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Alexey Diakonoff

Alexey Diakonoff

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Alexey Diakonoff (1907 in Saint Petersburg – 1989) full name Alexey Nikolaievich Diakonoff was a Russian entomologist who specialised in Microlepidoptera.

His parents emigrated to the Netherlands East Indies where, from 1923, he had his elementary education.Diakonoff then studied biology at the University of Amsterdam. A thesis on Indo-Malayan Tortricidae completed, he returned to Java in 1939 to take up a post as an entomologist at a sugar plantations and industries research 1941 he was offered a position in
the Zoological Museum at Bogor (Museum Zoologicum Bogoriensis [1]) at Bogor Botanical Gardens but the Japanese invasion intervened. In 1945 he returned to the Netherlands and studied in Leiden Museum working in the Lepidoptera collection. He returned to Bogor as the Dutch tried to regain Java. This failed and in 1951 Diakonoff left Java for the last time. He became Curator of Lepidoptera at the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie in Leiden. His scientific work in the Leiden museum continued until his death and his collection is conserved in Naturalis.


Partial list as Diakonoff, A.N.

  • 1937 - De risjmot, Corcyra cephalonica St. (Lep., Galleriidae) een in Nederlandsch-Indie en in Nederland nog weinig bekende vijand van tropische en andere producten. - Berichten van de Afdeeling Handlesmuseum von de Kon.Vereeninging Kolonial Institut, Amsterdam No. 112, 22p.

  • *1939 - On some Indian Tortricidae (Lepidoptera). Records of the Indian Museum. Vol.41 (03): 231-233.

  • 1947 - Notes on Tortricidae from the Malay Archipelago with description of a new species (Lep.). Tijdschr. Ent. 88: 340-344,

  • 1948 - Microlepidoptera from Madagascar. Mém. Inst. sci. Madag. (A) 1: 22-30, figs. 1-8

  • 1950 - The Type Specimens of certain Oriental Eucosmidae and Carposinidae (Microlepidoptera). - Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.): 273-300.

  • 1951 - Entomological results from the Swedish Expedition 1934 to Burma and British India. Lepidoptera, Collected by René Malaise, Microlepidoptera I. With 1 map and 35 figures in the text. - Arkiv för Zoologi Band 3 nr. 6, Almqvist & Wiksell Boktryckeri, Uppsala. 59 - 94 pp.

  • 1955 - Microlepidoptera of New Guinea. Results of the third Archbold Expedition (American- Netherlands Indian Expedition 1938-1939). Part V. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeling Natuurkunde (2) 50(3):1–210.

  • 1957a - Tortricidae from Reunion (Microlepidoptera).- Mém.ins.scient.Madagascar, (E) 8: 237-283

  • 1957b - Remarks on Cryptophlebia Walsingham and related genera (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae, Olethreutinae).- Tijdschr.Ent.,100: 129-146.

  • 1958a - Zeller's types of African Tortricidae and Glyphipterygidae in the Stockholm Museum. — Entomologisk Tidskrift 78 (1957)(): 69–80.

  • 1958b - Notes on Saalmüller's types of Malagassy Microlepidoptera.- Senckenberg.biol.,39:89-90.

  • 1959a. Revision of Cryptaspasma Walsingham, 1900 (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae). — Zoölogische Verhandelingen, Leiden 43(): 1–60, pls. 1–13.

  • 1959b - Mabille's types of Malagassy Tortricidae (Lepidoptera).- Revue fr.Ent.,26:167-186.

  • 1959c - Meyricks's types of tortricidae from Madagascar in the Vienna Museum.- Ann.naturh.Mus.Wien, 63: 409-413

  • 1960 - Tortricidae from Madagascar. Part I Tortricinae and Chlidanotinae. Verhandligen koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetetenshappen. Afd., Natuurkunde, 53(1), 209 pp, 40 pls.

