DeepL Translator
DeepL Translator
Use the free DeepL Translator to translate your texts with the best machine translation available, powered by DeepL’s world-leading neural network technology. Currently supported languages are English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Polish, and Russian.
window.dl_texts || (window.dl_texts = new Object(null));
Object.assign(window.dl_texts, "translator/detectLanguage":"Translate from any language","translator/translateFrom":"Translate from ","translator/translationLanguageDetected":"(detected)","translator/alternativeTranslations":"Alternatives:","translator/notification_overload":"There seems to be a problem with the internet connection. The functionality of DeepL Translator may be limited.","translator/notification_networkProblems":"There seems to be a problem with the internet connection. The functionality of DeepL Translator may be limited.","translator/notification_onlyOneSentence":"! Due to high traffic on the free DeepL translator, the service is limited at the moment. You can only translate one sentence at a time and advanced editing functions are not available.","translator/notification_noAdvancedEditing":"! Due to high traffic on the free DeepL translator, the service is limited at the moment and advanced editing functions are not available.","translator/notification_user_blocked":"! Due to too many requests coming from your IP address, access to the free DeepL Translator has been temporarily disabled. Please try again later, subscribe to DeepL Pro, or contact us at, stating your IP address.","translator/messageBox_clickHint":"Click on a word to get alternative formulations.","translator/messageBox_completionHint":"Choose a word and DeepL translator will finish the sentence for you.","translator/proAccountError.accountProblem":"Your subscription details cannot be validated at the moment; check your subscription status and try again later.","translator/proAccountError.quotaReached":"Your translation limit has been reached.","translator/proAccountError.accountPageButton":"Go to your contract page to check the status of your subscription","translator/proAccountError.noSubscription":"You are logged in as a DeepL Pro user, but we could not find an active subscription or team membership for your account.
You therefore cannot use DeepL Translator while logged in.","translator/proAccountError.logoutAndUseFreeButton":"Log out and use the free DeepL Translator","translator/proAccountError.noAccess":"Your current plan does not include the use of DeepL Translator via our website.","translator/proAccountError.noAccess_logoutButton":"Please log out to use the free DeepL Translator.","translator/usingProHint.text_1":"You are using DeepL Pro.","translator/usingProHint.text_2":"Your texts are never stored.","translator/copyText.tooltip":"Copy to clipboard","translator/":"Text has been copied","translator/toolbar.waitForRequestsFeedback":"Please wait for all requests to finish","translator/saveText.successFeedback":"Text file created","translator/saveText.tooltip":"Save as text file","translator/share.tooltip":"Share translation","translator/shareMenu.headline":"Share","translator/shareMenu.copyUrlButton":"Copy URL","translator/shareMenu.textShortendHint":"Note: Your text is too long to share in full; only the first sentences will be shared.","translator/shareMenu.urlToShare":"URL to share","translator/share.mailBody":"Translated with","translator/share.mailSubject":"Translation via DeepL Translator","translator/share.title":"Translated with","translator/share.editedTranslationHint":"The translation has been edited.","translator/share.editedTranslation_revertButton":"Change back to the original version","translator/share.editedTranslation_acceptButton":"Accept changes");
Type, paste text,
or drop document here.
(English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Russian)
Type or paste text here.
(English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Russian)
Stop translating remaining text
Translate anyway
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function(queryVars, dlPageState, FormTools, U, dlClientState, kDeepL) dlPageState.loggedIn );
Need to translate more?
Subscribe to DeepL Pro to translate more than 5000 characters with the online translator.
Read more
Tech giants Google, Microsoft and Facebook are all applying the lessons of machine learning to translation, but a small company called DeepL has outdone them all and raised the bar for the field.
Its translation tool is just as quick as the outsized competition, but more accurate and nuanced than any we’ve tried.
DeepL has also outperformed other services, thanks to more "French-sounding" expressions.
Le Monde
Even though the translations from English by Google and Microsoft are quite good, DeepL still surpasses them. We have translated a report from a French daily newspaper - the DeepL result was perfect.
