Add custom functions with optimisations (hence not as UDF)

Add custom functions with optimisations (hence not as UDF)

I am struggling with optimisation of my custom functions currently being passed as UDFs. We take transformations configurably via a format like below, and hence cannot explicitly code transformation logic per setting.

transforms: [

col: "id", expr: """ cast(someCustomFunction(aColumn) as string) """
col: "date", expr: """ date_format(cast(unix_timestamp(someColumn, "yyyyMMddHHmmss") as Timestamp), "yyyyMMdd") """

I have registered someCustomFunction but I want to optimise this by somehow not creating it as a UDF since Spark blackboxes UDFs. I want to know what is the best approach for achieving this (and then sleeping peacefully):

I have been grappling with this for 3 days hence any help (preferably with a code sample) would be a giant Karmic brownie.

can you elaborate on why udf is bad for you?
– shay__
Aug 29 at 12:00

because when I look at the physical plan, all UDFs just show up as UDFs instead of generated codes. This is also mentioned in all docs ...…
– aasthetic
Aug 30 at 4:14

and why is that bad? I don't quite understand what is that you are trying to achieve.
– shay__
Aug 30 at 6:54

they are not optimised b spark, the link above would give you more insights
– aasthetic
Aug 30 at 7:07

Are you using your udfs for filtering? If not, there is no problem.
– shay__
Aug 30 at 7:25

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