PayU Confirmation page not being called


EDIT: Using curl I found out the problem is echo... echo is for printing on screen and not for this use case.. the problem still persist how could I call javascript functions to update my firebase database

EDIT 2 : I just found out Cloud Functions may be the right fit for me, without having to install the firebase admin sdk. I will update with some answer when I learn how to use cloud functions. If anyone can give me an answer with cloud functions for my scenario I will gladly choose it as answer.

I have a problem with the PayU confirmation page. This is the info they provide in their website for integration.

The confirmation page lets you update the databases on your system. Because of this, it should not include HTML code and will never be visible to the buyer. This page is optional. When a transaction is complete (i.e. when approved, rejected or when it is canceled) our platform sends the variables via the HTTP POST method. In the confirmation page, you must capture the data that you want stored in the database. This capture will depend on the programming language used.

This is my code for capturing the information... Its even a copy of already working code but with the exception I use javascript to update my database, since I am using firebase.

<script src=""></script>
// Initialize Firebase
var config =
apiKey: "apikey",
authDomain: "domain",
databaseURL: "database",
projectId: "poject",
storageBucket: "storage",
messagingSenderId: "123"

function seachEnsayoIDSSC(identifier)

var updates = ;
updates['/recibido/' + identifier ] = 'funciono';

return firebase.database().ref().update(updates);

let ref = firebase.database().ref('ensayos').orderByChild('ensayoId');

ref.equalTo(identifier).on("value", function(snapshot)



$to = "";
$subject = "My subject";
$txt = "Hello world!";
$headers = "From:";


echo "<script>var updates = ;
updates['/estoseestaprobandoenpost/estamosmaso' ] = 'funciono';


echo "<script>var updates = ;
updates['/estoseestaprobandoenpost/estamosmaso' ] = 'funciono';


$confirmationMD = $_REQUEST['sign'];
$merchantId = $_REQUEST["merchant_id"];
$state = $_REQUEST["state_pol"];
$ensayoIDSSC = $_REQUEST["reference_sale"];
$currency = $_REQUEST["currency"];
$valor = $_REQUEST["value"];


echo "<script>var updates = ;
updates['/estoseestaprobandoenpost/estamosmaso' ] = 'funciono';


$merchantId = $_POST["merchant_id"];
$state = $_POST["state_pol"];
$ensayoIDSSC = $_POST["reference_sale"];
$currency = $_POST["currency"];
$valor = $_POST["value"];
$confirmationMD = $_POST["sign"];


function updateEnsayo()
echo "<script>seachEnsayoIDSSC(". $ensayoIDSSC .")</script>";


This is the form that PayU receives to capture the payment (EXAMPLE)

<form method="post" action="">
<input name="merchantId" type="hidden" value="508029" >
<input name="accountId" type="hidden" value="512321" >
<input name="description" type="hidden" value="Test PAYU" >
<input name="referenceCode" type="hidden" value="TestPayU" >
<input name="amount" type="hidden" value="20000" >
<input name="tax" type="hidden" value="3193" >
<input name="taxReturnBase" type="hidden" value="16806" >
<input name="currency" type="hidden" value="COP" >
<input name="signature" type="hidden" value="7ee7cf808ce6a39b17481c54f2c57acc" >
<input name="test" type="hidden" value="1" >
<input name="buyerEmail" type="hidden" value="" >
<input name="responseUrl" type="hidden" value="" >
<input name="confirmationUrl" type="hidden" value="" >
<input name="Submit" type="submit" value="Enviar" >

In the input 'confirmationUrl' I have set my url with the code previously mentioned. The problem here is that for unknown reasons I am not getting any updates on my firebase database nor even an email from the mail code. Indeed I am using my own email not the one in the code, and I have tested the url with a post request even without post request to check if it was working, and it was.. Please help! Thanks!

share|improve this question


    EDIT: Using curl I found out the problem is echo... echo is for printing on screen and not for this use case.. the problem still persist how could I call javascript functions to update my firebase database

    EDIT 2 : I just found out Cloud Functions may be the right fit for me, without having to install the firebase admin sdk. I will update with some answer when I learn how to use cloud functions. If anyone can give me an answer with cloud functions for my scenario I will gladly choose it as answer.