A quick test carried out for the combination English-Italian and vice versa, even without any statistical pretensions, allowed us to confirm that the quality of the translation is really good. Especially from Italian into English.
La Stampa
The system recognizes the language quickly and automatically, converting the words into the language you want and trying to add the particular linguistic nuances and expressions.
Indeed, a few tests show that DeepL Translator offers better translations than Google Translate when it comes to Dutch to English and vice versa.
In the first test - from English into Italian - it proved to be very accurate, especially good at grasping the meaning of the sentence, rather than being derailed by a literal translation.
la Repubblica
Personally, I'm very impressed by what DeepL is able to do and yes, I think it's really great that this new stage in the evolution of machine translation was not achieved with software from Facebook, Microsoft, Apple or Google, but by a German company. We like to make ourselves a little bit small and pretend that there is no one in this country who can stand up to the big players. DeepL is a good example that it is possible.
Mobile Geeks
DeepL from Germany could surpass Google Translate
WIRED's quick test shows that DeepL's results are indeed in no way inferior to those of the high-ranking competitors and, in many cases, even surpass them. The translated texts often read much more fluently; where Google Translate forms completely meaningless word chains, DeepL can at least guess a connection.
DeepL, an online translator that outperforms Google, Microsoft and Facebook
wwwhat's new
Latin America
window.LMT_WebTranslator_Instance = new (M.get('LMT_WebTranslator'))();
LMT_WebTranslator_Instance.initDom(document.querySelector("#dl_translator")); // early init

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DeepL Pro company account
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M.define('LMT_Ready', ['LMT_WebTranslator_MainFunctionality', 'LMT_WebTranslator_Dict', 'kDeepL'],
function(LMT_WebTranslator_MainFunctionality, LMT_WebTranslator_Dict)
if (!kDeepL.isLoggedIn())
M.requireAsync('WebTranslator_quotes', function(WebTranslator_quotes) WebTranslator_quotes.init(); );
return true;
M.register('Shariff', Shariff);
M.register('FileSaver_saveAs', saveAs);
Document translation limit reached
You cannot translate any more documents at the moment because you have reached your document translation limit for this month. ($period).
Upgrade your plan to increase the number of documents you can translate.
Select an upgrade for your plan
Document translation limit reached
You cannot translate any more documents at the moment because you have reached your document translation limit for this month. ($period).
Contact your team account administrator to increase the number of document translations available.
(Team: $teamName)
Document translation limit reached
You cannot translate any more documents at the moment because the document translation limit for this month has been reached. ($period).
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Thank you for your feedback.
Documents cannot be translated at the moment.
The document translation limit has been reached for this month ($period).
Documents cannot be translated at the moment.
Your document translation limit has been reached for this month ($period).
Upgrade your plan to increase the number of documents you can translate.
Select target language
You are approaching your character limit for this month. Monitor your usage here.
