Richard BartholdtRMO-10March 4, 1893
7Henry A. CooperR
8John J. GardnerRNJ-2Last term while serving in the House.
9Frederick H. GillettRMA-2
10Henry C. LoudenslagerRNJ-1Died on August 12, 1911 while still serving in the House.
11Samuel W. McCallRMA-8Last term while serving in the House.

Nine consecutive terms
12Charles L. BartlettDGA-6March 4, 1895
13George E. FossRIL-10Last term while serving in the House until 64th Congress
14E. Stevens HenryRCT-1Last term while serving in the House.
15Ebenezer J. HillRCT-4Last term while serving in the House until 64th Congress
16Stephen M. SparkmanDFL-1Chairman: Rivers and Harbors
17Cyrus A. SullowayRNH-1Last term while serving in the House until 64th Congress
18William SulzerDNY-10Chairman: Foreign Affairs. Resigned December 31, 1912.
19George W. PrinceRIL-15December 2, 1895Last term while serving in the House.

Nine non-consecutive terms
20James B. (Champ) ClarkDMO-9March 4, 1897
Speaker of the House. Previously served 1893-95 while serving in the House.
21Oscar W. UnderwoodDAL-9Chairman: Ways and Means. Majority Leader.
Previously served 1895-June 9, 1896.

Eight consecutive terms
22William C. AdamsonDGA-4March 4, 1897Chairman: Interstate and Foreign Commerce
23William G. BrantleyDGA-11Last term while serving in the House.
24Robert F. BroussardDLA-3
25Thomas S. ButlerRPA-7Ind R, 1897–99
26Henry D. ClaytonDAL-3Chairman: Judiciary
27Edgar D. CrumpackerRIN-10Last term while serving in the House.
28James H. DavidsonRWI-8Last term while serving in the House until 65th Congress
29Edward L. HamiltonRMI-4
30James HayDVA-7Chairman: Military Affairs
31Robert L. HenryDTX-11Chairman: Rules
32John LambDVA-3Chairman: Agriculture. Last term while serving in the House.
33James R. MannRIL-2
Minority Leader
34John A. MoonDTN-3Chairman: Post Office and Post Roads
35Marlin E. OlmstedRPA-18Last term while serving in the House.
36Thetus W. SimsDTN-8Chairman: War Claims
37James L. SlaydenDTX-14
38Samuel W. SmithR
39John H. StephensDTX-13Chairman: Indian Affairs
40Frederick C. StevensRMN-4
41George W. TaylorD
42James T. LloydDMO-1June 1, 1897Chairman: Accounts
43George P. LawrenceRMA-1November 2, 1897Last term while serving in the House.
44William S. GreeneRMA-13May 31, 1898

Eight non-consecutive terms
45Frank W. MondellRWY-alMarch 4, 1899Previously served 1895-97 while serving in the House.

Seven consecutive terms
46Albert S. BurlesonDTX-10March 4, 1899
Democratic Caucus Chairman
47John L. BurnettDAL-7Chairman: Immigration and Naturalization
48Michael E. DriscollRNY-29Last term while serving in the House.
49John J. EschRWI-7
50David E. FinleyD
51John J. FitzgeraldDNY-7Chairman: Appropriations
52Joseph W. FordneyRMI-8
53Gilbert N. HaugenR
54James C. NeedhamRCA-6Last term while serving in the House.
55Ernest W. RobertsRMA-7
56William W. RuckerDMO-2Chairman: Election of President, Vice President and Representatives
57John H. SmallDNC-1
58Joseph E. RansdellDLA-5August 29, 1899Last term while serving in the House.
59Dorsey W. ShacklefordDMO-8
60Edward B. VreelandRNY-37November 7, 1899Last term while serving in the House.
61William N. RichardsonDAL-8August 6, 1900Chairman: Pensions
62Walter I. SmithRIA-9December 3, 1900Resigned March 15, 1911, to become a U.S. Circuit Judge

