Multiple .gitmodules files in the root directory?

Multiple .gitmodules files in the root directory?

We have implemented a branching strategy where we have a dev branch that gets built and published to our QA environment, and then a release branch that gets built and published to our stage and eventually our production environments.



I have a project that has multiple submodules, and will also get built and published to our QA environment and also built and published to our stage and production environments. It will also have dev and release branches.



When we pull this project prior to build, if it's on the dev branch I want all the submodules to also pull from the dev branch, and if it's on the release branch I want all the submodules to then pull from their release branches as well.





Is there a way to accomplish this with some environment variables to specify which submodule branches to pull, or perhaps a .gitmodule file for both dev and release branches that can be specified on git submodule init?




git submodule init

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