How to convert a string of a decimal number from any base to a decimal number? [closed]

How to convert a string of a decimal number from any base to a decimal number? [closed]

I'm looking to write a function that can convert a string with a given base to a decimal number.

Let's say the function is convert calling convert should give me the following output



convert('3.14', base=10) ~= 3.14
convert('100.101', base=2) == 4.625

Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

SO is not a free coding site. If you are looking to write a function, please show some evidence of that. Right now it looks like you're looking to have a function written.

– Mad Physicist
Sep 15 '18 at 20:01

All your questions lack the part: what you tried so far ? None want to spend time to write code for you without seen you put effort in at least try something: write/type a variable name, name a function, define the function at least ...

– n1tk
Sep 15 '18 at 20:09

2 Answers

Python supports already. Simply use my_int = int(str, base)

my_int = int(str, base)

To convert floating-point numbers from one base to another, you can just break the number in half, handle the whole and the part separately, and then join them back together.

num = '100.101'
base = 2

# split into whole and part
whole = num[:num.index('.')]
part = num[num.index('.') + 1:]

# get the logarithmic size of the part so we can treat it as a fraction
# e.g. '101/1000'
denom = base ** len(part)

# use python's built-in base conversion to convert the whole numbers
# thanks @EthanBrews for mentioning this
b10_whole = int(whole, base=base)
b10_part = int(part, base=base)

# recombine the integers into a float to return
b10_num = b10_whole + (b10_part / denom)
return b10_num

Thanks to the other answerer @EthanBrews for mentioning that integer stuff was already built-in. Unfortunately the same construction doesn't same to exist for float.