Six consecutive terms
63Arthur L. BatesRPA-25March 4, 1901Last term
64George F. BurgessDTX-9
65Ezekiel S. Candler, Jr.D
66Frank D. CurrierRNH-2
Republican Conference Chairman. Last term while serving in the House.
67William H. DraperDNY-22Last term while serving in the House.
68Henry D. FloodDVA-10Chairman: Territories (1911–13). Chairman: Foreign Affairs (1913).[6]
69David J. FosterRVT-1Died on March 21, 1912 while still serving in the House.
70Henry M. GoldfogleDNY-9Chairman: Elections No. 3
71James A. HughesRWV-5
72Joseph T. JohnsonD
73Claude KitchinD
74George H. LindsayDNY-2Last term while serving in the House.
75Lemuel P. PadgettDTN-7Chairman: Naval Affairs
76Edward W. PouDNC-4Chairman: Claims
77Choice B. RandellDTX-4Last term while serving in the House.
78Asbury F. LeverDSC-7November 5, 1901Chairman: Education
79John W. DwightRNY-30November 4, 1902
Minority Whip. Last term while serving in the House.
80Augustus P. GardnerRMA-6
81Carter GlassD
82Morris SheppardDTX-1November 15, 1902Resigned to become US Senator: February 3, 1913

Six non-consecutive terms
83Charles H. BurkeRSD-alMarch 4, 1909Previously served 1899–1907 while in the House.
84Julius KahnRCA-4March 4, 1905Previously served 1899–1903 while in the House.
85William A. RodenbergRIL-22March 4, 1903Previously served 1899-1901. Last term while serving in the House until 64th Congress
86J. Frederick TalbottDMD-2March 4, 1909Previously served 1879-85 and 1893–95 while in the House.
87Eben W. MartinRSD-alNovember 3, 1908Previously served 1901-07 while in the House.

Five consecutive terms
88Wyatt AikenDSC-3March 4, 1903
89Butler AmesRMA-5Last term while serving in the House.
90James A. BeallDTX-5Chairman: Expenditures in the Justice Department
91Thomas W. BradleyRNY-20Last term while serving in the House.
92Philip P. CampbellRKS-3
93Charles R. DavisR
94Charles E. FullerRIL-12Last term while serving in the House until 64th Congress
95John N. GarnerDTX-15
96Alexander W. GreggD
97Thomas W. HardwickDGA-10Chairman: Coinage, Weights and Measures
98Joseph HowellRUT-al
99William E. HumphreyR
100Benjamin G. HumphreysDMS-3Chairman: Territories (1913)
101Ollie M. JamesDKY-1Last term while serving in the House
102Moses P. KinkaidRNE-6
103Daniel F. LafeanRPA-20Last term while serving in the House until 64th Congress
104George S. LegaréDSC-1Died January 31, 1913 while still serving in the House.
105Nicholas LongworthROH-1Last term while serving in the House until 64th Congress
106George A. LoudRMI-10Last term while serving in the House until 64th Congress
107Robert B. MaconDAR-1Last term while serving in the House
108George D. McCrearyRPA-6Last term while serving in the House
109Henry McMorranRMI-7Last term while serving in the House
110George W. NorrisRNE-5Last term while serving in the House
111Robert N. PageDNC-7
112Arsène P. PujoDLA-7Chairman: Banking and Currency. Last term while serving in the House
113Henry T. RaineyDIL-20
114Joseph T. RobinsonDAR-6Chairman: Public Lands. Resigned, to become Governor:
January 14, 1913.
115J. Swagar SherleyDKY-5
116William R. SmithDTX-16Chairman: Irrigation of Arid Lands
117Augustus O. StanleyDKY-2
118Halvor SteenersonR
119John A. SterlingRIL-17Last term while serving in the House until 64th Congress
120Andrew J. VolsteadRMN-7
121Edwin Y. WebbD
122William W. WilsonRIL-3Last term while serving in the House until 64th Congress
123H. Olin YoungRMI-12
124Victor MurdockRKS-8
May 26, 1903
125Reuben O. MoonRPA-4November 3, 1903Last term while serving in the House
126J. Thomas HeflinDAL-5May 19, 1904Chairman: Industrial Arts and Expositions
127Joseph R. KnowlandRCA-3November 8, 1904
128Ira W. WoodRNJ-4Last term while serving in the House

Five non-consecutive terms
129Daniel J. RiordanDNY-8November 6, 1906Previously served 1899–1901 while in the House.