Translated documents overview
● Period:
● Document translations: $userDocuments
● Document translations (team): $teamDocuments
'docTrans/notes.oleObjects': "This document contains elements which haven't been translated.",
'docTrans/notes.maxCharactersExceeded': "Document is too large for the free version of DeepL Translator. It has been translated only in part.",
'docTrans/notes.errorsEncountered': "We had some trouble processing the document, please check it carefully.",
'docTrans/notes.validationFailed': "We had some trouble processing the document, please check it carefully.",
'docTrans/error.languages_equal': "The detected language of the source document is the same as the target language.",
'docTrans/error.too_large_free': "The file you have uploaded is too large. Subscribe to DeepL Pro to translate larger files.",
'docTrans/error.too_large_pro': "The file you have uploaded is too large, only files up to $sizeMB are supported.",
'docTrans/error.format_not_supported': "File type is not supported.",
'docTrans/error.currently_unavailable': "Currently we can't translate documents. Please try again later.",
'docTrans/error.blocked': "You can't translate any more documents. Subscribe to DeepL Pro to translate more.",
'docTrans/error.too_large': "Your document is too large to be translated.",
'docTrans/error.upload_noConnection': "There seems to be an issue connecting to our servers. Please try again later.",
'docTrans/error.upload_fileNotAccepted': "The file you've uploaded seems to be corrupted. We haven't been able to translate it.",
'docTrans/document.status_waiting': "Waiting for a free slot on our server...",
'docTrans/document.status_error': "Your document could not be translated.",
'docTrans/document.status_translating': "Translating into $translateIntoLang...",
'docTrans/document.status_ready': "Ready to download",
'docTrans/document.status_deleted': "Your document has been removed from our servers.",
'docTrans/document.status_uploading': "Uploading...",
'docTrans/documentReady.translationDownloaded': "$translation downloaded",
'docTrans/documentReady.translationReady': "$translation ready",
'docTrans/document.approxMinutesRemaining': "approx. $minutes minutes remaining",
'docTrans/document.almostFinished': "approx. 1 minute remaining",
'docTrans/document.fileSize_kb': "(File size: $0 kB)",
'docTrans/translator.uploadButton_2': "into $translateIntoLang",
'docTrans/translation.en': "English translation",
'docTrans/': "German translation",
'docTrans/': "French translation",
'docTrans/': "Spanish translation",
'docTrans/': "Italian translation",
'docTrans/': "Dutch translation",
'docTrans/': "Polish translation",
'docTrans/': "Russian translation",
'docTrans/': "Portuguese translation",
'docTrans/translateIntoLang.en': "English",
'docTrans/': "German",
'docTrans/': "French",
'docTrans/': "Spanish",
'docTrans/': "Italian",
'docTrans/': "Dutch",
'docTrans/': "Polish",
'docTrans/': "Russian",
'docTrans/': "Portuguese",
'translator/anyLanguage': "Any language (detect)",
'translator/selectEnglish': "English",
'translator/selectGerman': "German",
'translator/selectFrench': "French",
'translator/selectSpanish': "Spanish",
'translator/selectItalian': "Italian",
'translator/selectDutch': "Dutch",
'translator/selectPolish': "Polish",
'translator/selectRussian': "Russian",
'translator/selectPortuguese': "Portuguese",
'docTrans/document.chooseDifferentLangHint': "Your document appears to already be in $detectedLangName. Please select a different target language:",
'docTrans/detectedLangName.en': "English",
'docTrans/': "German",
'docTrans/': "French",
'docTrans/': "Spanish",
'docTrans/': "Italian",
'docTrans/': "Dutch",
'docTrans/': "Polish",
'docTrans/': "Russian",
'docTrans/': "Portuguese",
M.define('docTrans_config', ['queryVars'], function(queryVars)
return '/PHP/backend/docTrans.php'
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DeepL Pro — Pricing
The world's best translation quality for €20 per month
Translation of 1000000 characters included.
Additional characters billed at €0.01 per 500 characters.
Cost control available to limit your monthly charge.
Full flexibility
Translating less than 1000000 characters per month? You'll never pay more than €20.
Translating more?
Additional characters are billed at €0.01 per 500 characters (which corresponds to
€20.00 per 1000000 characters). You can translate as much as you want. To limit costs, you can activate
cost control upon subscription.
Documents All document translations contribute to your overall monthly character count (usage). The number of characters added to the monthly total begins at 50000 per file, even if the document contains fewer characters.
No risk
Activate cost control to set a limit on your maximum character count and monthly charge. You'll never be billed more.
Cancel anytime
You can cancel your subscription at any time; your contract will expire at the end of the current billing period.
Special arrangements
Are you planning to translate more than 1 billion characters per month?
Do you have special security requirements?
Please contact our sales team at
Do you have more questions?