    I have a problem with the PayU confirmation page. This is the info they provide in their website for integration.

    The confirmation page lets you update the databases on your system. Because of this, it should not include HTML code and will never be visible to the buyer. This page is optional. When a transaction is complete (i.e. when approved, rejected or when it is canceled) our platform sends the variables via the HTTP POST method. In the confirmation page, you must capture the data that you want stored in the database. This capture will depend on the programming language used.

    This is my code for capturing the information... Its even a copy of already working code but with the exception I use javascript to update my database, since I am using firebase.

    <script src=""></script>
    // Initialize Firebase
    var config =
    apiKey: "apikey",
    authDomain: "domain",
    databaseURL: "database",
    projectId: "poject",
    storageBucket: "storage",
    messagingSenderId: "123"

    function seachEnsayoIDSSC(identifier)

    var updates = ;
    updates['/recibido/' + identifier ] = 'funciono';

    return firebase.database().ref().update(updates);

    let ref = firebase.database().ref('ensayos').orderByChild('ensayoId');

    ref.equalTo(identifier).on("value", function(snapshot)



    $to = "";
    $subject = "My subject";
    $txt = "Hello world!";
    $headers = "From:";


    echo "<script>var updates = ;
    updates['/estoseestaprobandoenpost/estamosmaso' ] = 'funciono';


    echo "<script>var updates = ;
    updates['/estoseestaprobandoenpost/estamosmaso' ] = 'funciono';


    $confirmationMD = $_REQUEST['sign'];
    $merchantId = $_REQUEST["merchant_id"];
    $state = $_REQUEST["state_pol"];
    $ensayoIDSSC = $_REQUEST["reference_sale"];
    $currency = $_REQUEST["currency"];
    $valor = $_REQUEST["value"];


    echo "<script>var updates = ;
    updates['/estoseestaprobandoenpost/estamosmaso' ] = 'funciono';


    $merchantId = $_POST["merchant_id"];
    $state = $_POST["state_pol"];
    $ensayoIDSSC = $_POST["reference_sale"];
    $currency = $_POST["currency"];
    $valor = $_POST["value"];
    $confirmationMD = $_POST["sign"];


    function updateEnsayo()
    echo "<script>seachEnsayoIDSSC(". $ensayoIDSSC .")</script>";


    This is the form that PayU receives to capture the payment (EXAMPLE)

    <form method="post" action="">
    <input name="merchantId" type="hidden" value="508029" >
    <input name="accountId" type="hidden" value="512321" >
    <input name="description" type="hidden" value="Test PAYU" >
    <input name="referenceCode" type="hidden" value="TestPayU" >
    <input name="amount" type="hidden" value="20000" >
    <input name="tax" type="hidden" value="3193" >
    <input name="taxReturnBase" type="hidden" value="16806" >
    <input name="currency" type="hidden" value="COP" >
    <input name="signature" type="hidden" value="7ee7cf808ce6a39b17481c54f2c57acc" >
    <input name="test" type="hidden" value="1" >
    <input name="buyerEmail" type="hidden" value="" >
    <input name="responseUrl" type="hidden" value="" >
    <input name="confirmationUrl" type="hidden" value="" >
    <input name="Submit" type="submit" value="Enviar" >

    In the input 'confirmationUrl' I have set my url with the code previously mentioned. The problem here is that for unknown reasons I am not getting any updates on my firebase database nor even an email from the mail code. Indeed I am using my own email not the one in the code, and I have tested the url with a post request even without post request to check if it was working, and it was.. Please help! Thanks!

    share|improve this question




      EDIT: Using curl I found out the problem is echo... echo is for printing on screen and not for this use case.. the problem still persist how could I call javascript functions to update my firebase database

      EDIT 2 : I just found out Cloud Functions may be the right fit for me, without having to install the firebase admin sdk. I will update with some answer when I learn how to use cloud functions. If anyone can give me an answer with cloud functions for my scenario I will gladly choose it as answer.