Four consecutive terms
130John E. AndrusRNY-19March 4, 1905Last term while serving in the House.
131Andrew J. BarchfeldRPA-32
132Thomas M. BellD
133James F. BurkeR
134William M. CalderR
135Frank ClarkD
136Lincoln DixonD
137J. Edwin EllerbeDSC-6Last term while serving in the House.
138John C. FloydDAR-3
139Finis J. GarrettD
140Everis A. HayesR
141William C. HoustonDTN-5Chairman: Census
142Elbert H. HubbardRIA-11Died on June 4, 1912 while serving in the House.
143Gordon LeeDGA-7
144Martin B. MaddenR
145William B. McKinleyRIL-19Last term while serving in the House until 64th Congress
146Sylvester C. SmithRCA-8Died on January 26, 1913 while still serving in the House.
147Edward L. Taylor, Jr.ROH-12Last term while serving in the House.
148John T. WatkinsDLA-4Chairman: Revision of Laws
149John W. WeeksRMA-12
150John M. MooreDTX-8June 6, 1905Last term while serving in the House.
151Edwin W. HigginsRCT-3October 2, 1905Last term while serving in the House.
152James McKinneyRIL-14November 7, 1905Last term while serving in the House.
153John M. NelsonRWI-2September 4, 1906
154J. Hampton MooreRPA-3
November 6, 1906
155Edward W. SaundersD

Four non-consecutive terms
156Burton L. FrenchRID-alMarch 4, 1911Previously served 1903-09 while in the House.
157Courtney W. HamlinDMO-7March 4, 1907Previously served 1903-05 while in the House.
Chairman: Expenditures in the State Department
158Francis B. HarrisonDNY-16Previously served 1903-05 while in the House.
159William HughesDNJ-6Previously served 1903-05 while in the House. Resigned on September 27, 1912 while still serving in the House.
160Isaac R. SherwoodDOH-9Previously served (R) 1873-75. Chairman: Invalid Pensions.
161Frank E. WilsonDNY-4March 4, 1911Previously served 1899–1905 while in the House.
162Charles F. BooherDMO-4March 4, 1907Previously served February 19-March 3, 1889 while in the House.

Three consecutive terms
163John A. M. AdairDIN-8March 4, 1907
164Joshua W. AlexanderDMO-3Chairman: Merchant Marine and Fisheries
165Timothy T. AnsberryDOH-5Chairman: Elections No. 1
166William A. AshbrookDOH-17Chairman: Expenditures in the Post Office Department
167William J. CaryRWI-4
168William E. CoxDIN-3Chairman: Expenditures in the Treasury Department
169William B. CravensDAR-4Last term while serving in the House until 73rd Congress
170Matthew R. DenverDOH-6Last term while serving in the House.
171Charles G. EdwardsDGA-1
172George W. FairchildR
173Benjamin K. FochtRPA-17Last term while serving in the House until 64th Congress
174Charles V. FornesDNY-11Last term while serving in the House.
175Martin D. FosterDIL-23Chairman: Mines and Mining
176Hannibal L. GodwinDNC-6Chairman: Reform in the Civil Service
177George W. GordonDTN-10Died on August 9, 1911 while serving in the House.
178James A. HamillDNJ-10Chairman: Elections No. 2
179Winfield S. HammondDMN-2
180Rufus HardyDTX-6Chairman: Expenditures in the Navy Department
181Willis C. HawleyROR-1
182Harvey HelmDKY-8Chairman: Expenditures in the War Department
183L. Paul HowlandROH-20Last term while serving in the House.
184Richmond P. HobsonDAL-6
185Cordell HullD
186Ben JohnsonDKY-4Chairman: District of Columbia
187Charles A. KennedyRIA-1
188John W. LangleyR
189Charles A. LindberghR
190Edmond H. MadisonRKS-7Died on September 18, 1911 while still serving in the House.
191George R. MalbyRNY-26Died on July 5, 1912 while still serving in the House.
192James T. McDermottDIL-4
193John G. McHenryDPA-16Died on December 27, 1912 while still serving in the House.
194James C. McLaughlinRMI-9
195Elmer A. MorseRWI-10Last term while serving in the House.
196Frank M. NyeRMN-5Last term while serving in the House.
197Andrew J. PetersDMA-11
198Charles N. PrayRMT-alLast term while serving in the House.
199George W. RauchDIN-11
200John H. RothermelDPA-13Chairman: Expenditures in the Commerce and Labor Department
201Adolph J. SabathDIL-5
202William B. WilsonDPA-15Chairman: Labor. Last term while serving in the House.
203Daniel R. Anthony, Jr.RKS-1May 23, 1907
204Charles C. CarlinDVA-8
November 5, 1907
205Joel CookRPA-2Died as Representative-elect December 15, 1910
206Charles D. CarterDOK-4November 16, 1907
207Scott FerrisDOK-5Chairman: Public Lands (1913)
208Bird S. McGuireROK-1Previously served as Delegate 1903-07
209C. Bascom SlempRVA-9December 17, 1907
210Napoleon B. ThistlewoodRIL-25February 15, 1908Last term while serving in the House.
211Henry A. BarnhartDIN-13November 3, 1908
212Albert EstopinalD
213Frank E. GuernseyR

Three non-consecutive terms
214James M. Gudger, Jr.DNC-10March 4, 1911Previously 1903-07 while in the House.