See our FAQ
window.dl_texts || (window.dl_texts = new Object(null));
window.dl_texts['pro-home/pricing.button.subscribe'] = "Subscribe now";
window.dl_texts['pro-home/pricing.button.trial'] = "30-day free trial";
window.dl_texts['pro-home/pricing.button.upgrade'] = "Upgrade";
window.dl_texts['pro-home/pricing.button.downgrade'] = "Downgrade";
window.dl_texts['pro-home/pricing.button.change_plan'] = "Change plan";
window.dl_texts['pro-home/pricing.button.current_plan'] = "Current plan";
$numUsers or more |
per month, billed annually
per month
per user/month, billed annually
min. $minUsers users
per user/month
min. $minUsers users
Volume discounts
Users | Price per user/month |
Contact our Sales Team for special options
Data Confidentiality
Your texts are deleted immediately after you've received the translation
Use the Web Translator without limits
Translate as much text as you like with your single-user license
Licensed users can translate as much as they like
$numberDocuments document translations per month
$numberDocuments document translations per user/month
Faster document translation via the Web Translator; fully-editable files
per month, billed annually
per month
per user/month, billed annually
min. $minUsers users
per user/month
min. $minUsers users
Volume discounts
Users | Price per user/month |
Contact our Sales Team for special options
All the features of DeepL Pro Starter
$numberDocuments document translations per month
$numberDocuments document translations per user/month
Faster document translation via the Web Translator; fully-editable files
Use within your CAT tool without limits
Single-user license
One license per user required
per month, billed annually
per month
per user/month, billed annually
min. $minUsers users
per user/month
min. $minUsers users
Volume discounts
Users | Price per user/month |
Contact our Sales Team for special options
All the features of DeepL Pro Advanced
$numberDocuments document translations per month
$numberDocuments document translations per user/month
Faster document translation via the Web Translator; fully-editable files
4.99 €
per month,
plus usage fees
Use DeepL's translations in your own products and services with the easy to use DeepL REST API
For details, see our API Documentation.
DeepL translation quality
No volume restrictions
Pay for what you use ($oneCent per $charactersPerCent translated characters)
Cost control
Enjoy peace of mind with cost control — limit your maximum monthly costs
Volume discounts available
Contact our Sales Team if your usage exceeds 100 million characters per month
CAT tools and web translator not supported
Your CAT tools and the web translator cannot be used with the API plan
Keep your texts confidentialRead more
Edit translated documentsRead more
Use plug-ins in translator tools and access our APIRead more
Enhanced Document Translation
- Get translations more quickly and edit them as you like
- Translate further file types
Read more
Optimized Web Translator
- Translate texts of any length
- Enjoy peace of mind knowing that your texts are never stored
Read more
API Access
- Develop your own products and services based on DeepL’s technology
- Integrate DeepL’s translations into your CAT tool
Read more
The World’s Best Machine Translation
DeepL’s neural networks are able to capture even the slightest nuances and reproduce them in translation unlike any other service.
In blind tests pitting DeepL Translator against the competition, translators prefer DeepL's results by a factor of 3:1. DeepL also achieves
record-breaking performance according to scientific benchmarks.
Your Data is Secure
We guarantee DeepL Pro subscribers that all texts are deleted immediately after the translation has been completed, and that the connection to our servers is always encrypted.
This means that your texts are not used for any purposes other than your translation, nor can they be accessed by third parties.
As a company based in Germany, all our operations comply with European Union Data Protection laws.
Translate Whole Documents
With DeepL Pro, you can translate an entire document with one click.
All fonts, images, and formatting remain in place, leaving you free to edit the translated document any way you like.
Get started today and let DeepL Pro translate your Microsoft Word (.docx), PowerPoint (.pptx), and text (.txt) files.
Further formats coming soon!
API Access
If you sign up for the DeepL API plan, you will be able to integrate DeepL’s JSON-based REST API into your own products and platforms.
This allows you to incorporate the world’s best machine translation technology into a variety of new applications.
For example, a company could have their international service enquiries instantly translated by DeepL Pro, greatly simplifying business procedures and improving customer satisfaction.
CAT Tool Integration
Freelance translators, translation agencies, language service providers, or corporate language departments can all benefit from using DeepL Pro, the world’s best machine translation technology, in their CAT Tool.