      I have a problem with the PayU confirmation page. This is the info they provide in their website for integration.

      The confirmation page lets you update the databases on your system. Because of this, it should not include HTML code and will never be visible to the buyer. This page is optional. When a transaction is complete (i.e. when approved, rejected or when it is canceled) our platform sends the variables via the HTTP POST method. In the confirmation page, you must capture the data that you want stored in the database. This capture will depend on the programming language used.

      This is my code for capturing the information... Its even a copy of already working code but with the exception I use javascript to update my database, since I am using firebase.

      <script src=""></script>
      // Initialize Firebase
      var config =
      apiKey: "apikey",
      authDomain: "domain",
      databaseURL: "database",
      projectId: "poject",
      storageBucket: "storage",
      messagingSenderId: "123"

      function seachEnsayoIDSSC(identifier)

      var updates = ;
      updates['/recibido/' + identifier ] = 'funciono';

      return firebase.database().ref().update(updates);

      let ref = firebase.database().ref('ensayos').orderByChild('ensayoId');

      ref.equalTo(identifier).on("value", function(snapshot)



      $to = "";
      $subject = "My subject";
      $txt = "Hello world!";
      $headers = "From:";


      echo "<script>var updates = ;
      updates['/estoseestaprobandoenpost/estamosmaso' ] = 'funciono';


      echo "<script>var updates = ;
      updates['/estoseestaprobandoenpost/estamosmaso' ] = 'funciono';


      $confirmationMD = $_REQUEST['sign'];
      $merchantId = $_REQUEST["merchant_id"];
      $state = $_REQUEST["state_pol"];
      $ensayoIDSSC = $_REQUEST["reference_sale"];
      $currency = $_REQUEST["currency"];
      $valor = $_REQUEST["value"];


      if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST")
      echo "<script>var updates = ;
      updates['/estoseestaprobandoenpost/estamosmaso' ] = 'funciono';


      $merchantId = $_POST["merchant_id"];
      $state = $_POST["state_pol"];
      $ensayoIDSSC = $_POST["reference_sale"];
      $currency = $_POST["currency"];
      $valor = $_POST["value"];
      $confirmationMD = $_POST["sign"];


      function updateEnsayo()
      echo "<script>seachEnsayoIDSSC(". $ensayoIDSSC .")</script>";


      This is the form that PayU receives to capture the payment (EXAMPLE)

      <form method="post" action="">
      <input name="merchantId" type="hidden" value="508029" >
      <input name="accountId" type="hidden" value="512321" >
      <input name="description" type="hidden" value="Test PAYU" >
      <input name="referenceCode" type="hidden" value="TestPayU" >
      <input name="amount" type="hidden" value="20000" >
      <input name="tax" type="hidden" value="3193" >
      <input name="taxReturnBase" type="hidden" value="16806" >
      <input name="currency" type="hidden" value="COP" >
      <input name="signature" type="hidden" value="7ee7cf808ce6a39b17481c54f2c57acc" >
      <input name="test" type="hidden" value="1" >
      <input name="buyerEmail" type="hidden" value="" >
      <input name="responseUrl" type="hidden" value="" >
      <input name="confirmationUrl" type="hidden" value="" >
      <input name="Submit" type="submit" value="Enviar" >

      In the input 'confirmationUrl' I have set my url with the code previously mentioned. The problem here is that for unknown reasons I am not getting any updates on my firebase database nor even an email from the mail code. Indeed I am using my own email not the one in the code, and I have tested the url with a post request even without post request to check if it was working, and it was.. Please help! Thanks!

      share|improve this question

      EDIT: Using curl I found out the problem is echo... echo is for printing on screen and not for this use case.. the problem still persist how could I call javascript functions to update my firebase database

      EDIT 2 : I just found out Cloud Functions may be the right fit for me, without having to install the firebase admin sdk. I will update with some answer when I learn how to use cloud functions. If anyone can give me an answer with cloud functions for my scenario I will gladly choose it as answer.