Two consecutive terms
215Carl C. AndersonDOH-13March 4, 1909Died on October 1, 1912 while still serving in the House.
216Richard W. AustinRTN-2
217John W. BoehneDIN-1Last term while serving in the House.
218William P. BorlandDMO-5
219Joseph W. ByrnsD
220J. Campbell CantrillD
221Cyrus ClineDIN-12Chairman: Expenditures on Public Buildings
222James W. CollierDMS-8
223Michael F. ConryD
224James H. CovingtonD
225James M. CoxDOH-3Resigned to become Governor: January 12, 1913
226William A. CullopDIN-2
227S. Hubert Dent, Jr.D
228William A. DicksonDMS-7Last term while serving in the House.
229Martin DiesDTX-2
230Francis H. DoddsRMI-11Last term while serving in the House.
231Daniel A. DriscollDNY-35
232Thomas GallagherD
233James W. GoodR
234James M. GrahamDIL-21Chairman: Expenditures in the Interior Department
235William W. GriestRPA-9
236Louis B. HannaRND-1Resigned to become Governor: January 7, 1913
237William H. HealdRDE-alLast term while serving in the House.
238Dudley M. HughesDGA-3
239Nathan E. KendallRIA-6Last term while serving in the House.
240Eugene F. KinkeadDNJ-9
241Arthur W. KoppRWI-3Last term while serving in the House.
242Charles A. KorblyDIN-7Chairman: Railways and Canals
243Jonathan N. LanghamRPA-27
244James P. LattaRNE-3Died on September 11, 1911 while still serving in the House.
245Irvine L. LenrootRWI-11
246John A. MaguireD
247John A. MartinDCO-2Last term while serving in the House until 73rd Congress
248Dannite H. MaysDFL-3Last term while serving in the House.
249Clarence B. MillerRMN-8
250Dick T. MorganR
251Martin A. MorrisonD
252Ralph W. MossDIN-5Chairman: Expenditures in the Agriculture Department
253William A. OldfieldDAR-2Chairman: Patents
254A. Mitchell PalmerDPA-26
255Charles E. PickettRIA-3Last term while serving in the House.
256Frank PlumleyRVT-2
257Atterson W. RuckerDCO-1Last term while serving in the House.
258William G. SharpDOH-14
259James S. SimmonsRNY-34Last term while serving in the House.
260Thomas U. SissonDMS-4
261Edward T. TaylorD
262Robert Y. Thomas, Jr.D
263John Q. TilsonRCT-alLast term while serving in the House until 64th Congress
264Robert C. WickliffeDLA-6Died on June 11, 1912 while still serving in the House.
265Frank P. WoodsRIA-10
266Clement C. DickinsonDMO-6
February 1, 1910
267Seaborn RoddenberyDGA-2
February 6, 1910
268Robert TurnbullDVA-4March 8, 1910Last term while serving in the House.
269H. Garland DupréDLA-2November 8, 1910

Two non-consecutive terms
270Jefferson M. LevyDNY-13March 4, 1911Previously served 1899–1901
271Joseph J. RussellDMO-14Previously served 1907-09 while in the House.
272James S. DavenportDOK-3Previously served November 16, 1907–09 while in the House.