  • 1961 - Tortricidae from Madagascar in the Berlin Museum. D. ent. Z.,new ser. 8: 152-155, figs. 1-2

  • 1963c - Tortricidae (Lepid.) collected in Madagascar by Dr. Fred Keiser. Verh. naturf. Ges. Basel 74: 133-144, figs. 1-5, t. 1-3

  • 1963d - African species of the genus Bactra Stephens (Lep., Tortricidae). Tijdschr. ent. 106: 285-357, figs. 1-73

  • 1967 - Microlepidoptera of the Philippines Washington, Smithsonian Institution Press

  • 1968a - Descriptions of three new genera of Olethreutinae (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae). — Beaufortia 15(): 69–77.

  • 1969 - Tortricidae from Seychelles and Aldabra (Lepidoptera). Tijdschrift voor Entomologie112(3): 81-100, pls 1-13.

  • 1970a - Lepidoptera Tortricoidea from Tsaratanana Range, Mém.Orstom No. 37: 103-150

  • 1970b - A new Tortricid from the Seychelles Islands. — Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (N.S.) 6(): 995–998

  • 1974 - Exotic Tortricoidea, with descriptions of new species (Lepidoptera). - Annales de la Société Entomologique de France |series=New Series 10(1):219–227

  • 1976 - Tortricoidea from Nepal, 2. — Zoölogische Verhandelingen, Leiden 144(): 1–145, 14 plates.

  • 1977 - Tortricidae and Choreutidae from Reunion (Lepidoptera) - Annals soc.ent.Fr. (N.S.) 13 (1): 101-116

  • 1981 - Tortricidae from Madagascar, Part2. Olethreutinae, 1.- Annals soc.ent.Fr.(N.S.)17(1): 7-32

  • 1983b - Tortricidae from Madagascar Part 2. Olethreutinae, 2 (Lepidoptera). — Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (N.S.) 19(): 291–310

  • 1983d - A new species of Stathmopoda Herrich-Schäffer from the Seychelles Islands (Lepdioptera: Stathmopodidae). - Entomologische Berichten, Amsterdam 43(8):117–118.

  • 1987. Descriptions and a record of Tortricidae: Grapholitini (Lepidoptera) from Madagascar. - Tinea 12(Suppl.):118–144.

  • 1988a- Tortricidae from Madagascar, Part2. Olethreutinae, 3 (Lepidoptera).- Annals soc.ent.Fr.(N.S.)24(2): 161-180

  • 1988b- Tortricidae from Madagascar, Part2. Olethreutinae, 4 (Lepidoptera).- Annals soc.ent.Fr. (N.S.)24(3): 307-330

  • 1989a- Tortricidae from Madagascar, Part2. Olethreutinae, 5 (Lepidoptera).- Annals soc.ent.Fr. (N.S.)25(1): 41-69

  • 1989b- Tortricidae from Madagascar, Part2. Olethreutinae, 6 (Lepidoptera).-Annals soc.ent.Fr.(N.S.)25(4): 431-460

  • 1989 - Revision of the Palaearctic Carposinidae with description of a new genus and new species (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea). Zoölogische Verhandelingen. 251: 1–155.

  • 1992 - Tortricidae from Madagascar, Part2. Olethreutinae, 7 (Lepidoptera).- Annals soc.ent.Fr. (N.S.)28(1): 37-71

  • c. 250 scientific papers describing very many hundreds of species and genera of Microlepidoptera, in particular from the Indonesian archipelago.

He was a Member of the Netherlands Entomological Society


  • Helsdingen, P. J. van & E. J. van Nieukerken, 1989. Alexey Diakonoff, 1907-1989. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 132: 161-162.[2]

External links[edit]

  • EOL Encyclopedia of Life Taxa described by Diakanoff .Complete. Images

  • Digital Repository Naturalis 38 papers by Diakanoff . Free as downloadable pdf

  • Diakonoff,1958, Meyricks's types of tortricidae from Madagascar in the Vienna Museum

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