      I have a problem with the PayU confirmation page. This is the info they provide in their website for integration.

      The confirmation page lets you update the databases on your system. Because of this, it should not include HTML code and will never be visible to the buyer. This page is optional. When a transaction is complete (i.e. when approved, rejected or when it is canceled) our platform sends the variables via the HTTP POST method. In the confirmation page, you must capture the data that you want stored in the database. This capture will depend on the programming language used.

      This is my code for capturing the information... Its even a copy of already working code but with the exception I use javascript to update my database, since I am using firebase.

      <script src=""></script>
      // Initialize Firebase
      var config =
      apiKey: "apikey",
      authDomain: "domain",
      databaseURL: "database",
      projectId: "poject",
      storageBucket: "storage",
      messagingSenderId: "123"

      function seachEnsayoIDSSC(identifier)

      var updates = ;
      updates['/recibido/' + identifier ] = 'funciono';

      return firebase.database().ref().update(updates);

      let ref = firebase.database().ref('ensayos').orderByChild('ensayoId');

      ref.equalTo(identifier).on("value", function(snapshot)



      $to = "";
      $subject = "My subject";
      $txt = "Hello world!";
      $headers = "From:";


      echo "<script>var updates = ;
      updates['/estoseestaprobandoenpost/estamosmaso' ] = 'funciono';


      echo "<script>var updates = ;
      updates['/estoseestaprobandoenpost/estamosmaso' ] = 'funciono';


      $confirmationMD = $_REQUEST['sign'];
      $merchantId = $_REQUEST["merchant_id"];
      $state = $_REQUEST["state_pol"];
      $ensayoIDSSC = $_REQUEST["reference_sale"];
      $currency = $_REQUEST["currency"];
      $valor = $_REQUEST["value"];


      if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST")
      echo "<script>var updates = ;
      updates['/estoseestaprobandoenpost/estamosmaso' ] = 'funciono';


      $merchantId = $_POST["merchant_id"];
      $state = $_POST["state_pol"];
      $ensayoIDSSC = $_POST["reference_sale"];
      $currency = $_POST["currency"];
      $valor = $_POST["value"];
      $confirmationMD = $_POST["sign"];


      function updateEnsayo()
      echo "<script>seachEnsayoIDSSC(". $ensayoIDSSC .")</script>";


      This is the form that PayU receives to capture the payment (EXAMPLE)

      <form method="post" action="">
      <input name="merchantId" type="hidden" value="508029" >
      <input name="accountId" type="hidden" value="512321" >
      <input name="description" type="hidden" value="Test PAYU" >
      <input name="referenceCode" type="hidden" value="TestPayU" >
      <input name="amount" type="hidden" value="20000" >
      <input name="tax" type="hidden" value="3193" >
      <input name="taxReturnBase" type="hidden" value="16806" >
      <input name="currency" type="hidden" value="COP" >
      <input name="signature" type="hidden" value="7ee7cf808ce6a39b17481c54f2c57acc" >
      <input name="test" type="hidden" value="1" >
      <input name="buyerEmail" type="hidden" value="" >
      <input name="responseUrl" type="hidden" value="" >
      <input name="confirmationUrl" type="hidden" value="" >
      <input name="Submit" type="submit" value="Enviar" >

      In the input 'confirmationUrl' I have set my url with the code previously mentioned. The problem here is that for unknown reasons I am not getting any updates on my firebase database nor even an email from the mail code. Indeed I am using my own email not the one in the code, and I have tested the url with a post request even without post request to check if it was working, and it was.. Please help! Thanks!

      firebase firebase-realtime-database woocommerce google-cloud-functions payu

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Nov 12 '18 at 23:30


      asked Nov 12 '18 at 19:17








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