One term
273Theron AkinRNY-25March 4, 1911Only term while serving in the House.
274Alfred G. AllenDOH-2
275Sydney AndersonR
276Steven B. AyresInd DNY-18Independent Democratic. Only term.
277Elsworth R. BathrickDOH-19
278Victor L. BergerSocWI-5Only term while serving in the House until 66th Congress
279Fred L. BlackmonDAL-4
280Charles C. BowmanRPA-11Only term while serving in the House. Seat declared vacant on December 12, 1912.
281William G. Brown, Jr.DWV-2
282Frank BuchananD
283Robert J. BulkleyD
284Michael E. BurkeD
285James F. ByrnesD
286Oscar CallawayD
287Theron E. CatlinRMO-11Unseated, after election challenge: August 12, 1912. Only term.
288Horatio C. ClaypoolDOH-11
289Richard E. ConnellDNY-21Died on October 30, 1912 while still serving in the House.
290Ira C. CopleyRIL-11
291Thomas S. CragoRPA-23Only term while serving in the House until 64th Congress
292James M. CurleyDMA-10
293Henry G. DanforthR
294James A. DaughertyDMO-15Only term while serving in the House.
295John W. DavisDWV-1
296Henry S. De ForestRNY-23Only term while serving in the House.
297Robert E. DifenderferDPA-8
298Michael DonohoeD
299Frank E. DoremusD
300Robert L. DoughtonD
301Leonidas C. DyerR
302Lynden EvansDIL-9Only term while serving in the House.
303John M. FaisonDNC-3
304John R. FarrR
305William J. FieldsD
306H. Robert FowlerD
307William B. FrancisD
308Henry George, Jr.D
309J. Henry GoekeD
310William S. GoodwinD
311Samuel W. GouldDME-3Only term while serving in the House.
312Finly H. GrayDIN-6
313Curtis H. GreggDPA-22Only term while serving in the House.
314John M. HamiltonDWV-4Only term while serving in the House.
315Robert O. HarrisRMA-14Only term while serving in the House.
316Pat HarrisonDMS-6
317Jesse l. HartmanRPA-19Only term while serving in the House.
318Henry T. HelgesenRND-al
319Walter L. HensleyD
320Asher C. HindsR
321Edward E. HollandD
322William S. HowardD
323Fred S. JacksonRKS-4Only term while serving in the House.
324Henderson M. JacowayDAR-5
William Kent [7]
Prog R
326John J. KindredDNY-14Only term while serving in the House until 67th Congress
327George W. KippRPA-14Died on July 24, 1911 while serving in the House.
328George KonigDMD-3
329Thomas F. KonopD
330Walter LaffertyR
331William L. La FolletteR
332Robert E. LeeDPA-12Chairman: Mileage
333David J. LewisDMD-6
334J. Charles LinthicumD
335Adam B. LittlepageDWV-3Only term while serving in the House until 64th Congress
336Martin W. LittletonDNY-1Only term while serving in the House.
337Charles O. LobeckDNE-2
338James P. MaherD
339Charles MatthewsRPA-24Only term while serving in the House.
340Walter I. McCoyDNJ-8
341Daniel J. McGillicuddyD
342John C. McKenzieR
343Alexander C. MitchellRKS-2Died on July 7, 1911 while still serving in the House.
344Luther W. MottRNY-28
345William F. MurrayD
346George F. O'ShaunessyD
347Thomas Parran, Sr.RMD-5Only term while still serving in the House.
348Thomas G. PattenDNY-15
349Charles E. PattonR
350Irvin S. PepperD
351Stephen G. PorterR
352James D. PostD
353Caleb PowersR
354Solomon F. ProutyR
355John E. RakerD
356William C. RedfieldDNY-5Only term while serving in the House.
357Rollin R. ReesRKS-5Only term while serving in the House.
358Thomas L. ReillyDCT-2
359Edwin E. RobertsR
360Arthur B. RouseD
361Thomas L. RubeyD
362Thomas J. ScullyD
363Sam R. SellsR
364Charles H. SloanR
365Charles B. SmithDNY-36[8]
366John M. C. SmithRMI-3
367Peter M. SpeerRPA-28Only term while serving in the House.
368Edmund J. StackDIL-6Only term while serving in the House.
369Charles M. StedmanDNC-5
370Hubert D. StephensD
371William I. StephensR
372Claude U. StoneD
373Edwin F. SweetDMI-5Only term while serving in the House.
374Robert M. SwitzerROH-10
375Charles A. TalcottD
376John A. ThayerDMA-3Only term while serving in the House.
377Horace M. TownerRIA-8
378Edward W. TownsendD
379Samuel J. TribbleD
380William E. Tuttle, Jr.D
381Edwin S. UnderhillD
382George H. UtterRRI-2Died on November 3, 1912 while still serving in the House.
383Stanton WarburtonRWA-2Only term while serving in the House.
384William WedemeyerRMI-2Died on January 2, 1913 while still serving in the House.
385John J. WhitacreDOH-18
386George WhiteD
387William H. WilderR
388Frank B. WillisR
389Samuel A. WitherspoonD
390Isaac D. YoungRKS-6Only term while serving in the House.
391James YoungDTX-3

