Listing the Pub/Sub subscription consumers
1 It is possible for a service to do long polling on a pub/sub subscription. That obviously requires a TCP connection to be constantly open between the pub/sub service and the client. Is there any way to find out if a certain subscription has that TCP connection open? google-cloud-platform google-cloud-pubsub share | improve this question asked Jun 4 '18 at 14:05 Kamil Janowski Kamil Janowski 545 1 7 23 add a comment | 1 It is possible for a service to do long polling on a pub/sub subscription. That obviously requires a TCP connection to be constantly open between the pub/sub service and the client. Is there any way to find out if a certain subscription has that TCP connection open? google-cloud-platform google-cloud-pubsub share | improve this question asked Jun 4 '18 at 14:05 Kamil Janowski Kamil Janowski 545 1 7 23 add a comment | 1 1 1 ...