Escaping '.' character in string

Escaping '.' character in string

I am trying to escape all occurrence of '.' character in a string with backslash. When I run my Go code it works fine but when I compile and build the binary and then run it, it adds one more backslash.

s := "strings.test"
i := strings.Replace(s, ".", "\.", -1)

I even tried

s := "strings.test"
i := strings.Replace(s, ".", `.`, -1)

Output: "strings\.test"

Expected Output: "strings.test"

Not sure what is the difference between running the main.go vs building the project and then running it.

The output should be same and is same for both building and running the file..The output you are saying should be when you chose new string as \\..
– Hamza Anis
Aug 22 at 0:06


1 Answer

Are you sure about your output? This Go Playground gives me your desired output

Compiling does the same, I get the correct output... Are you sure your code is running fine (with the values you expect)?

go run does the same as go build however go run executes the compiled binary for you, more like a shortcut

go run

go build

go run

Yeah, that's what is strange about this. One thing, I am running in my mac but build and test is run on a RHEL server. Could this issue be because of OS?
– ravi
Aug 22 at 0:12

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