Members joining the House, after the start of the Congress
William S. ReyburnRPA-2May 23, 1911Special election. Only term while serving in the House.
William R. GreenRIA-9June 5, 1911Special election
William D. B. AineyRPA-14
November 7, 1911
William J. BrowningR
Kenneth McKellarD
Dan V. StephensD
Joseph TaggartD
392George CurryRNM-alJanuary 8, 1912Representative from new state. Only term while serving in the House.
393Harvey B. FergussonDNM-alPreviously served as Delegate 1897-99.
Representative from new state.
George A. NeeleyDKS-7January 9, 1912Special election
394Carl T. HaydenDAZ-alFebruary 19, 1912Representative from new state
William S. VareRPA-1May 24, 1912Special election
Frank L. GreeneRVT-1
July 30, 1912
Patrick F. GillDMO-11August 12, 1912Previously served 1909-11 while in the House. Seated, after election challenge:
August 12, 1912. Last term.
Archibald C. HartDNJ-6November 5, 1912Special election
Edwin A. MerrittR
Lewis L. MorganD
George C. ScottR
Samuel M. TaylorDAR-6
January 15, 1913

Non voting members
Jonah K. Kalaniana'oleRHI-alMarch 4, 1903Territorial Delegate
William Henry AndrewsRNM-alMarch 4, 1905Territorial Delegate until state admitted: January 7, 1912
Benito Legarda y TuasonIndPI-alNovember 22, 1907Resident Commissioner
Ralph Henry CameronRAZ-alMarch 4, 1909Territorial Delegate until state admitted: February 18, 1912
James WickershamRAK-alTerritorial Delegate
Manuel L. QuezónNPI-alNovember 23, 1909Resident Commissioner. Nationalist Party (PI).
Luis Muñoz RiveraUPR-alMarch 4, 1911Resident Commissioner. Unionist Party (PR).

See also

  • 62nd United States Congress

  • List of United States congressional districts

  • List of United States Senators in the 62nd Congress by seniority


  1. ^ Delegates are non-voting members and Representatives are voting members of the United States House of Representatives.

  2. ^ 112th Congress official House seniority list

  3. ^ Congress at the Crossroads, pp. 186-189 and see Cannon's Precedents, Volume VIII (8), Chapter CCXXXIV (234) for the rules and precedents applied by the House after 1910

  4. ^ Nelson W. Polsby, "The Growth of the Seniority System in the U.S. House of Representatives" American Political Science Review 63.3 (1970):787-807

  5. ^ Based on Rule X Organisation of Committees, in the House Rules and Manual for the 111th Congress. For membership, see section 2183 of Cannon's Precedents Volume VIII (8), Chapter CCXXXIV (234). For establishment of standing committees see [1]

  6. ^ The Congressional Biographical Directory refers to Flood as being Foreign Affairs Chairman from the 62nd Congress, although the list of Chairmen on the committee website for the 112th Congress has him as Chairman from the 63rd Congress. As William Sulzer resigned at the end of 1912, it seems likely that Flood would have given up the Territories chair and taken the Foreign Affairs chair early in 1913, during the lame duck session of the 62nd Congress.

  7. ^ Dubin classifies Kent as a Republican, page 375 United States Congressional Elections, 1788-1997

  8. ^ The Congressional Biographical Directory article on Smith includes his having been Foreign Affairs Chairman in the 62nd Congress. It is not obvious why a freshman member should hold so important a committee chair. The list of Chairmen on the website of the committee for the 112th Congress does not refer to Smith.

 This article incorporates public domain material from the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress website

  • Cannon's Precedents (U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access) [2]

  • Congress at the Crossroads, by George B. Galloway (Thomas Y. Crowell Company 1946)

  • United States Congressional Elections 1788-1997, by Michael J. Dubin (McFarland and Company 1998) .mw-parser-output .citation qquotes:"""""""'""'".mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free abackground:url("//")no-repeat;background-position:right .1em .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration abackground:url("//")no-repeat;background-position:right .1em .citation .cs1-lock-subscription abackground:url("//")no-repeat;background-position:right .1em .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription span,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration spanborder-bottom:1px dotted; .cs1-ws-icon abackground:url("//")no-repeat;background-position:right .1em code.cs1-codecolor:inherit;background:inherit;border:inherit; .cs1-hidden-errordisplay:none; .cs1-maintdisplay:none;color:#33aa33; .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-rightpadding-right:0.2em
    ISBN 0-7864-0283-0

External links

  • House of Representatives list of members of the 62nd Congress

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