Cannot find a differ supporting object '[object Object]' of type 'object'. NgFor only supports binding to Iterables such as Arrays. Angular

Cannot find a differ supporting object '[object Object]' of type 'object'. NgFor only supports binding to Iterables such as Arrays. Angular


<div class="py-4" *ngFor="let data of Question; let i = index">



Question: any ;
const Entity = new TaskViewEntity(someParameter, 'QuestionDetails');
this.serviceParameter.TaskApi(Entity.requestFormat).subscribe(res =>
if (res['result'].questionDetails !== undefined)
const arr = res['result'].questionDetails.questions;
this.Question = =>
'counter': 1,
'answer': item.answer,
'approveFlag': item.approveFlag,
'options': item.options,
'question': item.question,
'questionId': item.questionId,
'questionType': item.questionType,
'subQuestion': item.subQuestion



public TaskApi = (data) =>
const url = 'URL';
return, data);


"questions": [

"questionId": 44,
"question": "abc",
"questionType": "checkbox",

"questionId": 44,
"question": "abc",
"questionType": "checkbox",

"questionId": 44,
"question": "abc",
"questionType": "checkbox",

After using console.log(this.Question), i get this result

(3) […, …, …]
0: counter: 1, answer: "", approveFlag: true, options: …, question: "Please confirm the address of the property is", …
1: counter: 1, answer: "", approveFlag: true, options: …, question: "Please confirm the name of the seller?", …
2: counter: 1, answer: "", approveFlag: true, options: …, question: "Please confirm the number of sellers/partners?", …

The above mentioned code not working it shows the error in my console which is : Cannot find a differ supporting object '[object Object]' of type 'object'. NgFor only supports binding to Iterables such as Arrays. Angular. I am not able to access questions.

ngFor works over an array. Check if Question is an arrya
– Sajeetharan
Aug 25 at 8:06

question is an array.
– angular_nerd
Aug 25 at 8:08

It is an array like this => question: [..., ..., ...]
– angular_nerd
Aug 25 at 8:09

post the JSON to check
– Sajeetharan
Aug 25 at 8:09

I have posted my json after editing my question. Please check
– angular_nerd
Aug 25 at 8:14

1 Answer

I think you have not initialised the array questions in the first place , you are initialising it in subscribe , so until then it is uninitialised , can you try doing :
Question: any = ;

Question: any = ;

I have done that
– angular_nerd
Aug 25 at 9:15

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